It Doesn't Matter

The Prodigy (official thread)

Started by ThePumisher, Jul 23, 2015, 18:00

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New album is a really, really, big, very very big...
..piece of shit..

I've found a greatest review of the album:
Hi Kevin!

It's better than "Then Day is My Enemy" because it's much shorter. Less pain for my ears.
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

I'll take No Tourists or Invaders Must Die or The Day Is My Enemy over Born In The Echoes. Much stronger albums. BITE was a meandering bore.
Dunno how you could like Experience or Jilted or FOTL and not lile this album.
Last Edit: Nov 01, 2018, 21:55 by neorev

Quote from: neorev on Nov 01, 2018, 21:48
BITE was a meandering bore.

Quote from: neorev on Nov 01, 2018, 21:48
No Tourists or Invaders Must Die or The Day Is My Enemy over Born In The Echoes.
Never for money, always for love.

I'll give them EML Ritual, but the rest forgettable. Speaking of copy and paste, Free Yourself sounds like BITE Pt. 2,  so not too thrilled. Free Yourself has a cool breakdown/bridge, but it's just Base 6 reused.

Last Edit: Nov 01, 2018, 22:15 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: neorev on Nov 01, 2018, 22:08


I meant WhiteNoise coz I couldn't believe my eyes.

And friends, there's no need to pit albums/bands against each other. There are people who'll love the new Prodigy record and there will be others that won't as much. Like always. Let's keep our cool.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I respect absolutely every opinion here. In this thread.
But, for my opinion, the new album of Liam Paris Howlett is a big piece of shit. Sorry me, guys.
Hi Kevin!

I'm cool, just a discussion

I just read that post in regards of copy and paste and giving examples on how Chems have done the same thing, but folks seem to like it when Chems do it but bash Prodigy if they do it. Just some perspective. Ain't being hostile. Some other folks are being a bit harsh. I enjoyed The Prodigy's recent albums more than Echoes, which I cannot make it through. It's their worst album for me.

Quote from: neorev on Nov 01, 2018, 22:23

I just read that post in regards of copy and paste and giving examples on how Chems have done the same thing, but folks seem to like it when Chems do it but bash Prodigy if they do it.
I guess the most recent album rating topic proved that folks here do have diverse opinions about the band's albums and tracks, so your statement seems a bit general.

Quote from: neorev on Nov 01, 2018, 22:23

I enjoyed The Prodigy's recent albums more than Echoes, which I cannot make it through. It's their worst album for me.
And that's totally fine!

Btw, do you know when the album is released? Tomorrow?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Nov 01, 2018, 22:04
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Today at 17:53
Quote from: neorev on Today at 17:48
BITE was a meandering bore.
Was being snarky. I don't actually find BITE boring but it's definitely their least cohesive and my least favorite.
Never for money, always for love.

BITE is imperfect but also has some have lovely stuff on it. Too bad we had to wait for the live version of Wide Open before it sounded right.
I think the thing with the Prodigy is they're still going for that punky, agressive rebellion thing, which is fine when you're young but doesn't wear so well as bands get older.
So Prodigy's stuff is more likely to grate when they repeat their schtick, I think the Chems stuff less so. When BITE manages to sound creative (Radiate, EML, Reflexion for e.g), it does so for the sake of creativity rather than for the sake of sounding "Hard".

New album (is this an album though ? 36mn is more like an EP...) Is not bad. It's not great either. I enjoyed every song except Boom Tap (God what an awful piece of crap), but some cheap synths and the Chipmunks vocals are a bit annoying...

Quote from: Csar on Nov 01, 2018, 22:37

Btw, do you know when the album is released? Tomorrow?

Friday, November 2nd... now for some.

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 01, 2018, 23:44

New album (is this an album though ? 36mn is more like an EP...)

Technically its 37 minutes and change

Nine Inch Nails recent album Bad Witch is 30 minutes...
The Smashing Pumpkins upcoming album Shiny And Oh So Bright too long of a title to continue writing is 31 minutes...

So The Prodigy deserve the album title more than the above two mentioned ;)

The line between EP versus album has become, well has been, blurred.

I remember Smashing Pumpkins considered their Zero release an EP, but Billboard and charts told them no, it's an album. They didn't claim length, but the amount of original tracks. Zero has 7 tracks total, the title track, 5 b-sides, and the 7th track being a collection of short, unused demos edited together into 20+ minute medley. They were annoyed by the whole incident as they wanted it to be an EP and not compete in the album charts.

Nine Inch Nails made Bad Witch an album because streaming services give special treatment to albums while EPs get buried in their own section. It's part of a trilogy where the two previous installments were listed as EPs, though not that much shorter compared to the "album" Bad Witch. But NIN/label seemed to get streaming services to list it as an album.   

Seems the musical landscape and the way music is listened to has changed the game up when it comes to EP versus album.

Last Edit: Nov 02, 2018, 01:02 by neorev

The NIN "album" really is an EP. Come on, 6 tracks, that should be called an EP. But I prefer 6 great tracks than 9 ok tracks and a piece of crap

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