We Are the Night

For That Beautiful Feeling (XDUST12)

Started by ThePumisher, Aug 27, 2021, 21:44

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Damn, Space Gospel is rocking my socks. Some sick drum fills here and there would be the icing on the Space Gospel Cake!
Last Edit: Oct 21, 2022, 23:09 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Hey guys! Me and the other members of the discord server have been doing some detective work and have started a spreadsheet to keep track of the songs we know or think are part of the upcoming album! Here it is:

There are a few I haven't seen discussed yet here that I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on.

I'm really excited to see that woo suicide track if it is chemical, it's been stuck in my head plenty lately. The "All of a sudden it's like" track also seems really really good, as well as that Big Beat Space Gospel!

EDIT: Of course, I should have checked the other threads as well... You guys already know about most of these! But either way, useful to have this here to really keep track of things.
Last Edit: Nov 29, 2022, 02:02 by ;

Ha! A spreadhseet. Nerd alert! But hey, I'll go with it (your headings could be moved to the left a bit perhaps?).

There's a full audio of the Chems live show at Forwards Bristol in the live section here after Csar spotted it in October. In the YT comments someone has time-stamped all the tracks, so we get "full" live versions of No Reason and Dreaming. And yeah the intro to Three Little Birdies Downbeats is some kind of a new thing.

By the Conga Somg, I presume you mean the ass shaker track that the Chems posted and pinned to their Instagram (and other social media) the day after Amnesia, Ibiza. You have it listed as "unlikely" but for me, the fact that they posted/pinned this track makes me think it is new Chems.


I also did a late edit to my Fabrik Madrid post last week where I added an Insta post. I think a couple of the slides in that post contain clips from later on in that track (with added acid). Ah...I see that insta clip has disappeared now. Bummer!
** EDIT** Oh I see you've done links. I think your two links are different tracks. So I was talking about the track in your 2nd link. Your first link sounds like it samples a tiny bit of Chic's Good Times (might be part of the track in my next paragraph?)

Re "woo, suicide" and "rock with u", I'm also inclined to think they may be part of the same track. And perhaps the "Good Times" bit is part of this too? A sort of old school mash-up? I wonder if the track(s) is/are proper album material though...

Also, on the Fabrik Madrid thread I posted two Youtube clips. The first one has a "basic bitch" groove at about 6:30 (after Go). This track also got played at Ibiza Amnesia, (it's in that thread too) so I think it may be Chemical.
And in the second YT clip  - HBHG (KiNK mix), there's an unidentified track from 4:30; a pounding track with repetitive bleeps and a 'Chemical' aeroplane swoosh sound effect.  Shazam doesn't recognise it. Could it be a Chemical re-edit of someone else? It doesn't sound like a typical Chems tune (but then, nor does the Conga/ass shaker thing).

Last Edit: Nov 29, 2022, 02:45 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 29, 2022, 02:16
There's a full audio of the Chems live show at Forwards Bristol in the live section here after Csar spotted it in October. In the YT comments someone has time-stamped all the tracks, so we get "full" live versions of No Reason and Dreaming.
We were aware of this and other full clips, but we wanted something with video as well!

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 29, 2022, 02:16
By the Conga Somg, I presume you mean the ass shaker track that the Chems posted and pinned to their Instagram (and other social media) the day after Amnesia, Ibiza. You have it listed as "unlikely" but for me, the fact that they posted/pinned this track makes me think it is new Chems.
Great point! I don't think any of us noticed that. We'll remove the link that, as you pointed out, is probably something separate, and add this tweet. I'm hesitant to move it to the likely section though, as it still doesn't feel chemical to me, but I'll see if some of the other people who've made it think that's a good idea.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 29, 2022, 02:16
Re "woo, suicide" and "rock with u", I'm also inclined to think they may be part of the same track. I wonder if the track(s) is/are proper album material though...
I really like it personally! And yeah, I do believe they are the same track, as the vocals sound similar and they appeared in sequence together. Maybe it's a B-Side or Japan exclusive track? Wouldn't it be funny if it was a B-Side to No Reason?

