If You Ever Change Your Mind About Leaving It All Behind..

Movies/Shows you're watching.

Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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Excuse me, "discs"

is a reference is flying over my head?

An important line in a later episode...



Got to see Bob Odenkirk last night, and what a great dude. It was interesting seeing him talk to his home crowd, and basically acknowledging places of interest and existing people from our community (a great deal of his family still live in Naperville) made the conversation extra intriguing.

Not that he made it a point of emphasis, but it was also fun hearing him drop F-bombs quite frequently in a theatre housed by a Christian church.

Takeaway. Bob feels incredibly happy to be alive after his scare last summer. And if he can give any advice, brush up on your CPR, try to keep yourself in shape so you can bounce back from sudden health incidents, you're gonna fail a lot but keep plugging away, and time is limited, eat all the PREMIUM ice cream you can.

Now, let's see if I can read my first book in about 10 years.

Quote from: Bosco on Mar 04, 2022, 20:27

Got to see Bob Odenkirk last night, and what a great dude.

Only seen him once on an episode of, i think it was the Tonight Show, or maybe Kimmel, but that was real strange. He was like on drugs or heavily drunk or kind of and also seems to have no idea why he was there. His attention was always towards the audience like there was no host. That was some weird experience.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Mar 04, 2022, 20:38

Only seen him once on an episode of, i think it was the Tonight Show, or maybe Kimmel, but that was real strange. He was like on drugs or heavily drunk or kind of and also seems to have no idea why he was there. His attention was always towards the audience like there was no host. That was some weird experience.

Had to be part of a skit. I'm pretty sure he wasn't much of a drinker before the heart incident (influenced by his Dad being an alcoholic), and I'm damn sure he's stayed away from alcohol since his health issue. 

Point is, the guy is always goofing or has a comedy skit prepared when he makes an appearance on a late night show. It's what he's done his whole career before this late career drama success.

Could it have been a Tim and Eric type thing? I'm just now getting into their stuff and Mr. Show, so I've yet to consume all that.

Quote from: gpro2005 on Nov 28, 2021, 14:15

Saw "The Sparks Brothers" on Friday at a film festival.
Absolutely wonderful. Funny, interesting and stylish as all hell.
Total recommendation.
It was a little bit long, but better than I expected. Much better.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 23, 2021, 19:52

Saw Spider-Man No Way Home on Sunday.
I had seen footage online of US cinema audiences standing up and cheering, as though they were at a wrestling match or football or something. But I didn't do that at all when I saw the film this week. It was...fine. I thought the premise was a bit silly though.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Dec 26, 2021, 03:25

Licorice Pizza: Similar era a few years before Boogie Nights, it's a non-story/event fueled movie where the characters 'life pits' creates a force that bring them together. Still buzzing after I saw this film.
I feared I wouldn't like it. I actually enjoyed the first half way more than I expected. The second half dragged a bit for me. The stuff involving Sean Penn and Tom Waits felt completely superfluous. I didn't care about their characters and they had no real influence on the story of the main characters. Just made the film longer.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 31, 2021, 08:11

I did, however, catch the latest Guillermo del Toro feature 'Nightmare Alley' and really enjoyed it!
This was good! I could never get into Pan's Labarynth but I've liked some of his other stuff. So I didn't know whether I would like this. Mind you, as soon as Bradley Cooper
accepted a drink from Cate Blanchett, I predicted how the film would end for him.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jan 09, 2022, 12:43

I also saw Venom 2
Wasn't as good as the first one. Have you seen the Honest Trailer where they mute his internal voice? Bizarre.

Quote from: Thesouphead on Feb 09, 2022, 18:50

Chemical cameo track in the new Jackass movie. 
Watch your balls.
About three minutes worth of Chems! Which is a lot in a film unless it's on the closing credits. Sounds like they re-edited the intro.
I probably haven't watched a Jackass since the last film. I don't remember Jackass being quite this crotch-centric. The pogo stick stuff was just wrong.

