
Discussions on difficult subjects

Started by Enjoyed, Mar 09, 2018, 23:11

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Tbh, I couldn't sleep last night because of the ongoing vote counting in this country, so somewhat of a small anxiety. So I won't divulge on candidates, battlestates, or dumb post-election lawsuits.

But I will say this, there WILL be some peace of mind for all of us this Thanksgiving and Xmas once these results are finished. At least have some great glimmer of hope at the end of this year.

All of you living here in the US, and outside of the US, please be safe wherever you go after this election ends. Sending nothing but Star Guitar vibes to you all...

...and more pictures of Frank please!

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 03, 2020, 18:36

My wife and I have basically stopped talking to a lot of family on the other side of this thing - at this stage, it honestly feels futile and an unnecessary spenditure of much needed mental energy to try and engage with them in a meaningful way. We're both incredibly anxious about the results. I'm scared for my city, for the country... We had another spot on the news last night and they gave out our business' address - it worried me.

I also have relatives who are not on speaking terms with me, and fortunately, I dont care! It's not worth it and it makes my brain hurt. Wait till the holidays if your gonna make any conversational moves.

I hope the police or the guard can do a round in that area tonight. Hopefully they can catch gatherings (unlawful assembly) before they start their shit. Keep us posted please.

Please be safe Enjoyed.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Nov 06, 2020, 04:35

But I will say this, there WILL be some peace of mind for all of us this Thanksgiving and Xmas once these results are finished. At least have some great glimmer of hope at the end of this year.

I appreciate the positivity, but I'm not certain we'll get that peace of mind through the end of the year. At best, given the recent activity at Halloween, crowds at election day, and students still returning to schools, I anticipate a spike in already rising Covid numbers. Once Thanksgiving comes, people will want to see families or holiday shop, guaranteeing larger numbers by xmas. And that is a best case if this election nonsense doesn't turn into civil violence or the end game stage of an attempted coup on top of the continuing pandemic that is not being taken seriously here.

Mine is quite a pessimistic outlook and I prefer yours, but time and time again this year the American people have disappointed me with worst case scenario outcomes. Yes, there will likely be a collective sigh of relief today or tomorrow, but sadly I don't think we'll be over the slump until Jan. or later. And then, at best, we'll have mediocre Biden with McConnell and Pelosi to help us clean up these messes.

I'm very sorry I just crapped on your quote, inchem. We need more statements of hope like yours. And thank you for the Star Guitar vibes, I needed them. Right back at you, because it sounds like you have family issues and legit safety concerns: I recognize you are also feeling the gravity of this mess. Good deal if you are coping better than I am, and stay safe.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

We flipped Pennsylvania and Georgia. And this lead for Biden will only grow as the last districts left to be counted are very pro Biden.

Looks like Trump will be a one term president!  :)

I have lived in PA for almost 2 years now and happy it has turned back to blue.

Quote from: Explud on Nov 04, 2020, 22:56

This is not the point. And the fact is that from everywhere it looks like only one country in the World is more important than all the others. ONE COUNTRY takes a lot of space here, for some discussions for what's going on there and nobody cares what happens at the rest of the world.

I don't like it. No geography. Love is all.
This place is international and not about politics.

I respect your opinion and ultimately feel the same way. I don't enjoy talking USA politics or corresponding events that affect my nations future. Especially in such an international forum, where underlying arrogance and biases are hard to hide from. So I'm totally aware of this issue and apologize if you feel bothered by it.

But try and look at this thread as group therapy for some of us Americans (and maybe for those interested from afar). Sometimes it's not what you have to say, but it's what the next person says that can help you confirm or help you manifest your own opinion. It's a silly exercise, but a healthy one.

And for the record, I appreciate the international folks that chime in about the United States. It's amazing how much you are all knowledgeable about America. It's embarrassing to admit, but sometimes you know more than me regarding my own country. Thus, I learn from you guys and gals.

tl;dr, The title of this thread is apt.
Last Edit: Nov 06, 2020, 20:30 by Bosco

This just popped up on my twitter feed, and as an European I have to admint that this is accurate

Also, what a nail-biter to watch who's going to win an election where one candidate is *checks notes* 4 million votes ahead with nearly all votes counted.

Quote from: satur8 on Nov 06, 2020, 16:12

I appreciate the positivity, but I'm not certain we'll get that peace of mind through the end of the year. At best, given the recent activity at Halloween, crowds at election day, and students still returning to schools, I anticipate a spike in already rising Covid numbers. Once Thanksgiving comes, people will want to see families or holiday shop, guaranteeing larger numbers by xmas. And that is a best case if this election nonsense doesn't turn into civil violence or the end game stage of an attempted coup on top of the continuing pandemic that is not being taken seriously here.

Mine is quite a pessimistic outlook and I prefer yours, but time and time again this year the American people have disappointed me with worst case scenario outcomes. Yes, there will likely be a collective sigh of relief today or tomorrow, but sadly I don't think we'll be over the slump until Jan. or later. And then, at best, we'll have mediocre Biden with McConnell and Pelosi to help us clean up these messes.

I think Satur8 is right. While it will be a brief sigh of relief on what looks to be what will be called a Joe Biden victory, this leaders of this nation are so far behind the 8-ball when it comes to appropriate response behind the pandemic. The Trump administration was so headstrong on maintaining market gains to bolster his chances at re-elect, containing the virus without deep consequences is a pipe dream at this point. Seemingly, are only hope is to fast-track a "miracle vaccine" before our economy inevitably collapses.

