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Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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For me EP8 is the new Jar Jar Binks. Worst episode since EP1. After EP7 i had high hopes, and after Rogue One i thought "yeah, thats the stuff!" - and then EP8 happened...
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Hey everyone. I went to see the new Jumanji today so that you don't have to. (It was free... Thanks MoviePass!).

I can't recommend it. Instead, just stay at home and google "karen gillan jumanji" and look at how pretty she is. Maybe watch the original afterwards and enjoy some cake or something too.

Last Jedi......where to start..


leia flying in space...wtf
luke tossing his saber...no reaction from audience.
that casino scene.....was it trying too hard to be a 'cantina' scene?
captain phasma and the codebreaker dude were just wasted characters.
first 20 minutes were great, and also when luke shows up to meet leia and kylo ren. these were the only moments where I felt like I was watching a star wars movie.
finn and rose had no chem. Poe and Finn should've never split up in the movie.
snoke had a cheesy death.
btw, when rey and kylo killed all the red samurai in the room, there was a lame-ass 'fan-service' clap and applause in the theater.

3 out of 5 stars
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I'm going to see Last Jedi day after tomorrow, at last. Anyone seen it in IMAX 3D?

It's very hard to avoid spoilers, but so far so good. I'm aware of some petition to remove last jedi from official canon because of something or the other, and that user reviews on rotten tomatoes are not that great. Which is surprising.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Dec 22, 2017, 12:30
I'm going to see Last Jedi day after tomorrow, at last. Anyone seen it in IMAX 3D?

Incredible in IMAX 3D: seamless and realistic depth.  Also, there is an attached Avengers Infinity War IMAX 3D trailer that looks like it will be the best of its kind. Enjoy, Sandelic.

And it turns out the Rotten Tomatoes negativity was motivated by coordinated alt-right reviews because showing female and non-white heroes in Star Wars is somehow a liberal agenda. I am not making this up. That's not to say the movie is universally loved, but some of the hate is actually being driven by...hate.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I suspected something like that.
We can't escape toxic and obnoxious alt-right trolls even on movie reviews.
We live in interesting times...
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 22, 2017, 00:06

I went to see the new Jumanji today so that you don't have to.
Thank god. I not a huge fan of The Rock.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 22, 2017, 00:06

just stay at home and google "karen gillan jumanji"
well, i did this - you are right.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 22, 2017, 00:06

Maybe watch the original afterwards and enjoy some cake or something too.
The cake is a lie!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

last jedi thoughts:

- Where the hell are the knights of Ren?
- Why is Finn's jacket in mint condition AFTER he was cut in the back?Upon seeing this the 2nd time it is shown to be repaired. I even read the followup book that explained that happened.

- f**k you Disney for that milk scene.
- If Snook was able to smack someone around by using the force THROUGH a transmission, why couldn't he sense the light saber turning to kill him?
- Captain phasma was said to be the next Boba Fett. well disney gave her the same fate as him: A short scene and kill them both off with the snap of a finger.

-they killed Luke off like a coward, it would've been a real bomb shell (IN A GOOD WAY) if he suffered the same fate as Obi Wan BUT NOOOO, DISNEY,

-AS A MATTER OF FACT: Why did the halucination of luke used the blue lightsaber, a saber that was clearly witnessed by Kylo Ren split in half and shattered into tiny bits, instead of his green one.
-f**k you Disney for that milk scene.
-The Hacker was a waste of a plot line.
-Where is Lando Calrithian during all of this?
-now that leia used the force to get back into the ship instead of cutting it off to make it easier to write Carrie fisher out, NOW HOW THE HELL WILL THEY WRITE CARRIE FISHER OUT?
-f**k you Disney for that milk scene.
-Did I already ask where the knights of Ren are.
-So does this mean that the Original Ending george lucas had for the books are NON CANON!?!
- Who is this Noodle from Gorillaz looking ass, and why ship her with Finn instead of Rey?
-Lemme Guess, the child with the force and the broom at the end will be written out in the next film considering ANOTHER DIRECTOR will be taking this one's place.
-Why switch out J.J. Abrams in the first Place!?!
-Back to Force awakens, The Ultimate Click-bait: WHY DID THEY ADVERTISE FINN AS THE NEXT JEDI!?!?!?!

god I swear that milking scene was a Staff member's fetish

This was one film I was actually hoping for George Lucas to intervene in. Ya know what it was fresh after film thoughts, so now that I've seen it the 2nd time, I have a new opinion
but still F**k that scene with the milk

Final Verdict: 6/10,
If it weren't for Yoda WITH Frank oz reprising his role, this film would've been a 4/10
Last Edit: Dec 28, 2017, 09:24 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

SW8 is shit. Disney now is shit. I'm out.
Hi Kevin!

