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Can we believe it? The Avalanches...

Started by pnx, May 23, 2016, 21:36

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Yeah I remember one of the times I went to a gig of theres they dropped Come With Us with something else. In another mix after It Began in Afrika they use a part of Welcome to the Jungle from the Gunners and go into Thomas Bangelter nuts.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Not a bad review if it made most memorable moments at Primavera. Looks like they'r digging up the vinyl too:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

They dropped Another World by the Chems during there set too:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Well it is here, 16 years later a new album coming out July 8 (Finally!!!)

Here's the preorder site: http://smarturl.it/WILDaval

And the Frankie Sinatra track: https://theavalanches.lnk.to/FrankieSinatraSpotify

Last Edit: Jun 12, 2016, 03:08 by Nekcore

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 06, 2016, 12:07

They dropped Another World by the Chems during there set too:


I caught about half an hour of The Avalanches on Sunday at Field Day in London. And indeed they dropped the same bit of Another World. There was also a smidgen of Orbital's Belfast and a version of I Heard It Through The Grapevine by a female who definitely wasn't Marvin Gaye. The crowd was nothing like as large as that Primavera crowd, although the tent they were in was nonetheless pretty full. After a while though, when people realised it was just a DJ set they started to filter away to other things. I ended up in a smaller tent watching Junior Boys, and I have to say that the Junior Boys crowd appeared to be dancing and having more fun than the Avalanches crowd. Sacrilege I know...

They were actually meant to perform live! how frustrating to rehearse all that time and this!

Fair enough. at least you can say you saw them and can make a valid opinion. I think it might be why these tweets were posted and why they uploaded the whole mix to listen to (which has since been taken down by either soundcloud or someone in there group).

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pulled this together an hour before showtime after visa fuckups nixed our live show plans.Thank fuck we had our vinyl with us.</p>&mdash; The Avalanches (@TheAvalanches) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheAvalanches/status/742941710037225472">June 15, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Big thanks to Jamie xx who came through for us with the &#39;good times&#39; acapella at the last moment! We wont forget your kindness primavera! x</p>&mdash; The Avalanches (@TheAvalanches) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheAvalanches/status/742942313383624704">June 15, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Last Edit: Jun 15, 2016, 12:58 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

a legit release of the Jonathan Donahue track they did:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

That's more like it!

Again, I think it'll make even more sense in the context of the album but it's nice.


I have a feeling this album might be a bit more laid back and less chaotic than SILY. I've instantly liked every song so far except for the Frankie Sinatra.
Last Edit: Jun 22, 2016, 12:09 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

So the album is pretty much out now. I like it. My first listen was like the fist listen to SILY where it is soo much to take in it just goes over your head and whatever your ears or mind pick up first is like a starting point to discovering the album more and pretty much listen to the whole album over and over and you keep picking up more things you like about it. And even getting a Beatles sample officially approved is a pretty good achievement you're getting well recognised/and or respected. They also sampled another paul mccartney song as well. But here is a link to some samples and comments they revealed track by track if you're interested:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I'm waiting for my CD to arrive on Friday like a good boy.

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

^ Well that didn't last long! Pumisher, I don't suppose you managed to grab a copy of it did you?
For those who didn't see it, it really was very good. I mean that in the visual sense more than musically. About 130 films and tv shows edited together to create a 13 minute music video. Read more about it HERE.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jul 07, 2016, 20:58

^ Well that didn't last long! Pumisher, I don't suppose you managed to grab a copy of it did you?
na, i didn't. haven't expected it to leave even on vimeo. but yes, it was a really nice watch.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

My first play through the other day and I wasn't really awed.

Favorite track had to be "The Noisy Eater" with the Biz. And I still really like "Frankie Sinatra".

I think its a really solid listen overall, I'm just not rushing to play it over again.

Also, I like what they bring to the table with their hiphop production. It would be nice to hear them do more of that.

I like the album, pretty rich with details/samples, like SILY, so it grows. Would've liked better transitions personally, you do get that with Subways/Going Home though.

I finally heard the promo version of SILY, still wrapping my head around an additional track.