Public mask mandates is non-sense. Not because I don't believe in it, but because there is such a divide and such resistance from Trumpers at this point that the cost of making everyone abide by it is a death sentence.
Last Edit: Nov 07, 2020, 00:46 by Bosco

FUCK. I'M SO SORRY BOSCO. I edited your post instead of quoting it. Fuck. I am so so sorry.

I'm going to try and write down as much as I can remember of what you said:

You agreed with Stefan on his more tempered hope for the coming months.
Joe winning would be a small victory but he has his work cut out for him. Finding a solution to the pandemic at this point is a pipedream. Short of a rushed vaccine, the economy is going to be destroyed during the fallout of a Trump presidency that tried to downplay the virus in a bid to bolster the economy.

Again. I'm really sorry Bosco.
I've tried to search for cached versions of the site to see if I could find what you wrote. There's no saved history of post edits on the forum, at least of the content that existed originally, so it seems to be lost. I feel really bad. I was just trying to follow up with a question about something you wrote at the end.
Last Edit: Nov 06, 2020, 21:54 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 06, 2020, 21:41
FUCK. I'M SO SORRY BOSCO. I edited your post instead of quoting it. Fuck. I am so so sorry.
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 05, 2020, 01:47
If you had brought up discussion of the 21 journalists said to have been murdered since Putin came to power in 2000, I for one, would have been intrigued to hear your take on that and also on democracy in Russia.
I can only say that I am shocked by what you've writing, because even an ardent oppositionist to the Putin inside our country does not bring such a big fakes. What is this information? Where is it from?

Quote from: Csar on Nov 05, 2020, 10:19
What I would really like to know about developments in your country: How do you feel about the most recent effort by your president to change the constitution to become re-electable beyond the current term limit?
I wonder that you know about this, I thought the rest of the world didn't even know about it.
And the answer is - negative. No one of my friends and colleagues voted for the amendments positive and were mostly against it.
Most I know voted negatively, but the official numbers did the trick.

Unfortunately, in our populous large country there is a large layer of elderly people with "Soviet" thinking. "The ruling political party said what's right - so it's right, no need to think about it." They just turning on the TV and making sure of this.
And this is our main problem.

One guy in the neighborhood decided to steal elections from a people, who also speak russian, they got tired of watching TV, now they on streets.

Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 06, 2020, 21:41
I'm going to try and write down as much as I can remember of what you said
Yep, it's a bummer, development team want to implement this in a new versions of the forum engine.
And I only have an incremental backup for a day, full for a week. But not the backups of an every hour.

So.. be careful >:D
Hi Kevin!

I don't usually get political on the internet, but I do want to say that when/if Trump loses the election, he will still be president for 2 more months and I can guarantee that those 2 months will be Hell for the U.S.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Explud on Nov 06, 2020, 22:24

I can only say that I am shocked by what you've writing, because even an ardent oppositionist to the Putin inside our country does not bring such a big fakes. What is this information? Where is it from
click 3
click 4
click 5


Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 06, 2020, 21:41

FUCK. I'M SO SORRY BOSCO. I edited your post instead of quoting it. Fuck. I am so so sorry.

No problem. All saved on this end. Edited the edited/mis-deleted post  :P

What was follow up question by the way?

Oh thank goodness!

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 06, 2020, 21:04

Public mask mandates is non-sense. Not because I don't believe in it, but because there is such a divide and such resistance from Trumpers at this point that the cost of making everyone abide by it is a death sentence.

What is the cost of making people abide do you think? The financial cost of having people employed to turn people away at stores if guidelines aren't being followed? Or the human cost of trying to tell people to do something they wont, which is futile and ultimately a time waste, and an emotional drain on anyone having to do it?
We're very lucky in Oregon, certainly in the city of Portland, that basically everyone follows the rules. The anti-maskers are very, very much in the minority and, as a result (I assume), the state has the third lowest number of deaths (and cases, I believe) in the country. Do you think there's a better solution out there that would help everyone? Or is your point more that it's kind of too late to try and change the behaviours of those people and better time and effort could be spent into other solutions (like the rush vaccine, or this new potential nose spray thing)?


Trying not to pay attention to the results until we actually know.  I just buried my dad, so my anxiety can't take it.  I also can't take much more of people who aren't doing the bare fucking minimum to stop spreading the very thing that killed my father.  This shit went nowhere, but our sanity, comprehension of basic science, and any compassion for others skipped town. 

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Nov 07, 2020, 08:33

Trying not to pay attention to the results until we actually know.  I just buried my dad, so my anxiety can't take it.  I also can't take much more of people who aren't doing the bare fucking minimum to stop spreading the very thing that killed my father.  This shit went nowhere, but our sanity, comprehension of basic science, and any compassion for others skipped town.
Oh fuck, that's horrible. Words can describe how sorry I am for your loss. Wish I could give you a hug.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Right now, for some reason, all I can say that there's alot of cars honking on my streets. And I mean happy honking!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

As far as I can tell, some kind of congratulations are in order to our american chemical brothers and sisters.  ;D
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Nov 07, 2020, 08:33

Trying not to pay attention to the results until we actually know.  I just buried my dad, so my anxiety can't take it.  I also can't take much more of people who aren't doing the bare fucking minimum to stop spreading the very thing that killed my father.  This shit went nowhere, but our sanity, comprehension of basic science, and any compassion for others skipped town.

Dang, I'm so sorry.

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