Just Get Yourself High

Can we believe it? The Avalanches...

Started by pnx, May 23, 2016, 21:36

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They took too long to release another album. The most success they will see, whether their sophomore album is real or not, is by teasing the idea of it existing. It's awesome they are doing some live shows (dj sets?) this summer. But I think they would be better off releasing any new music via an alias.

After so long, I thought this band went to extinction. The first (and only for now) album was majestic.

Clearly we don't want this thread to be another place for aimless speculation...


The evidence presented here that there could be a new track from them coming today is pretty exciting.

Also, I just called +44 800 098 8938 and listened to the short but tantalizing loop of their new song 'Subways'. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Quote from: Enjoyed on May 27, 2016, 13:48

Clearly we don't want this thread to be another place for aimless speculation...


The evidence presented here that there could be a new track from them coming today is pretty exciting.

Also, I just called +44 800 098 8938 and listened to the short but tantalizing loop of their new song 'Subways'. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Is it a similar loop from the teaser documentary or a different one?

Theres still demand and interest with them as they are doing more live shows and promotion overseas than they are here in Australia. (Thats always a sign they are for an australian music act if they get promoted that way). And as past reports have said that album alone has become cult status. Collaborators like Ariel Pink is a nice fit for them. I'm hoping and assuming they will do a national tour down under later after the only Splendour in the Grass appearance this year.
Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 20:39 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...


I'm not completely sold.

That's the one song they chose to 'return' with? Doesn't hit like it should.

I'm excited for the album. And let's be honest, their best tracks were never the singles, but still...

I think they've shot themselves in the foot here by waiting so long. The same problem Tom Vek had. The longer you wait, the higher the expectations. It wont change how incredible Since I Left You is, but I will definitely be judging Wildflower more than I would have if it had come out 13/12/11/10 years ago.

We shall see.

I'm certainly less bummed about not being able to see them after hearing that. Though I would certainly lose my shit if they played A Different Feeling...

I only recently heard and got on the Avalanches train (thanks to Brian for playing Since I Left You on the way to Chicago). No buildup or hype here for the second album here, and I seriously agree about Frankie Sinatra. It does not hold up.
Never for money, always for love.

Since I Left You is one of the best road trip albums ever. 

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 02, 2016, 11:20


I'm not completely sold.

That's the one song they chose to 'return' with? Doesn't hit like it should.

I'm excited for the album. And let's be honest, their best tracks were never the singles, but still...

I think they've shot themselves in the foot here by waiting so long. The same problem Tom Vek had. The longer you wait, the higher the expectations. It wont change how incredible Since I Left You is, but I will definitely be judging Wildflower more than I would have if it had come out 13/12/11/10 years ago.

We shall see.

I'm certainly less bummed about not being able to see them after hearing that. Though I would certainly lose my shit if they played A Different Feeling...

I agree with you regarding the expectation.

For this single, I think that if we would take one of the tracks of Since I Left You alone, it will never be a hit. It's the whole album that makes sense. I'm expecting the same thing here, this is why I don't care too much about this single.
By the way, for the same reason you clearly explained, I try to not have a high expectation for the album, just like the band is another, not the Avalanches.

Last Edit: Jun 02, 2016, 15:50 by pnx

I'm intrigued. I like the quirky video, and happy that they worked with MF Doom, his flow is the tightest! (god, I'm so white...)

Heres the Subways track in full recorded at primavera this will cure you're 'a different feeling' woes:

Last Edit: Jun 04, 2016, 03:17 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Its the original guys in the group, Darren has left though apparently.

Frontier psychiatrist was a single they got attention with from SILY and most people that aren't mega fans know them for. just like Frankie Sinatra which reminds me of it. Frontier Psychiatrist was my least fave track on the whole album so Im definitely not judging them just from Frankie Sinatra. Its OK but they are definitely a full album band and they've said that again and why proper fans like them.

I was happy with the interview Zane Low did on Beats 1 with them.
Last Edit: Jun 04, 2016, 03:25 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I freaking LOVE Frontier Psychiatrist!  The album actually had to grow on me (took me two whole listens to love it through and through) because I expected everything to be like that.