Indirect link: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2014/10/listen-to-rare-original-promo-of-the-avalanches-si.html

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 08, 2016, 01:48

na, i didn't. haven't expected it to leave even on vimeo. but yes, it was a really nice watch.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jul 07, 2016, 20:58

^ Well that didn't last long! Pumisher, I don't suppose you managed to grab a copy of it did you?
For those who didn't see it, it really was very good. I mean that in the visual sense more than musically. About 130 films and tv shows edited together to create a 13 minute music video. Read more about it HERE.

They wanted to make a whole album and film out of it but had funding setbacks for it and this is just a what could've been. They still want to work on it though. I've recently listened to another local radio interview and they said they have more music that didn't make the album because it just didn't transition/fit well with the whole album but they want to release it later in some form.

Here's the interview with a little more on the film and other stuff:


These film makers/artists help run a indie movie night in Brooklyn which I might check out when I go over there on my holiday.

In another article they revealed they were working with a south korean illustrator though. So either its a collaboration or the above was just a fan made video which I thought was in the first place. extract from other article:

They worked on an ambitious but ultimately doomed animation-and-music project for two years. The scale of it was massive. It was to come out under The Avalanches' name as a feature-length animated movie made with hand-drawn cells, done by an illustrator in South Korea, and with Avalanches' music.
"It was inspired by Yellow Submarine," says Chater, "and 1960s Japanese pop-art. Like a cartoon for grown-ups. It was going to be this big, beautiful hand-crafted thing,  a really fun psychedelic, hip-hop cartoon." But it was funded privately, and very expensive, and the money fell through at the last hurdle.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/youve-waited-16-years-for-this-so-what-took-the-avalanches-so-long-20160627-gprdtg.html#ixzz4DsDuauRR
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

I like the whole album now, frankie sinatra even now how it fits in the album. The noisy eater reminds me of the remix of Airs Sexy boy:

(I'm sure theres maybe a few other tracks that use eating out there somewhere though)

The underwater part going into Wozard of IZ into Sunshine was a beautiful climatic moment you'd find in SILY too.
Last Edit: Jul 09, 2016, 02:17 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I need to give it another listen, but on first play... I'm pretty bored.

The Wozard of Iz was cool. And the breakfast part of Noisy Eater.

I don't know. It just seems like they've opted to use a very particular type of sample. Lots of strings, folk and 60s/70s pop. No Daft Punk drums, no Madonna, no Stool Pigeon or 80's pop in general. And it makes for a very samey sound throughout.

Also Kevin Parker is credited for additional drums on Going Home. I heard nothing that sounded like anything that wasn't from the samples. Disappointing.

Its a different vibe more stoner 70s in parts more rough like a cut up mixtape.

When I don't have time to engage myself in the whole album I go to the Harmony through to Sunshine part. Or the beginning sometimes skipping Frankie to subway to Colours. Im really curious about the extra material they are really keen to get out as soon as they can too. The label will probably want to milk this album during touring first maybe so might be little while. They said they left it to them to pick the singles too which maybe they shouldn't have TBH. Its funny they didn't do that but admitted to spending hours on transitioning fitting the right sounds/sfx and music in the album but not that.

Having Frankie as the 'comeback' single is easily going to compare it to Frontier Psychiatrist minus Dexter's DMC worthy scratching. The same kind of slapstick humour hip hop which is borderline cheesy/unbearable for me like the noisy eater track. out of the 2 frankie is the least annoying. The MF Doom and Favourite Things sample win me over and make it a bit classy. Besides these 2 songs that challenge me sometimes I like the rest of it.

Yeah some people they used you can hardly recognise there contribution like Kevin's drums you'd think it was a sample and apparently colours no samples were used?? They've obviously added six to it and manipulated it too sound lo-fi so it fits in. We know Jonathan Donahue is a gun with instruments etc. learning that from mercury rev and what he's done with the Chemical Brothers in the past.
Last Edit: Jul 12, 2016, 13:18 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

fucking love it.  through and through.  the cd constantly goes back and forth to whatever cd player is available to me at the time.  "because i'm me" is my go to jam of the moment. 

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