I am astounded by these reactions. What makes this film so bad but entries like Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi not? Some of the exact same criticisms can be levelled at the original films just as much as TLJ.

By the way - Empire Strikes Back was controversial on release and panned by quite a few critics.


- Why is Finn's jacket in mint condition AFTER he was cut in the back?
Why are Leia's robes perfectly white after falling into a trash compactor?

- If Snook was able to smack someone around by using the force THROUGH a transmission, why couldn't he sense the light saber turning to kill him?
He literally narrated Kylo's actions and motivations all the way through the saber turning and killing him. He sensed it, he just didn't realize he was the target, he assumed it was Rey.
Force doesn't seem to always give a clear picture in visions.

- Captain phasma was said to be the next Boba Fett. well disney gave her the same fate as him: A short scene and kill them both off with the snap of a finger.
She's not dead, though... Yeah. More from her would have been better.

-they killed Luke off like a coward, it would've been a real bomb shell (IN A GOOD WAY) if he suffered the same fate as Obi Wan BUT NOOOO, DISNEY,
What? He dies the same way Ben does, he becomes one with the force at the end! And has an amazing final scene with a very similar motive, to give his allies the chance to escape. What does any of this have to do with money?

-AS A MATTER OF FACT: Why did the halucination of luke used the blue lightsaber, a saber that was clearly witnessed by Kylo Ren split in half and shattered into tiny bits, instead of his green one.
Luke didn't know the saber had been destroyed. And Kylo, in his rage, missed the detail. It's a clue, along with the fact that he never touches his blade to Kylo's, and the fact his feet make no marks in the salt, that he's a projection.

-The Hacker was a waste of a plot line.

-Where is Lando Calrithian during all of this?
Where is anyone else in the Star Wars universe and why does it matter? He's not a super hero who could affect the plot of this film much at all.

-now that leia used the force to get back into the ship instead of cutting it off to make it easier to write Carrie fisher out, NOW HOW THE HELL WILL THEY WRITE CARRIE FISHER OUT?
I'm excited to see how. I do think it would have been poetic for her to go out in place of Hold during the hyperspace ram, but we would have missed her final scene with Luke.

-So does this mean that the Original Ending george lucas had for the books are NON CANON!?!
Yeah... They established that years ago.

- Who is this Noodle from Gorillaz looking ass, and why ship her with Finn instead of Rey?
Rose was an odd character, but necessary. I don't see Finn reciprocating the affection though.

-Lemme Guess, the child with the force and the broom at the end will be written out in the next film considering ANOTHER DIRECTOR will be taking this one's place.
-Why switch out J.J. Abrams in the first Place!?!
JJ is doing the next film... And he executive produced this one. Meaning he had control over where the story went.

I'm not upset people don't like the film... Definitely don't think anyone is dumb or anything for not liking it... but I'm annoyed people are missing details that explain these plot or character frustrations, and just really confused by the problems people have with this film that seem to be all over the rest of the Star Wars films.
Last Edit: Dec 24, 2017, 19:28 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 24, 2017, 18:30
What makes this film so bad but entries like Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi not?
Maybe there is a difference of about 40 years? And some kind of evolution of cinema? No?
Or some old american western from 50-60 have no difference from something like Tarantino's The Hateful Eight?
Or maybe the new "Blade Runner" is so failed because it's weak as an entertaining movie and close to the original by the atmosphere and ideas?

Real talk. Think about it.
Hi Kevin!

...umm....I liked it...that's as far as I'll go since y'all are going every direction with the film. I finished The Clone Wars series a few days before seeing this so it was interesting to see how TLJ stood next to Clone Wars.

One thing I will mention...anyone get Let Forever Be flashbacks in the "grotto rey mirror" scene???

That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 24, 2017, 10:28
Why is Finn's jacket in mint condition AFTER he was cut in the back?

