Me, You, And Me, Him And Her, And Them Too

Paused in Cosmic Reflection

Started by inchemwetrust, Jun 28, 2023, 08:34

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Quote from: Molotov10_0 on Dec 05, 2023, 15:43
Hi everyone. I received my package last week and only had a proper look today - it is quite majestic!! I knew there was an issue around the pages (11-14) so expected to notice something but I'm actually missing these pages entirely - has anyone else had the same problem? I've emailed White Rabbit but not really sure what they'll be able to do about it. Tia!
I'm really sorry for you @Molotov10_0! Seems like they forgot to put them back in after they cut them out, I suppose? But you did get the LP and Kate's print, though?

Welcome, by the way!

Would anyone of you special editioners mind posting a pic of the missing/ glued-together pages?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Dec 05, 2023, 15:59
I'm really sorry for you @Molotov10_0! Seems like the forgot to put them back in after they cut them out, I suppose? But you did get the LP and Kate's print, though?

Would anyone of you special editioners mind posting a pic of the missing/ glued-together pages?
Yip, everything else is there including the print to add to my ever expanding Kate Gibb collection...  ;D

It'll be interesting to see what they say and I'll keep ye posted. Just a bit of a bummer as it's fantastic overall!!

And thanks for the welcome - I think I was signed up to the forum way back so newbie status for me now... ha!

White Rabbit after totally fucking the deluxe edition up in nearly all aspects:

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Molotov10_0 on Dec 05, 2023, 15:43
Hi everyone. I received my package last week and only had a proper look today - it is quite majestic!! I knew there was an issue around the pages (11-14) so expected to notice something but I'm actually missing these pages entirely - has anyone else had the same problem? I've emailed White Rabbit but not really sure what they'll be able to do about it. Tia!
Wow, missing pages alltogether. That means you can be sure there is someone out there with double these pages.

@Molotov, try sending the a dm through Instagram if you don't get a response on your email 

If anyone has the time to write a formal "collective" complaint about the deluxe edition, I'd gladly support/sign. Maybe in the form of an email, so we can all copy and paste individually, and ultimately, hammer this home to White Rabbit.

I do think all customers of the deluxe edition are owed an acknowledgment on the issue(s) and not just individual "fixes" for people that took extra effort to raise a case.

The timing of all this sucks, because I know nobody wants to deal with this during the Holiday season.

I second this.

You really ought to be fully on top of the quality control when you're making something for an audience you know is going to care A LOT. Price aside, this a collectible item that is supposed to help make up for a drop in 'regular' sales - and there's only so much faith fans will continue to put into something like this in the future if there's not a guarantee of quality.

I really hope WhiteRabbit takes this all seriously and does what they can to make it right.

I'm still waiting on my delivery but will chime in with any updates.
And, like Bosco, happy to put my name down in support of getting things rectified for all those affected.

Quote from: Csar on Dec 05, 2023, 15:59
I'm really sorry for you @Molotov10_0! Seems like they forgot to put them back in after they cut them out, I suppose? But you did get the LP and Kate's print, though?

Welcome, by the way!

Would anyone of you special editioners mind posting a pic of the missing/ glued-together pages?
@Molotov10_0 welcome, thank you so much for coming by to share what happened with your book. I am very sorry this happened to you!! But am glad the non book items are in place (and good to go in your Kate Gibb collection ;) )

I have some images showing where the pages were cut... I am sorry for any lack of discretion in terms of image spoilers but just want to get this out there.

I wasn't able to go over everything yesterday with a fine tooth comb but sat down today and went over the pages the best I could. Which is hard, because it's so easy to get lost in this book. While the book and package is absolutely stunning beyond measure, the cut and glued pages will certainly over time, become damaged as they already are with my lightest touch. To add, it is very disappointing this affects the beautiful images of RAR, as well as Robin's gorgeous words describing the magical place the music is born from. It's not the end of the world, but damn. It sucks. I mean, there's no other way to put it.

So I'm likely going to reach out to White Rabbit over the next few days to at least report the issue, however I'm not sure what resolution to seek. I don't want a refund, don't want a new book (I'm getting standard edition anyway, was told by the dude at Barnes and Noble it'll be out in May).

As for the collective letter, I think maybe hold off for now? Folks are still waiting to receive and inspect their copies. Everyone that has an issue even if it's minor, should consider reaching out to White Rabbit. As there are many parts to the production of this book, understand resolutions likely aren't gonna happen immediately.

Pics are below, the silver thing in the images is a letter opener to point out the glue and cut damage on pages 14-15 (edited from 16)
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I think that's totally fair, Whirly. And thank you for including the images.

Turns out #483 was waiting for me in our apartment's Amazon locker. No email confirmation of the arrival, and LogicOn's latest update was ARRIVAL AT POST OFFICE. Fortunately I had a bunch of deliveries for work so I went down to check.

