How Does It Feel Like to Wake Up In the Sun?

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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heres some bullshit:
  my best friend told me that putting peanut butter in my hot chocolate was disgusting, meanwhile his girlfriend and I were scolding him whilst he was eating a Reese's peanut butter cup.
is there a facepalm emote?
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: MadPooter on Jan 30, 2018, 01:34

Let's hope that Geordi got it all wrong.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: whirlygirl on Jan 28, 2018, 17:42

First off, Happy Belated Everything to my Chems family. Second, please forgive me once again for being so absent. There is so much I want to join in on... but I hope everyone is doing OK so far in 2018. It looks like we're getting some fresh action on the Chemical front and like always, their music seems to come at times when it's so needed!!

So what's up with me? I'm over here dodging the bullets of breakups/separations/divorce of loved ones that is occurring in both my family and friend spheres. My parents are getting old and it's  hard watching that. Around Christmas my dad got the flu something fierce, refused to get it treated, then developed a lovely case of double pneumonia and sepsis that landed him in the ICU ward of the hospital. His health was pretty frail anyway (kidney transplant patient, triple bipass survivor, pushing 80 years). Eventually he was discharged to a physical rehab facility which he checked himself out of after 3 days. Now he's convalescing at home... but that whole ongoing scenario is another rant for another day! Anyway, as always there are these life challenges, and I suppose the good in even the most difficult situations is that they help us grow and learn how to deal.

So yes, definitely looking forward to some new music from the Chems which as I said, comes at just the right time!

Whirly we miss your presence around here! I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties and can certainly sympathize.

By the way Happy belated Birthday! ( I know it's sometime in January!)

I also know your a big fan of Spiritualized, and curious if you got to see them at Desert Daze at Joshua Tree National Park (which I also think you like visiting?). Anyway, when I heard about them playing there this past October I thought about you, and thought I'd ask!

Hope we can cross paths again soon!

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Jan 29, 2018, 04:11

heres some bullshit:
  my best friend told me that putting peanut butter in my hot chocolate was disgusting, meanwhile his girlfriend and I were scolding him whilst he was eating a Reese's peanut butter cup.
is there a facepalm emote?

Does hot chocolate get hot enough (where it's not burnt) to break down the viscosity of peanut butter? Or is it just a big warm floating glob? I don't question it would taste good (cause lord knows I love chocolate and peanut butter) but, it could just be a texture thing.

For what it's worth I recommend whiskey and hot chocolate.

Funky food preferences, kind of reminds me a childhood friend I had who ate pizza but scraped away the cheese.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 01, 2018, 04:54

Whirly we miss your presence around here! I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties and can certainly sympathize.

By the way Happy belated Birthday! ( I know it's sometime in January!)

I also know your a big fan of Spiritualized, and curious if you got to see them at Desert Daze at Joshua Tree National Park (which I also think you like visiting?). Anyway, when I heard about them playing there this past October I thought about you, and thought I'd ask!

Hope we can cross paths again soon!

Hey Bosco!! Thank you! :)

You have such a good memory! I adore Spiritualized but sadly didn't get to see them at Desert Daze. I'm so out of the loop, I didn't even know they were playing (let alone there was the Desert Daze festival going on)! I would love to have seen it!

I did get to see a bucket list band, Slowdive, back in October. I saw them at an intimate venue called Pappie and Harriet's in Pioneertown - just a few hops away from Joshua Tree. So I did get my shoegaze-concert-in-the-desert-under-the-starry-night-sky fix!

And I do love visiting Joshua Tree (both the park and immediate surrounding area). It's one of my favorite places I've ever been, and it may sound a bit cheesy but there is something about Joshua Tree that makes me feel happy and spiritually whole. There has been quite an influx of visitors to the park since there's been a large social media push in recent years, and it has gotten crowded! It's hard to find a good camping spot (and if it's the weekend, forget it) but the tourism is good for the local economy and although I miss the days when I felt like I had the park all to myself, I'm glad there are new visitors who appreciate and enjoy the unconventional beauty of the desert.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Did you hear about the story with Beth Orton at Joshua Tree? She taped a music video where she was involved spray painting one of the trees. It happened a just a few years back.

Full story here:

Slowdive! Oh man, that must have been so good! Their comeback album was soooooo sublime! I wanted to see them here in Chicago but was out of town. I'm hoping they make a return to Chicago this summer at one of the music festivals we have.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 01, 2018, 05:04

For what it's worth I recommend whiskey and hot chocolate.
Mmm. I also recommend the cold version of this: chocolate milkshake with a shot of Jack Daniels, AKA Chocolate Bourbon Milkshake (ok I know JD claim they aren't bourbon but...they are!)