This comment alone shows you weren't even paying attention and are complaining just to complain. Watch again. There are stitch marks both on the right shoulder and up the back of the jacket, as if it was poorly but quickly repaired for Finn while he 'slept'. They aren't subtle.

I may revisit this thread later when I have more time...
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 24, 2017, 18:30
but I'm annoyed people are missing details that explain these plot or character frustrations, and just really confused by the problems people have with this film that seem to be all over the rest of the Star Wars films.

Exactly this. It's also frustrating that people don't like the film simply because it wasn't "what they expected", yet often in the same conversation pine for George Lucas as if the prequels were better films than Disney's batch.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

So, I've watched SW Last Jedi few days ago...

Before I go any further, are we still hiding behind spoiler tags?
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Dec 27, 2017, 14:07

So, I've watched SW Last Jedi few days ago...

Before I go any further, are we still hiding behind spoiler tags?
I Recommend to tag it under spoilers, Just to be safe or just wait a few months  :-X

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 26, 2017, 13:51

This comment alone shows you weren't even paying attention and are complaining just to complain. Watch again. There are stitch marks both on the right shoulder and up the back of the jacket, as if it was poorly but quickly repaired for Finn while he 'slept'. They aren't subtle.

I may revisit this thread later when I have more time...

Now that I watched this the 2nd time, I have finally noticed (in which I will edit my post)

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 24, 2017, 18:30


WhiteNoise: Why are Leia's robes perfectly white after falling into a trash compactor?
ME (On response): True.

He literally narrated Kylo's actions and motivations all the way through the saber turning and killing him. He sensed it, he just didn't realize he was the target, he assumed it was Rey.
Force doesn't seem to always give a clear picture in visions.

She's not dead, though... Yeah. More from her would have been better.

What? He dies the same way Ben does, he becomes one with the force at the end! And has an amazing final scene with a very similar motive, to give his allies the chance to escape. What does any of this have to do with money?
I agree, I still think he should've gone out like Obiwan (in a real battle like in a New Hope). TBH, I dont remember why Included the money gif ( think I assumed it was fan service)

Luke didn't know the saber had been destroyed. And Kylo, in his rage, missed the detail. It's a clue, along with the fact that he never touches his blade to Kylo's, and the fact his feet make no marks in the salt, that he's a projection.

Because the Code Breaker was just there for filler, right when Finn,Noodle Rose & him face defeat, he immediately backstabs them, then When the odds are faced in their favor again he is nowhere to be found. like wtf, its just filler for screen time

(last GorillaZ joke with Rose I promise)

Where is anyone else in the Star Wars universe and why does it matter? He's not a super hero who could affect the plot of this film much at all.
Well if you're gonna include the original cast (sans J.E.J. for storyline reasons) they should at least explain why he's absent, did he die between trilogies or did he run off into a different part of the galaxy?

I'm excited to see how. I do think it would have been poetic for her to go out in place of Hold during the hyperspace ram, but we would have missed her final scene with Luke.

Yeah... They established that years ago.
Rose was an odd character, but necessary. I don't see Finn reciprocating the affection though.
-JJ is doing the next film... And he executive produced this one. Meaning he had control over where the story went.
Last Edit: Jan 06, 2018, 07:52 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Black Mirror season 4. Enjoyed it a lot. Some episodes/stories more than others.
It did feel like it sort of drifted off towards the end though, as if they were scrambling for concepts a little.

My favourite was episode 4. I thought Jodie Foster's episode was interesting too. And the first episode was like another full on movie and was incredibly enjoyable (not least because of Cristin Milioti).

I'm still a big big fan. I was just left a little disappointed after the seemingly message-less episode 5 and the oddly self-referential final episode.

Quote from: sandelic on Dec 27, 2017, 14:07

So, I've read this useful Binance review and watched SW Last Jedi few days ago...

Before I go any further, are we still hiding behind spoiler tags?

My spidey sense is tingling, I feel a rant coming. Kidding aside, it was so underwhelming. No wonder JJ Abrams decided not to direct this part.
Last Edit: Dec 11, 2021, 16:34 by Pebley

Quote from: Pebley on Jan 06, 2018, 18:10

My spidey sense is tingling, I feel a rant coming. Kidding aside, it was so underwhelming. No wonder JJ Abrams decided not to direct this part.

