K+D+B Is Godlike

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Quote from: sandelic on Apr 15, 2022, 20:49

I've never heard of anyone getting jabbed while sick with covid, I shudder to ask how exactly it went down.
Yeah, the idea wasn't that good  ;D  I had a heavy cold and felt a bit powerless. As i said, i'd had a couple of pcr-tests before (one in London 6 days before, then an other one 4 days before, and finaly back in germany one 2 days before my first vaccine shot), and they where all negativ so i thought it's just a heavy cold and not covid. Before the vaccine you have to fill out an anamnese and they asked if got any symptoms, but because i wanted to get the vaccine, i lied an they jabbed me. My condition went worse at the same day, and one day later another pcr-test was taken with a positive result.

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 15, 2022, 20:49

What kind of symptoms you got, Pumisher?
Heavy cold, fever, shivering, the most terrible headache i've ever had, complete powerless. Oh, and i wasn't hungry for like a week. The first 4 days i slept fore mor than 18h a day, after that it gets better day after day but i needed the full 14 days of quarantine to get back on track.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Arcade Fire just played a last minute surprise set at this years Coachella. I watched the entire set and for the most part it was kinda forgettable (at least watching it from stream). Win Butler has the body language and actual look of someone a bit defeated. I mean, no big surprise, it's been a rough couple of years for everyone. The reason I'm posting about this, is the end of their set was such a glorious cathartic moment, for both crowd and band. Only a handful of artists of Coachella lore, could produce a genuine moment like they did tonight. Makes me fucking miss this festival real bad.

I would imagine it will be captured and available from someone on YouTube soon. I'm hoping my feelings translate to those who have yet to witness it.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Apr 15, 2022, 21:40
Heavy cold, fever, shivering, the most terrible headache i've ever had, complete powerless. Oh, and i wasn't hungry for like a week. The first 4 days i slept fore mor than 18h a day
Yeah, that sounds familiar.
I'm really glad you're better.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 16, 2022, 06:50

Win Butler has the body language and actual look of someone a bit defeated.

I've watched the Carly Rae Jepsen set twice since yesterday. It similarly started with a low energy and dare I say, un-rehearsed, feel to it. But, perhaps in a similar fashion to the Arcade Fire set, you could see her and the rest of the band on stage get more and more into it throughout. Seeing the uplifting effect of performing live again wash over an artist you enjoy, is a real treat.

(Coachella 2022 Stream)

Danny Elfman with one of the most bizarre performances I've ever seen.

He's performing his recent weirdo solo album stuff, alongside his legendary scores, and Oingo Boingo hits. Dude has a full orchestra accompanying on stage and has striped his shirt off to show his new buff grandpa look, fresh ink and all.

I love this mans body of work, but I'm a bit worried.

Wes Borland and Steve Bartek part of the show, btw.


Caribou on fire, I feel like a shithead for skipping their show last fall...

Edit 2:

Billie Eilish got Damon Albarn as a special guest. They played "Feel Good Inc." and I just wished they went the extra mile and got Shaun Ryder for "Dare"
Last Edit: Apr 17, 2022, 09:25 by Bosco

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 17, 2022, 07:40


Caribou on fire, I feel like a shithead for skipping their show last fall...

Edit 2:

Billie Eilish got Damon Albarn as a special guest. They played "Feel Good Inc." and I just wished they went the extra mile and got Shaun Ryder for "Dare"

Gonna have to check these out. Curious what Billie Eilish has to do with Gorillaz at all.

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Fun. That reminds me of an old pop culture clash shirt that I had as kid with homer and Michael Jordan's Nike campaign, "Just Do It".

(Mine was in a grayscale color.)

I loved that shirt, I think I managed to wear it on class photo day...

Vangelis has passed away
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Well, today was a good day

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

79% of people don't know the opposite of these words. Do you?

1) Always 2) Coming 3) From 4) Take 5) Me 6) Down

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jul 05, 2022, 15:58

79% of people don't know the opposite of these words. Do you?

1) Always 2) Coming 3) From 4) Take 5) Me 6) Down

Damn you.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jul 05, 2022, 15:58

79% of people don't know the opposite of these words. Do you?

1) Always 2) Coming 3) From 4) Take 5) Me 6) Down

I've been rick-rolled since my early childhood from Mr. Astley. Albeit, not the quintessential rick-roll song, it was delivered spiritually through this cover version of "Together Forever":

Quote from: cowboy on Jul 17, 2022, 20:19

Melted and stuck to the chair, gonna throw myself in the freezer tomorrow and hope for the best. How are you guys preparing for the 40 degree heat tomorrow?

Taking advice from here and here very seriously.

Cold facecloth on the CROWN of the head.

Organ damage cannot be undone.

I'm convinced people will die tomorrow.

France suffering too. I'm not sure we have many Spanish forumites do we?

I have a cousin who works in a school. She's (theoretically) on playground duty tomorrow. I've implored her to stay in the shade (she agrees).

For those that survived it in Europe, we had the same here on the West Coast (US/Canada) in June 2021. I'm in Vancouver now which is known to be an extremely rainy city.

I was working via zoom in a dark room most of the time but had to stop every half hour for water and hop in a cold shower every few hours. I was training a new employee and could not concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time even with a road map to guide me. Going outside hurt to breath. I'm used to that in -40C winter weather in Alberta. I only at ice cold udon noodles for that span of time. Only managed to sleep a few hours a night in that period.

For a few days straight the sirens from ambulances did not stop. We hear them normally due to our proximity to the DTES, but it's usually intermittent.

A whole town in interior BC burned to the ground (Lytton). It's about 3 hours drive.

Even if the heat has passed, If you have any close contacts who are elderly, live alone, or have health issues, check on them now.

Link below highlights the aftermath of what we experienced.

That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

I lost my job of 9 1/2 years this week. It was very demanding and took a toll on my mental health (and physical wellness to a degree). I feel I deserve better at my age and considering my contributions, but life moves on. It was an abusive relationship, and though I am a little concerned for my family's finances and well-being for the immediate future, I can say that I feel better not being there despite uncertainty compared to being there and putting up with the BS and ridiculous demands. I was becoming an angry and unhappy person that was stressed all the time, but instead I've been very relaxed this week, albeit very busy getting my shit in order.

Honestly, I'm not even too sure why I'm posting it here. I'm not looking for empathy or attention, and most of you don't even REALLY know me well or at all. But I've been here for years and we seem to update each other on life changes. This is my first major one since my son was born in 2008, and ya know, it is general bullshit chat.

BTW - If you happen to hit 'like', I will take it as thumbs up for support, not a sign of Schadenfreude. :))
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I hope that you'll find a job that works for your life, not the other way around  :)

Got bored, made this.
"I'm fucking allergic to feathers, you cunts"

Quote from: satur8 on Jul 21, 2022, 20:20
not a sign of Schadenfreude.

Speaking of schadenfreude, several former co-workers contacted me yesterday: both the Director and Manager of I.T. at the Firm were let go. It doesn't help my situation or lessen everything I faced, but damn, it sure is some validation for my two years of concerns with our department. And I've been told the service has lacked since my departure, and now they are scrambling even more: if my exit expedited their removal, well...good.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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