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 01, 2018, 05:04

For what it's worth I recommend whiskey and hot chocolate.

Sailor Jerry's Rum too. Yum.

Also, re: peanut butter. I used to combine these for a tasty warm beverage:

You all have a screwed up taste  :o
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

perhaps you'd prefer a dollop of liverwurst?

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 01, 2018, 05:04

Does hot chocolate get hot enough (where it's not burnt) to break down the viscosity of peanut butter? Or is it just a big warm floating glob? I don't question it would taste good (cause lord knows I love chocolate and peanut butter) but, it could just be a texture thing.

It melts but there is sometimes globs at the bottom but I have a spoon in hand just in case ;D
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 03, 2018, 00:31

You know this overseas?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

At an early age I had the benefit of being able to taste some extremly good imported Braunschweiger, so I no longer snark at the thought of ground up liver.

I haven't had it in a while, but I know Braunschweiger, Swiss cheese, and a hearty Rye bread is heaven.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Feb 02, 2018, 23:23

You all have a screwed up taste  :o
2 questions: do you like reeses peanut butter cups?
and if so what are the 2 main ingrediants in the candies?
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

My great grandmother used to make these chocolate spiders with crunchy peanut butter, melted chocolate and fried chinese noodles. set them in the fridge. heaven is waiting.

I don't often have something to say in this thread much (much like posting on FB these days) but does anyone have any thoughts or heard of this transcendent meditation movement that David Lynch is championing with his foundation? (Maybe forumers living in West Coast of America might have local knowledge of it. I was curious only because I like his work artistically and naturally was intrigued by his foundation because I've used mindfulness techniques a few times to get through some tough times but feel I needed something else. It seems like a money scam for celebrities to avoid tax or something or like scientology and thought why do you have to pay like $1000 to do it? Just something unethical about it I don't like I don't know. I guess I just don't want to think that Lynch is a dodgy schemer and doing it for the greater good. Crazy query I know, lacking in sleep atm.
Last Edit: Feb 10, 2018, 01:00 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

TM is very old movement, I learned about it when I was teen, courtesy of my few more, ahem, 'spiritually'inclined friends that used to go through all modern fads, like reiki, TM, sai baba and similar 'things'and movements

For my part, I was always skeptical about religious 'health' movements that are are asking for money to improve your life

I can't tell you if it works, since I've been only on one seminar in my youth, out of curiosity, but somehow I seriously doubt it
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Feb 05, 2018, 11:55

For my part, I was always skeptical about religious 'health' movements that are are asking for money to improve your life
Anyone charging serious money for any sort of meditation or spritual practice is to be treated with great suspicion as far as I am concerned. I read somewhere that Lynch wanted to spread TM around the world, not charging anything to people in poorer countries. That's just fine - but should probably be the case for everyone, not just poor people. The idea that someone has knowledge about an ancient spiritual practice and thinks it's ok to charge $$$ for that info is abhorrent to me.

Ever listened to Across The Universe by The Beatles? There's a refrain in there: "jai guru deva om" which they got from TM. That's what they were doing in India. Read more about it HERE.

You may also want to read the IMDB reviews of David Wants To Fly and/or an interview with the director.

The fact that the Trascendental Meditation ("TM") organisation, which is based in the US, has managed to copywrite (or, ahem TM) those two words is ridiculous. I understand they also get Youtube videos taken down where people try to explain how TM works - because it will lose them easy money, and they (allegedy) have a lot of money, which buys you power.

You may well find TM useful, a bit like Mindfulness, but there is no excuse for charging big bucks to anyone wanting to learn it.

I forgot about the Beatles thing!I just feel like I"ll stay away from it TBH. Its just attached to too much negativity and unexplained secrecy that honestly is unnecessary if you want world peace FFS. I did see one guy talking about it on You Tube saying his videos were taken down for that trademark reason. A friend who confessed he went to a 'free seminar' here and said he felt like he was getting sold a product and said it was pretty expensive. Mindfulness does work, you just have to find the right one for the situation. Theres apps now and clinical therapists recommend it and schools etc. So I'll go back to that when in need.

I would like to watch both versions when Lynch's comes out and compare. Its odd he tried to get it banned that says a lot when its meant to be about this whole peaceful universal thing. I'm the type of person though that can't really do that separation thing of them as an artist and them as a person because when you think about it, alot of great art comes from personal experience. Some people will turn a blind eye for it though which is so odd to me. I'm glad I watched all of Twin peaks before all this.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Really sad to hear about the passing of Johann Johannsson. I really enjoyed his work on the movie Arrival and would have loved to have heard his version of Blade Runner 2049 that got scrapped.

Last Edit: Feb 11, 2018, 02:58 by Bosco

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