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 29, 2022, 02:16
Also, on the Fabrik Madrid thread I posted two Youtube clips. The first one has a "basic bitch" groove at about 6:30 (after Go). This track also got played at Ibiza Amnesia, (it's in that thread too) so I think it may be Chemical.
And in the second YT clip  - HBHG (KiNK mix), there's an unidentified track from 4:30; a pounding track with repetitive bleeps and a 'Chemical' aeroplane swoosh sound effect.  Shazam doesn't recognise it. Could it be a Chemical re-edit of someone else? It doesn't sound like a typical Chems tune (but then, nor does the Conga/ass shaker thing).
Will check these out, thank you!

Quote from: Explud on Sep 16, 2022, 23:27

So, that's a vocal sample of Adrian Borland, but from which song of The Sound or Second Layer?

^ So that was found on BMI. No Reason is now on the SACEM website too:


Dreaming is still listed with Ellie Rowsell as a co-writer, which makes me wonder if Ellie is the mystery voice on that track.

Sous-titre(s) : THE DREAMING SONG

and now, "all of a sudden it's like..." they've added:


I wonder if there's more stuff now added to PRS and BMI...

Oh interesting!

"All of a Sudden" kinda has album title potential, no?

clearer videos of Big Beat Space Gospel! goes without saying this is definitely chemical

and LOVELY to see "All Of A Sudden" now confirmed as a new song by the brothers!! whenever Chemical 10 arrives, it's definitely sooner than we all think...godwilling
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Gotta say with all the confirmed and likely material floating around, I'm super hyped for this album.


My personal favorite of the new tracks, Rock Witchu AKA Woo Suicide, was believed up until now to have first been played in the 2022 DJ sets. But as it turns out, Theo, a member of the Piku Playground discord server, had unknowingly recorded a clip of it all the way back in 2021 during Fabric! I think this makes it a little more likely to be chemical, although nothing is confirmed of course. Hoping to see this one on SACEM next!

Clip in question: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/940199042372206622/1048662244554190879/Recording_2.mp3&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1670095599273201&usg=AOvVaw3xLO-32QF8pynWEyWPHNui
Thanks to Hoosteen for this discovery!

I don't think we've ever gotten this much material before an album release before, so this is a really hype and exciting time. The best part is that all of it looks absolutely amazing! Really glad I got into the fandom at a time like this.

Really hoping this one is a B-Side to the NRTL single so we can get it early - if not, it feels like potentially a Japan exclusive track in a similar sense to Direct Buki.

Quote from: JRSZ on Aug 27, 2021, 22:48

Well, I think, that we'll get the new LP not later, than on the next june.

Maybe we'll get another single later this year?
But I really dunno if WEP will appear on the record.

Poor 2021 me...
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

Quote from: Csar on Oct 21, 2022, 22:11
Damn, Space Gospel is rocking my socks. Some sick drum fills here and there would be the icing on the Space Gospel Cake
When I first heard this track, I thought it was some other artist, plus it sounds 'non-chemical, but I really like it a lot. But when that vid of the vocals kicked in 'I WILL FEAR NO EVIL ' I knew then it was 'chemical'. 

Anyway no YT vids of bugged out, or maybe I'm not looking hard enough. But I did notice something unusual lately. The Chems insta stories have muted the audio for most of the Bugged out show! And as of today, they muted all of them from the show. Maybe this is to prevent leaks or they want to keep the new tracks on the down low.  I could be wrong though!

Edit: some of the earlier DJ sets (ex: Amnesia) are still there but Bugged out has a few 

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Dec 18, 2022, 17:54
But I did notice something unusual lately. The Chems insta stories have muted the audio for most of the Bugged out show! And as of today, they muted all of them from the show. Maybe this is to prevent leaks or they want to keep the new tracks on the down low.  I could be wrong though!
These are other people's Insta stories that the Chems are picking up. The original clips don't all have audio. It's not the Chems muting them.