Lamb (2021): Is it arthouse, is it drama, horror or fantasy? I'm still not sure, but Noomi Rapace is great in this. Unlike anything else you will ever watch.

Power of The Dog: I can see why it's nominated for Oscars. It's good but not a film I would watch a second time. It helps if you can like the main character doesn't it?

Old Henry: It's a western. I don't really watch westerns. But this was good (especially Tim Blake Nelson), in a 'small film' kinda way. I was disappointed by the way Nelson's cowboy character was cut short in Buster Scruggs. Here we get more of him.

Belfast: Quite Oscar-friendly (with several James Bond connections). I liked it but I'm not sure it will appeal to those outside of Ireland or the UK. [Did y'all know that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was written by Ian Fleming? - Judy 'M' Dench watches it in this film]

Riders of Justice & Another Round: Mads Mikkelson can act!

The Tinder Swindler: I thought I'd last ten minutes. But actually, I didn't want it to end. That lead me to watching Puppet Master (3-part series) although that was less fun, more gritty.

Dog (2022): Didn't think I'd like this either. But I did. Channing Tatum in a lead role? Yup and he's good (!).

Fresh (2022): Ok bear with me. The first 25 minutes are boring, then the opening credits roll (!) and then it gets good. Oh, but the ending has a 'political' message (or two?) which I could have done without. Despite these quibbles there's still plenty here to enjoy. DO NOT watch the trailer or even read the blurb. Just press play. Sebastian "Bucky" Stan and Daisy "Normal People" Edgar-Jones put in great performances.

Quote from: Ben_j on Dec 02, 2021, 23:35

I'm just back from seeing Batman Returns at the cinema. It's probably my favourite movie (and definitely both my favourite Batman and Tim Burton movie). Since I was 6 when it released, this is the first time I see it on the big screen, it was so good ❤️
I'm old enough to have seen that at the cinema in '92. I remember it looked great on the big screen even then. BTW are Sewer Penguins actually a thing...anywhere? The Pitch Meeting Guy has just done a brand new one on this:

Last Edit: Mar 25, 2022, 15:03 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 25, 2022, 12:48

I had seen footage online of US cinema audiences standing up and cheering, as though they were at a wrestling match or football or something. But I didn't do that at all when I saw the film this week. It was...fine

I'm with you. Spider-Man No Way Home was good, but it was more fan service than anything else. It evoked emotion but did not live up to the hype: I guess that is what happens with concepts like a multiverse for a broad viewing audience, although Loki didn't pull punches and was far more layered than this. I gravitate to those weirder Marvel movies like Ant-Man and Doctor Strange, and sure, the comic-book elements were there in No Way Home, but at this point I far prefer the Disney+ shows to the films of Marvel's Phase 4. I mean, when an animated film like Into The Spiderverse handles the Spider-Man mythos better than the MCU, it raises an eyebrow.

And yes, Ryan George from Pitch Meetings is awesome. He's also re-doing his takes on the Harry Potter series. And going full circle, Ryan Arey from Screen Crush does excellent recaps of the Marvel universe outings as well as many others. If you're unfamiliar, maybe start with his weekly Easter Egg shows when Moon Knight begins...and stay for Obi Wan Kenobi!

For me, the show I am into right now is Severance. It's been a while since I've waited on the edge of my seat for a specific night to watch a show: I much prefer letting them build and binging Netflix style, but I can't wait on this one. I will be so disappointed if the end of the season is not satisfying. After Lost, I will NEVER follow a show for years that doesn't have a solid plan or answer questions in a reasonable manner. However, I feel like this one DOES have a direction.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Watched The Batman the other day. I'm not satisfied. Ben Affleck did a better job as Batman, and he was not even close to Christian Bale or Michael Keaton.

The only thing that realy suprised me was
seeing Colin Farrel as Penguin. I didn't even know it was him until i the credits. Very good make up.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Mar 29, 2022, 08:56
Ben Affleck did a better job as Batman, and he was not even close to Christian Bale or Michael Keaton.