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 04, 2016, 03:12

Frontier psychiatrist was a single they got attention with from SILY and most people that aren't mega fans know them for.
I never bought the album, but for me the single release of the title track was what I knew them for (and what I bought). I'm pretty sure I heard the album at some point and concluded that the title track was the only one that interested me.

They're playing a festival that I'm due to attend next Sunday, so time-clashes permitting, perhaps I'll catch them and figure out what the fuss is about. Mind you, I'm a bit skeptical about a live performance from a 'band' that relies on samples of other people. Potentially boring, no?

Yeah SILY was the second single after frontier psychiatrist (in OZ anyway) which I liked better out of the 2 and I think 'Radio' was released as another single later which I liked. I think SILY maybe came before frontier psychiatrist over seas not sure.

You guys are missing out! tracks like 'a different feeling', the epic 'live at dominoes', 'electricity' etc.

by the video above it looks like the are doing more of a live edit, dj mix instead. they're pretty crazy mixers. Before the first album, the had a regular night called 'Brains' here in Melbourne at a now gone dive bar in the city called St. Jeromes (which has now evolved to a music festival) and would experiment with old records and mash ups before 2 many DJs and Girl Talk took over later on with more contemporary stuff. So I'm predicting they're going back to their roots and doing that. They did have a live band setup when toured SILY in the past but were breaking body parts on stage by getting too crazy performing.

If you've got some time to kill heres a DJ mix which is an earlier version of SILY with different songs and treatment including songs like bob dylan, michael jackson, cyndi lauper intertwined with the SILY tracks.

Last Edit: Jun 04, 2016, 11:12 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 04, 2016, 03:05

Heres the Subways track in full recorded at primavera this will cure you're 'a different feeling' woes:

Erm... Unfortunately not.
What a disappointingly unengaged looking audience.

I'll wait to hear that in proper quality. And in the meantime, see if I can find a SILY track being played at Primavera to see if they're just pressing play on their recordings.

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 04, 2016, 11:00

Yeah SILY was the second single after frontier psychiatrist (in OZ anyway) which I liked better out of the 2 and I think 'Radio' was released as another single later which I liked. I think SILY maybe came before frontier psychiatrist over seas not sure.

We had Electricity as the third single over here. With the sublime Ernest St. Laurent remix of 'A Different Feeling'.
Radio was an import that I never bothered getting as it only had Frontier Psychiatrist and the video as a B-Side.

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 04, 2016, 11:00

You guys are missing out! tracks like 'a different feeling', the epic 'live at dominoes', 'electricity' etc.

You really are. And 'Etoh'.
I think the moment I began to understand the entirety of SILY (having also gotten into them via Frontier Psychiatrist, along with a recommendation from my form tutor at school) was the moment I really grew in terms of musical appreciation.
The first few listens had me fixated on very few sections that sounded enough like Daft Punk or normal 'dance' music. But one walk on the Dorset coast with my walkman in 2002, everything clicked. And it was 'Etoh' that really won me over.

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 04, 2016, 11:00

If you've got some time to kill heres a DJ mix which is an earlier version of SILY with different songs and treatment including songs like bob dylan, michael jackson, cyndi lauper intertwined with the SILY tracks.


Yeah. This is a top, top mix. I have it in iTunes as When I Met You though. Guess that's a fan title.
Their breezeblock mix is pretty swell too.
And of course, there's all of .

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 04, 2016, 11:28

Erm... Unfortunately not.
What a disappointingly unengaged looking audience.

I'll wait to hear that in proper quality. And in the meantime, see if I can find a SILY track being played at Primavera to see if they're just pressing play on their recordings.

they were swaying if that counts for anything ha. but yeah not as excited as I thought. Not sure how popular they are in Spain though.

There was another gig in London they did before Primavera too I can't find anything yet.

They had a few mixes on there old website, looks some of them are there in reddit with some more ripped triple j ones.

Electricity was out before SILY album in OZ as an EP which is floating around online its slightly different. I like this cut/edit with more break downs and the random techno beat slam breaks and more recognisable female vocals in parts without the effects from one of their friends.

Last Edit: Jun 04, 2016, 11:52 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Yeah. I was going to go to that but I had no friends  :'(

And it costs more than the ticket price to get into London these days.

ALSO. Regarding mixes, this one features a couple of tracks from The Chems...

Beach Boys into Star Guitar is pretty delicious.

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