Still, very happy it's here! I followed Pum's lead and filmed the unboxing, just in case, but am happy to report that everything was included. Will also add that the Superflash stickers seem pretty nicely applied on my copy, and are on the correct sides of the vinyl.

The page cut/correction is just like Whirly's photos. The cut itself is clean enough but the stuck pages definitely don't feel secure and I can't see them standing the test of time.

All things considered, I'm very excited to get stuck into the book! Then I'm going to have to figure out where to keep it safe and beautiful!

Also. Superflash is an absolute BEAST. I cannot believe this has just been sat around this whole time, being all incredible and totally unlistened to. So glad it's out in the wild now.
Might this be one of my favourite Chems tracks of all time? Just might be!

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Dec 04, 2023, 20:01
Got 419/500
Quote from: Bosco on Dec 02, 2023, 20:33
I'm #307, nice to meet y'all.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 05, 2023, 23:55
Turns out #483 was waiting for me in our apartment's Amazon locker.

I am not a number! I am a man! and don't you ever...oh wait...I'm number 276. Haha, in your face inchem, Bosco, and enjoyed!

Everything included (Superflash vinyl, 2x Kate Gibb prints, the studio print, stickers, glued 11-14).

Receiving the package and hearing Superflash was a well needed joy in my life as I've had to focus on mental health again recently. Love the later part of Superflash as @inchemwetrust described previous. Also loved @whirlygirl section with the nod to us crazy's.

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That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Oh my. No offense to anyone here, but I would absolutely not be happy with this product after having paid 333.33% more for this edition over the standard edition. For the price they charged it should be error free and not cut and glued ANYWHERE. This is effectively vandalism/damage of an extremely limited edition product. If they fucked up the printing they should have just printed it again - it's only 500 copies!

Unbelievable this was sent out to paying superfans. At least a partial refund should be in order because of this. The product is not as described and has been delivered damaged!

Quote from: Ford on Dec 06, 2023, 02:21
Oh my. No offense to anyone here, but I would absolutely not be happy with this product after having paid 333.33% more for this edition over the standard edition. For the price they charged it should be error free and not cut and glued ANYWHERE. This is effectively vandalism/damage of an extremely limited edition product. If they fucked up the printing they should have just printed it again - it's only 500 copies!

Unbelievable this was sent out to paying superfans. At least a partial refund should be in order because of this. The product is not as described and has been delivered damaged!

A partial refund yes!

But keep your current book, AND White Rabbit should  send you another copy for free!

They should be able to print another 20+ copies for those who already paid for such an expensive and rare book that's filled with mistakes again when they ALREADY said they checked each and every book for mistakes prior to this happening.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: Ford on Dec 06, 2023, 02:21
This is effectively vandalism/damage of an extremely limited edition product. If they fucked up the printing they should have just printed it again - it's only 500 copies!
Assuming pages 11-14 are the only printing error (to the book), the reprint is totally unnecessary. I do think they inappropriately addressed the situation though.

White Rabbit should have never cut and pasted pages 11-14. They should have been transparent about the error upon discovery knowing they couldn't deliver an unflawed product and offered a complimentary standard edition to go with the deluxe edition. Or, complete refund with cancelation.

I kind of thought "vandalism/damage" was a bit extreme way to describe the situation. But the more I think about it, I think that's accurate. The deluxe edition might as well be considered a piece of art.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Dec 05, 2023, 23:05
Pics are below, the silver thing in the images is a letter opener to point out the glue and cut damage on pages 14-15 (edited from 16)

Aw, that looks really rough. Man, I feel so bad for everyone, even for White Rabbit and especially Mr. Turner because I do believe that no one could have ever wanted a situation like this. And I'm almost certain the project is not a big "for profit" one and rather one from the heart. All the more it is sad that this wonderful book, which the boys were even reluctant to do to begin with, has suffered from these nasty hiccups.
I know, the book should have been pristine, at least for the deluxe edt. owners, but I do feel pretty sorry for Mr. Turner, having somehow missed a spot that led to this. It must have been particularly frustrating for him when it became apparent. Man, it feels like my university thesis all over again. You've spent countless hours reading through all the pages, checking everything a thousand times only to discover that, after picking it up at the printing shop and skimming through it, there were still quite a few naughty typos.
Perhaps the column text approach was not the best way to go because I'd like to believe that this has contributed to the error.