IMO....Ben Affleck was a VERY good Batman but didn't get a chance to shine with that writing (I'm generally not an Affleck fan). Keaton, on the other hand, who I like very much, benefits strongly from nostalgia. His Batman was interesting, but his Bruce Wayne was ridiculous to me, and again, the writing was a detractor...and I am also a fan of Tim Burton.

And for Affleck, that fight scene in the style of the Arkham games was one of the best Batman moments on film. You know, except for all the bat-murder from his and Keaton's takes.

Sorry, I nerded out for a sec.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

The first episode of Moon Knight was captivating. I far prefer MCU's Phase 4 in long form on Disney+ to the films. It is a better method of storytelling, especially for layered characters and scenarios.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Yeah, it was ok. I would have skipped it if not for Oscar Isaac playing main role.
Loved his work ever since Ex Machina. He did not disappoint in Moon Knight.
Also, EML Ritual was in The Bubble. 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 06, 2022, 14:33

Ex Machina
THAT was an excellent movie
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Apr 06, 2022, 18:37

THAT was an excellent movie

Garland's new movie, 'Men', comes out next month. Looks like another treat.
Really been enjoying Rory Kinnear since his addition to the Bond movies of late.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 06, 2022, 20:20

Garland's new movie, 'Men', comes out next month. Looks like another treat.
And again with Geoff Barrow who also scored Ex Machina and Annihilation

Release date for germany is august
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 06, 2022, 14:33

Also, EML Ritual was in The Bubble.
That's a surprise. Did you actually like the film? The reviews are baaaad.

Speaking of which, I watched Alice (2022) last night. I thought it was more enjoyable than it's paltry 4.4 score on IMDB. I'd give it about a 7. I imagine you could rip apart the plot holes if you tried, but I just went with it and enjoyed it. It reminded me of Antebellum (2020). Oh and "Sick Boy" from Trainspotting was almost unrecognisable in this, but in a good way.
Anyway I mention it because the soundtrack included Brother's Gonna Work It Out by Willie Hutch and also the sample-tastic Think by Lyn Collins.

Oh also re: Moon Knight, is it just one six-part series or do I have to watch multiple series/seasons?
Last Edit: Apr 07, 2022, 19:21 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 07, 2022, 19:16
Oh also re: Moon Knight, is it just one six-part series or do I have to watch multiple series/seasons?

It's MCU. It could be just six crazy episodes, or it could have a small subplot that becomes the basis for all of Phase 5. We never know. The formula for most of the Disney+ Marvel stories has been a self contained season with a jumping point for a second season or ramifications to be explored further. For Moon Knight, I anticipate a connection with Black Panther, which has already referenced Bast.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 07, 2022, 19:16

That's a surprise. Did you actually like the film? The reviews are baaaad.

Can't say I liked it. It felt like a SNL skit that overstayed its welcome.
I did laughed out loud a few times, for whatever that's worth.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Went and saw Everything Everywhere All At Once!It's a romance movie, an action movie, a drama,and a comedy all in one. Michelle Yeoh's acting range is peak here. The story is part philosophical, part family, and pure heart! 80's film nerds will recognize that Lo Pan from Big Trouble In Little China and Data from the Goonies make impressive yet compelling characters that fit into this mutilgenre original film. I've seen this film at a special screening awhile back and just came back from tonights show!

Gonna have to put this movie in my top 25 of all time!

EDIT: for the love of God go see this movie! Doing a 3rd tomorrow! Laughing and crying will happen! Too many feels!
Last Edit: Apr 10, 2022, 11:57 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I've only ever seen one movie 3 times in theater, and it was Fellowship of the ring.
That movie must be something else.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Thanks for recommendation, Inchem. I've done a horrific job on keeping up to date with any type of new media, and you convinced me to look out for this.

Not to switch subject, but the independent movie theatre I've championed several times, Music Box Theatre, is currently holding a David Lynch retrospective (which I unfortunately won't have the chance to attend). I have the need to show you the inner theatre, details, and promo video to give an idea how easy it would be to geek out over this.







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