I wanna say this was because JJ Abrams didn't do it.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

I finally got roud to watching this Jedi thingy.
I know that sounds a bit flippant but actually Star Wars (before it was called episode 4) is pretty much my earliest movie memory as a kid. So it has a certain hold on me - even though I can't compete with the nerdy fanboys (and don't want to).

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Dec 22, 2017, 04:08

Last Jedi......where to start..


leia flying in space...wtf
Yeah weird Mary Poppins shit wasn't it? I dont remember Luke managing that when he got his hand lopped off by his dad. Just a bit of ESP with his sister

luke tossing his saber...no reaction from audience.
Oh we're reviewing the audience now? I often react internally rather than 'out loud' when watching a movie. I was ok with this bit but I don't think I made any noise to convey that.
btw, when rey and kylo killed all the red samurai in the room, there was a lame-ass 'fan-service' clap and applause in the theater.
I think this might be an American thing.

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 22, 2017, 14:13

And it turns out the Rotten Tomatoes negativity was motivated by coordinated alt-right reviews because showing female and non-white heroes in Star Wars is somehow a liberal agenda.
I'm not saying I have an issue with the multi-cultural, gender-equality stuff, but I do think it almost looks like the new Star Wars are trying to be super right-on these days. Do I want to be thinking about that during a movie? I don't know.
And just to be super obvious (in the interests of picking these films apart):
Considering that literally everyone in these movies are aliens to us Earthlings (yes your favourite characters: Luke, Han, Rey, Finn, Po  are all frickin aliens), isn't it amazing how many of them evolved in the same way as Black, White, Asian and Hispanic earthlings? What were the chances of that? And they mostly speak English even though none of them are from England, or America, or Earth. I guess the real life (British) Empire really did have an influence that spread far beyond it's shores.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 24, 2017, 10:28

last jedi thoughts:

- f**k you Disney for that milk scene.
Ha! Yeah, thankfully it was short, and Rey's expression got a brief chuckle out of me. I must say whenever rubbery characters pop up in SW films I always cringe a bit. It feels like I'm watching Sesame Street, which I've kinda grown out of.

-they killed Luke off like a coward...
The thing is, if he was gonna die anyway they may as well have found a way to get him to the planet Crait. Making him do the long distance projection thing and then die anyway felt like a cop-out. Also I didn't want him to die - we had only just got him back after zero dialogue in Ep7. We know Leia isn't going to be in the next one, so I wanted Luke to take over from his sister as the leader of the resistance. Remember how sassy Leia was in the original films? She felt like a shell of her former self this time around. At least Luke still seemed to have a bit of charisma. I think he would have made a great leader for Ep9.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 24, 2017, 18:30

I am astounded by these reactions. What makes this film so bad but entries like Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi not?
Yes even watching ROTJ as a kid I remember thinking: this is such a kids movie. It was worth watching only to see the story conclude but it really wasn't that great.

Ok I've done italics underneath WN's bold comments here. Hope that makes sense.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 24, 2017, 18:30


- If Snook was able to smack someone around by using the force THROUGH a transmission, why couldn't he sense the light saber turning to kill him?
He literally narrated Kylo's actions and motivations all the way through the saber turning and killing him. He sensed it, he just didn't realize he was the target, he assumed it was Rey.
Force doesn't seem to always give a clear picture in visions.

A couple of times in the scond half of 2017 (Oct & Dec) I went to my local(ish) Marks & Spencers for some food and saw an unshaven guy in a black & white biker jacket who looked uncannily like Andy Serkis. In fact the second time it happened I thought: it is Andy Serkis. I got home and googled his name along with the area of north London I saw him in, and sure enough I found old interviews naming the area as his area of residence. I stood right next to him at the bread section (first time) and at the checkouts (2nd time)! Fascinating eh? Oh also his wife was super polite, but I didn't talk to him. I really expected Snoke to last until Ep9. Maybe I'll mention that if I see Serkis again.

- Captain phasma was said to be the next Boba Fett. well disney gave her the same fate as him: A short scene and kill them both off with the snap of a finger.
She's not dead, though... Yeah. More from her would have been better.
There's lots of "big-falling" in SW isn't there? She did the big fall through the flames and survived? Maybe in the next one she'll have an eye patch to cover her left eye that was exposed and perhaps burnt during this incident...Ooo arrrgh Captain Phasma! (yes i am implying she will be like a pirate)


-The Hacker was a waste of a plot line.
I kind of understand this gripe actually. It's as though they didn't know what to do with Finn this time so they sent him off on this crazy adventure. Because ultimately it didn't work, it felt like a lot of our time was taken up watching this stuff. In the longest SW film ever. I can understand the feeling that the film was overly elongated by the (mis)adventures of Finn & Rose.