I would add that we have heard a lot of new tracks now. If there are say, ten tracks on an album then we've heard more than half the album.
BUT...maybe we haven't heard more than half the album. Maybe it's... a double album.
Let the rumours/speculation commence.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Dec 18, 2022, 18:00
These are other people's Insta stories that the Chems are picking up. The original clips don't all have audio. It's not the Chems muting them.

But why would users purposely mute their video (story) from a chems dj set when they upload it to their profile? I'm sure they would want their friends see them whooping it up at bugged out for a once of a lifetime dj set with the audio intact. 

Double album? Maybe! or maybe an album that has more than the average 10 tracks? (WATN had the most...12)

I got money on a April release, if not, then June, for historic reasons.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

My (not really sophisticated) mathematical analysis tells me there are on average 1086,375 +/- 377,5912141 days between the releases of albums, which gives us April 14th 2023 as the upper range. So April seems likely  ;D

So far we've heard six songs from the DJ sets that seems highly likely to be Chemical:

No Reason
Feels Like I'm Dreaming
All Of A Sudden
Warped Pop/Reflexion 2.0
 Rock Witchu (or Woo Suicide...unsure about this one)
Big Beat Space Gospel (Fear No Evil)

Then you consider The Darkness That You Fear from 2021 that's like....7 new songs, and 6 is certainly a lot for what they'd usually preview in a DJ set.

In comparison No Geography they debuted only 4 songs in their 2017 sets (FY, Keep On, MAH, EoD)...5 if you count the We've Got To Try snippet in the Desert Island Disco Mix.

I'm relatively late in the community compared to most so I don't know how this was for other album rollouts, I think a good amount of songs were teased for the Echoes era but not everything made it to the final cut, Direct Buki only made it as a Japan bonus and C-H-E-M-I-C-A-L as a non album single so it's a bit tricky

I like how they seem to be breaking the formula a lot with this one! Buuut I'm inclined to believe of these handful of songs maybe we'll get a few on the album then others as bonus songs...it'd be awesome if we got a longer album than we got in years past...but then they've implied they have a bunch planned for their 30th anniversary too so who knows what'll happen!!!

I hope we don't go the way of Echoes where a handful of the songs we heard don't make the final album, but I think it's safe to say at least 4-5 of these will be on the album...which? No clue y'all can decide that, but this is just my own reasoning based on the album cycles I've been here for

Now that the DJ sets are over and the year is almost over, I'm hoping an announcement of some sort is imminent, whether that be a new single or they start with the LP promo first...if y'all can recount how they've rolled out albums in the past that would help a lot, but I'm hoping January we at least hear SOMETHING...ANYTHING TOM AND ED ANYTHINGGGG

If anything maybe we'll get an announcement in January as their first show coming up is in March at Estereo Picnic...it weirdly isn't listed on their site...but I'm also feeling maybe an April-June release..I'd prefer earlier tho!!

Anyway this was my personal analysis  ;)
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Quote from: hstn on Dec 22, 2022, 03:41
No Reason
Feels Like I'm Dreaming
All Of A Sudden
Warped Pop/Reflexion 2.0
 Rock Witchu (or Woo Suicide...unsure about this one)
Big Beat Space Gospel (Fear No Evil)

Then you consider The Darkness That You Fear from 2021 that's like....7 new songs, and 6 is certainly a lot for what they'd usually preview in a DJ set.

I agree with your listed tracks, however I would suggest that's a conservative estimate. Or maybe I'm being overly enthusiastic/naive? Anyway, I would add:
1) The Ass Shaker/conga track embedded in (my) reply #42 above. Edit: Wrong.
2) The "basic bitch" groove, also mentioned in reply #42 above. Edit: Wrong.
3) The pounding track with repetitive bleeps (reply #42 again)  Edit: Wrong

Also, in the ten-slide insta post (by N3rish) on the Printworks '22 thread
4) Slide 10 :big bad techno with lots of FX incl MC Escher rising sounds. Edit: Wrong, this was High Dive.
5) Slide 9: The Chugger with the aeroplane FX at the end of clip. Edit: Wrong. This was Swarm by Benjamin Damage.
6) Slide 5: "Here you go"(?) with MC Escher rising sounds. Edit: Wrong

Work Energy Principle could also perhaps pop up as an album bonus track.

