But Now I Think I See the Light

Born In The Echoes (Release Date)

Started by whirlygirl, Jun 09, 2015, 14:34

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Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jul 17, 2015, 05:59

Easily their weirdest album.

Seconded.  Some of their albums feel like a whole concept where everything fits, others feel like a collection of random stuff. Somehow this is a bit of both. Daft punk reacted against EDM by reverting to instruments and trying to get a lot of soul in there. The Chems have done it by proving  its possible to make weird, off kilter, atmospheric and funky.  Think i'll leave it there but i'll do a review after I finish work. Or possibly during work if i can get away with it

Quote from: Chops on Jul 17, 2015, 06:14

Seconded.  Some of their albums feel like a whole concept where everything fits, others feel like a collection of random stuff. Somehow this is a bit of both. Daft punk reacted against EDM by reverting to instruments and trying to get a lot of soul in there. The Chems have done it by proving  its possible to make weird, off kilter, atmospheric and funky.  Think i'll leave it there but i'll do a review after I finish work. Or possibly during work if i can get away with it

One of my favorite things (past times, hobbies) is to review experiences I have with Chems albums or shows. Because their work is so conceptual and linear, the ride undulates on a series of peaks and valleys.  Like a story played out in sound from start to finish. This album doesn't. In so many ways it reminds me of Dig Your Own Hole with its disjointed weirdness, experiments in sound, fractured voyages. This album demands my complete undivided attention. It throttles the senses in every which way and is a worthy challenge - though it really is hard to get my head around it all. A review is coming, but it's going to take some more solid listens.

Can't wait to read what you write!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Really... I just can't stop listening to "Wide Open". Indeed a good album, a couple of weird tracks in my opinion, but i'm liking it more and more!  :music

Listened to it a few times throughout the day. in my opinion, it might be their best since Come With Us. I may just be on the high of brand new Chemical, but honestly, the ONLY weak point is Taste of Honey. and even that has been growing on me. Favorite tracks so far include Just Bang, Wide Open, and I'll See You There. But also Born in the Echoes... and Under Neon Lights......
Can't wait for all my goodies to come in the mail tomorrow!!

July 24th my ass! They've  made a fun little advert here though. Go full screen.

Tired as hell this AM. I listened to BitE 4 times yesterday, and finally forced myself to bed after midnight. I kept hearing the songs in my head and couldn't fall asleep. Two hours later, I was up on my mobile checking here and FB for more reviews.  I had to be up by 6:30 AM and am too damn old for all-nighters. I'm at work now, and listened again on my way in. This time I shuffled the order to switch it up: it's the one advantage to the lack of transitions.

On further listens, I am really starting to like Wo-Ha a lot. EML Ritual and Reflexion are becoming ear-worms for me, and Just Bang is my early favorite. I don't think I'd describe it as weird like Whirly does, but its non-traditional feel is part of the appeal to me.

I'm still pleasantly surprised by Wide Open. I wasn't expecting to love the Beck collaboration, and I most certainly was not expecting that vibe for the track.

And so you know...staying up late for a CD and missing 'bedtime' also did not produce any honey.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I had a hard time trying to get to sleep last night! :D

Now it's early where I am and there's no way I can call in sick from work with the BITE flu. But naturally I am here checking the forum for more thoughts, reviews, etc.

One thing that strikes me about this album are the songs feel like they can be played in any order or no particular order. You can have the album on shuffle and it would seem to make sense. Or choose your own Born In The Echoes playlist. Many more listens are on the horizon, so I'll hear if this impression I have will actually play out like I'm imagining it would.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I really love the flow of Under Neon Lights to EML Ritual then to my new spiritual awakening song of the moment I'll See You There and what a way to be exposed to it by seeing those live visuals. Reflexion is hypnotic and addictive. Wide Open is a surprise in terms how I thought it sound. Was hoping for a more showcase of talents from both parties involved but the 'new order' vibe they were going for was different for Beck to do which that in itself was interesting. The synth sounds and subtle sound bites in some of the songs are there too and nothing like you've heard anywhere else too.
Last Edit: Jul 17, 2015, 14:20 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: whirlygirl on Jul 17, 2015, 06:34
Like a story played out in sound from start to finish.

I am going to steal this quote :D

Briefly, I can't get enough of Reflextion and Wide Open, my favorites, Go and other singles aside.
Amazing, how they do not fail even 20+ years later!
Reflextion is on loop since yesterday     :music
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I am glad that others like Wide Open!
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Io would like to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to say how much I love Reflexion.

That is all.

Let the celebrations proceed.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I'm officially on the bandwagon! Just got my copy! 'Deserted' is creeping up in the speakers! Oh lordy!!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS (mind my chicken scratches)

EML , ISYT, got repeated plays! Just bang...took me awhile to get warmed to it, but at the 3:17 mark, i cranked that baby up! My best track so far!

Reflexion...its very clubby dubby!

Taste of Honey 'scratches head'

born in the echoes....what a speaker banger!