That said, when I saw Whirly's pics I almost immediately had the same reaction as @Ford, @inchemwetrust and @Bosco. While I am sorry for everyone involved, including White Rabbit, It's too unfortunate, that they have not been really proactively transparent about the issue(s) and tried to (not so) clandestinely address it by cutting and gluing together newly printed pages when the result must have been foreseeable. Like Bosco, I believe it would have been best to keep the book as is, be honest about it, and offer a partial refund/ redress - I don't know, maybe 10 to 15 bucks + a high quality digital version of Superflash (pretty sure Tom & Ed would give permission to that) - and not actively damage the product. I mean, come on! Look at that mess - for €152! Unacceptable and would even more so open the door for people wanting to send it back. Of course I am aware that the €152 is not just the book but also Kate's artwork and the self-published vinyl and everything. But knowing to have purchased something at that premium certainly would not feel that satisfactory to me. And that's all this book was ever meant to do - make fans happy. I would be more forgiving (I mean I am with my standard book) about the mixed up columns than about this hasty cut-paste-and-glue monkey business. imagine the poor fellas that had to go and cut through 500 copies...

But, all that aside, I would also like to express how incredibly beautiful the book looks and feels. I can't wait to read through it under the Christmas tree (yeah, I'm holding out for the proper occasion). Hope everyone who's got an overly faulty copy, esp. with missing items, will be remedied eventually!
Last Edit: Dec 06, 2023, 11:19 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I had not previously checked my copy for  pages 11/14 debacle. Again page cut out and sellotape the new pages in. Pretty annoyed about the botch job in this premium book. I doubt the pages would stay intact over the course of time.

It's disappointing that we have all paid substantial price for a premium product. And our reward for our custom that we had to wait and extra month for something that is butchered. 

For me it's not the end of the world. I have a standard edition of the book as well that will be the used copy. But there is a principle here that we have not been give a book that commands the value. I don't know how I would like this resolved. But I do think there needs to be some kind of gesture made to everyone who bought the super deluxe
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 06, 2023, 04:26
White Rabbit should have never cut and pasted pages 11-14. They should have been transparent about the error upon discovery knowing they couldn't deliver an unflawed product and offered a complimentary standard edition to go with the deluxe edition.
Yes, I think in the absence of what would be a rather wasteful reprint (but also considering the price people have paid, a justified exercise) leaving the error untouched and providing a complimentary standard edition would be acceptable.

Personally I'd prefer an untouched book and an 'oops, sorry' message than whatever butchering they've done to the book. All in all, a damn shame.

I just got my copy! #477, baby. Where do I (even) begin?

The whole box is absolutely phenomenal in every aspect. It's so nicely textured, and it's very appearant that a lot of love went into this deluxe edition. The rainbow ribbons are probably my favorite detail here, whoever thought of that was a genius. I believe I got everything that came with it, including Superflash. Man, what a banger!

The only negative I see is what's been bothering everyone else here too - the cut out pages. I honestly would have liked a misprinted version of this book more than how it looks right now, because it already feels like the page is about to fall out. I have to be incredibly careful with it, and I'm honestly certain that the page will fall out with age even if I never touch the book again. Sad! I would have liked a little more transparency from White Rabbit, especially given this wasn't a necessarily cheap book.

Regardless, I am overall impressed and in awe. This book rocks!
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

WR replyed me. They are offering a 10% refund - my pages aren't glued or completely missing, so that is ok to me. Also, they will send me a new copy of the Print & Vinyl. Due to limited nature of the book they aren't able to send new ones.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Yeah I got a reply from "Darren" looking for address to send out missing items, but no offer of a 10% refund....
Live:Point Depot Dublin 1999 Creamfields Ireland 2001 Witness Festival 2002  Marlay Park Dublin 2005 Electric Picnic 2007 Longitude Dublin 2015 Alexandra Palace 2018 3Arena Dublin 2018 Musgrave Park Cork 2023 3Arena Dublin 2023
DJ: Printworks 2022

Quote from: gavin35 on Dec 06, 2023, 14:16
but no offer of a 10% refund

My mail also was from Darren.
Maybe they think with cutting out the pages and glue them back in, there's no need for a refund. Mine are still in the original mixed up status so that's maybe why they offer me the 10%.

Only thing is, seems like i'm again have to pay german custums plus the Umlagepauschale
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

There is a decent response on the butchering of the book. I think that's the most valid question on this issue. I recieved the normal hardback at the day of release and I did not notice is reading it the first time. Only when rereading together with the audiobook it became on obvious mistake. Asking about it to White Rabbit didn't get a response. But butchering the book is much more noticeable as a column in the wrong place. My guess is Robin Turner is not editing the book and I also wonder if he has been asked to provide a sollution. Maybe an additional note saying "He, this is Robin. There is an oopsie in the book. Reading order is page 10, 13, 12, 14" might be the better option seeing how the handled it now.
The best sollution would be explaining the fault openly, delay the book with 3 months and reprint only the fault catern and rebinding it.

A labour of love now looks like you cut of the flesh from your arm where your former lovers name is tattood. It's A sollution but I doubt if it's the best.

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