I may not be right on all of the additonal ones here, but I'll be surprised if some of them don't turn out to be Chemical.
Last Edit: Jun 15, 2023, 14:22 by Wolkenkrabber

I doubt that TDTYF (and WEP) will apear on the new album. It has been more than one and a half years since they were released, and more importantly, TDTYF didn't make an appearance in the 2022 live setlist.

The solid tracks, which I would be very surprised not to find on the new album, are:
No Reason
All Of A Sudden
Big Beat Space Gospel
Warped Pop (Yodelhoo, as I like to call it)

Anyway everyting sounds so amazing, come on T&E what are you waiting for release that thing already.

I wonder what the concept for this album will be? I'm sure every album they have produced to a certain  criteria, ethos or concept. Like No Geography was made on a setup they would have used in 90s. Or Further was collaborated visually rather than musically.

I have this feeling with all this new music we have heard that this albums approach/theme might tbe o structure it like it was a DJ mix album. Could you image and album, one long continuous mix. It is certainly something I would love to see.
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Quote from: sneakerbeater on Dec 24, 2022, 16:46
I wonder what the concept for this album will be? I'm sure every album they have produced to a certain  criteria, ethos or concept. Like No Geography was made on a setup they would have used in 90s. Or Further was collaborated visually rather than musically.

I have this feeling with all this new music we have heard that this albums approach/theme might tbe o structure it like it was a DJ mix album. Could you image and album, one long continuous mix. It is certainly something I would love to see.

I have imagined a "regular" studio album of the more song based tracks, plus a bonus disc of dancefloor tracks. The bonus disc being mixed together. Perhaps those mixed tracks being available separately as downloads and/or limited 12"s for DJ-ing purposes.

But that's probably just me getting carried away...

PS: The opening gambit of tracks on NG was, like EPD, a continuous chunk of tunes running into each other, and that was perhaps the most exciting thing about NG (not that I'm suggesting it wasn't otherwise worthwhile).

Quote from: ; on Dec 03, 2022, 18:41

My personal favorite of the new tracks, Rock Witchu AKA Woo Suicide, was believed up until now to have first been played in the 2022 DJ sets. But as it turns out, Theo, a member of the Piku Playground discord server, had unknowingly recorded a clip of it all the way back in 2021 during Fabric! I think this makes it a little more likely to be chemical, although nothing is confirmed of course. Hoping to see this one on SACEM next!

Clip in question: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/940199042372206622/1048662244554190879/Recording_2.mp3&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1670095599273201&usg=AOvVaw3xLO-32QF8pynWEyWPHNui
Thanks to Hoosteen for this discovery!

I don't think we've ever gotten this much material before an album release before, so this is a really hype and exciting time. The best part is that all of it looks absolutely amazing! Really glad I got into the fandom at a time like this.

Really hoping this one is a B-Side to the NRTL single so we can get it early - if not, it feels like potentially a Japan exclusive track in a similar sense to Direct Buki.
I'm Theo by the way, gfa over on here! :) 

I added some new fabric clips over here, including the first ever play of NRTL (tom is going mad at the crowd reaction!)


I've also put some clips in the Printworks thread - includes a bad quality clip of the @Wolkenkrabber drums (https://twitter.com/ChemBros/status/1581709543326638080)

re amount of songs released in DJ sets, usually they won't do 2 years of dj sets i don't think, theres been almost 10 total now i think. clearly playing about with songs a bit and testing stuff. I think more songs than usual seems fair.
Live: Latitude 2021, Field Day 2022, Kalorama 2022, o2 Arena 2023
DJ: Fabric 2021, Printworks 2021, Printworks 2022, Glastonbury 2023, Drumsheds 2024

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