(btw...what genre is this album anyway?)  :P This album is much mature and sinister.

raditate...i got some feels on this one. the same feels i got from KDB.

Wide Open...picks up at the half way point. I almost got disappointed at the beginning. good tracks.

this album is way better than average. On to the bonus tracks..

Last Edit: Jul 17, 2015, 18:46 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Sometimes I feel sets the weird mood of the album just right. One of the stronger tracks on the album imo. I love the live version mixed in with chemical beats and those visuals of the guy getting hit with boxes but still walking it off and in the end just falling to his eventual demise. Masterfully done.

Quote from: chemreact on Jul 17, 2015, 18:30

Sometimes I feel sets the weird mood of the album just right.

it reminds of all the (non-chemical) albums I bought that had a 'great' opening track, but then totally fails to equal the rest of the others tracks that were lame.

A balance, is well placed in Born In The Echoes.

Bonus tracks: LUBAC is a cousin to Orange Wedge! Wo Ha is somewhat a filler. I want to trade these 2 for Direct Buki!

preliminary scores (after one listen ) not final scores!
scale from 1 to 10

sifsd - 8
go -8
unl -6
eml - 8
isut -8
jb- 9
ref -7
toh -5
bite -8
rad - 7
ow -7

Last Edit: Jul 17, 2015, 19:33 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: chemreact on Jul 17, 2015, 18:30

Sometimes I feel sets the weird mood of the album just right. One of the stronger tracks on the album imo. I love the live version mixed in with chemical beats and those visuals of the guy getting hit with boxes but still walking it off and in the end just falling to his eventual demise. Masterfully done.

the guy still gets up and walks haha. took him a while though.

my order of Most favorite > favorite

1. i'll see you there
2.Sometimes I feel so deserted
3.EML Ritual
5.Just Bang
7.Under Neon Lights'
8.Wide Open
9.Born in the Echoes
11.Let us build a City
12.Wo Ha
13. Taste of Honey

Ok, two days and some solid play and its time.  During today i thought of lots of things to say and was thinking about doing a track by track review, referencing lots of stuff and generally being accurate, hilarious and incisive. But it wont turn out like that. ;D

I think the title reflects thats been a lot of revisiting and rethinking old sounds and ideas with the intention of making something new and exciting and i think they have done that, bigtime.

SIFSD has gone into my top 10 Chemical tracks, it could have been placed anywhere on this album or any other album, sounds old and new at the same time and that vocal is unbelievable.

Go- yeah its commercial and maybe the chorus is a little flat but that bassline and most of Q Tips vocal is on the money. Its the tune that will bring in the most new fans for sure

Under Neon Lights is super scary and intense and helps build into EML which gets more terryfing the more i listen to it, its fucking hard as nails, love it.

And then holy shit, I'll see you there turns up and its like they have decided to make a greatest hits package in one tune.  There's bits and ideas from at least 10 of their old tracks that i can spot so far, and it still manages to sound as fresh as a muhhafuhha.

I suppose at some point there had to be a downturn and i know some people really like it but Just Bang doesnt do enough for me but it does feel part of the album, the tracks selected do work together and it sets up reflexion nicely.  Which reminds me of laurent garnier for some reason.  A taste of honey is a bit daft but  there's loads happening and some strange ass noises that unsettle you.

  The title track is brilliant, sounds like nothing else they have done really,very early eighties, sounds a bit like early Depeche mode at times and its a super quirky chorus.

I cannot tell you how emotional i got when i first heard Radiate. And i didnt feel awesome psychedelic vibes or awesome production or such bullshit, it was out of total respect and love for the man that is Tom Rowlands, his vocal his lovely and I felt very proud of him, i know he's sang before but this feels like a real moment for him.  I know its not going to happen but if he were to do this live and actually sing then i dont think i would be able to handle that without blubbing. I got a pioneer skies vibe as well.

Wide Open is thier best closer since The Test, really simple and very soulful and Beck sounds quite unlike Beck, lets face it they could made lots of different sounding stuff together but its a surprising result.
From not feeling it on first half listen, i'm really impressed now, its in my top 5 Chemical albums lets put it that way. I like how nothings too long and lots of stuff happens in a shortish space of time on each track.  Madder, Shorter, Darker, Stranger.
Last Edit: Jul 17, 2015, 20:18 by Chops

Reflexion is basically Burst Generator. Other than that, the record is more "night " than we are the night tried to be. Great follow up to Further without sounding like it.

Quote from: Apostle on Jul 17, 2015, 20:26

Great follow up to Further without sounding like it.

I agree with this statement! It's really a polar opposite with those 2 albums. Really far apart from each other.
Last Edit: Jul 17, 2015, 21:29 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I cannot stop listening to Just Bang. Very happy that the Chem Bros made a track like this. This is the drum machine version of Here Come the Drums. The play of hi hats, the varying syncopation, and succumbed-to minimalism are excellent. Though it is very new, there are many influences from EPD era tracks, especially with the distortion play.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

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