-now that leia used the force to get back into the ship instead of cutting it off to make it easier to write Carrie fisher out, NOW HOW THE HELL WILL THEY WRITE CARRIE FISHER OUT?
... I do think it would have been poetic for her to go out in place of Hold during the hyperspace ram...

-So does this mean that the Original Ending george lucas had for the books are NON CANON!?!
Yeah... They established that years ago.
Which original ending? Also I have never used the word canon when discussing star wars. Just thought I'd share.

- Who is this Noodle from Gorillaz looking ass, and why ship her with Finn instead of Rey?
Rose was an odd character, but necessary. I don't see Finn reciprocating the affection though.
Finn is alll about Rey. I'm hoping in Ep9 we're gonna have Po, Finn and Rey rockin the galaxy like ZZ Top at the height of their success. Or something.
Now can someone tell me how Finn managed to get Rose back to the mine/cave after she 'saved' him at the feet of the imperial Walkers? I think they fudged that a bit.

-Lemme Guess, the child with the force and the broom at the end will be written out in the next film considering ANOTHER DIRECTOR will be taking this one's place.
-Why switch out J.J. Abrams in the first Place!?!
JJ is doing the next film... And he executive produced this one. Meaning he had control over where the story went.

Well the child (children) was meant to represent the next generation of Finn/Po/Rey rebels. A bit of hope amongst the downbeat vibes. Whether we are meant to specifically follow those children's development, I'm not sure...

I'm not upset people don't like the film... Definitely don't think anyone is dumb or anything for not liking it... but I'm annoyed people are missing details that explain these plot or character frustrations, and just really confused by the problems people have with this film that seem to be all over the rest of the Star Wars films.
Yes if you think too much about any of the films, you can start finding cracks/ holes. As per my earlier thing about these humanoid aliens and their use of English. Hell they talk about time in terms of minutes. But minutes are an earth invention that relate to how the earth rotates in relation to it's nearest star. How do all the people/aliens in a galaxy far far away agree how long a minute lasts?

Quote from: rynostar on Dec 25, 2017, 03:19

One thing I will mention...anyone get Let Forever Be flashbacks in the "grotto rey mirror" scene???
For me it was the Bohemian Rhapsody video at 3.26. Might be showing my age with that one...

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 26, 2017, 13:51

This comment alone shows you weren't even paying attention and are complaining just to complain. Watch again. There are stitch marks both on the right shoulder and up the back of the jacket, as if it was poorly but quickly repaired for Finn while he 'slept'. They aren't subtle.
Uh oh, I must've really not been paying attention, cos I didn't think about his jacket one way or another!

Some additional thoughts:


Bad: Considering Luke single-handedly took on Vader and the Emperor at the conclusion of ROTJ, the idea that he was totally spooked by his young prodigy/nephew Ben Solo doesn't really wash with me. Since when did you get so easily spooked Luke?
Good: the film looked amazing. The early space battle for instance. And the red/white stuff on Crait.
Not sure: I wanted Rey to become the next Luke and conquer things a bit more than she did. Kylo/Ben says Rey knows her parents were nobodies. But Ep.7 was nudging us into thinking Rey had inherited raw jedi powers from her mysterious parents. Even Obi Wan was saying her name. Was that all a load of hot air?
Random: I watched Ex Machina (again) on tv recently. Once again here Oscar Isaac's character is trying to discombobulate Domnhall Gleeson's character. In a sci fi. And yet their characters are very different in these films.
Conclusion: I enjoyed the action packed nature of the film, and even though lots of stuff seemed to happen, when we got to the end I felt like the overall story wasn't so new: Empire/overlords v Rebels/underdogs. And like the second film of the original trilogy, things don't look great for the rebels right now. I'm reminded of the French expression: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

I've enjoyed these new films (including Rogue One) and I look forward to Ep9. But after that I may lose interest. I doubt I'll pay to see the Han Solo 'solo' film, and I don't want to be strung along forever by the Disney dollar machine. If they take it beyond Ep9, they probably won't take me with them.

Last Edit: Jan 09, 2018, 03:31 by Skyscraper

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