If You Ever Change Your Mind About Leaving It All Behind..

n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 26, 2015, 03:15

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Hey guys!!

Maybe a new introduction since I am the master of lurking.
I have come and go.. a name lintus/i0ne have been used before on the old forum.
Never got around in this new flashy forum that much.
But now again I find myself seeking for more music and like minded people.
I have been listening to the chems since the come with us album came out.
I would never forget seeing the flashing jellyfish in the clip of the test on TMF (NL).

The last time I have seen them perform was at Rock Werchter (belgium) which was a great show. But hoping to see them as a show of themselves again. Nothing compares.

So nice meeting you all again!

Gr Iwan

Welcome (back) iOne!!

Glad to see we've managed to coax you out of the shadows :)

Lots of great discussion is always just a click away on this forum, and of course you'll have seen how great everyone is already just from reading comments.
Especially that handsome Enjoyed fellow. He's great.

don't listen to enjoyed, he's out of control
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: i0ne on Dec 23, 2017, 19:52

Hey guys!!

Maybe a new introduction since I am the master of lurking.
I have come and go.. a name lintus/i0ne have been used before on the old forum.
Never got around in this new flashy forum that much.
But now again I find myself seeking for more music and like minded people.
I have been listening to the chems since the come with us album came out.
I would never forget seeing the flashing jellyfish in the clip of the test on TMF (NL).

The last time I have seen them perform was at Rock Werchter (belgium) which was a great show. But hoping to see them as a show of themselves again. Nothing compares.

So nice meeting you all again!

Gr Iwan
Welcome & Welcome Back to the chembase!
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Hi everyone :D
My "English language" is not good, I use google translate...

Hey Normalny! Welcome aboard.

"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

This is so cool! All the way from the Netherlands I greet you!
I will never forget my first Chemical show at Lowlands. It was the best time ever! Not only The Chemical Brothers, but Underworld as well! I was the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!!!
So lucky that I dare to ask you to come back again, it tasted for more!!
:music :music :music

Hi there,  just got done getting a tattoo,  and figured I'd share it with all of you. It's on my left leg

Cool tat.

Does anybody remember a long time ago a dude getting an Astralwerk symbol tat and trying to sell it as a Chemical Brothers tat?

That was funny

Hi guys thanks for having me.

Get cool Techno and EDM Clothing here:


Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking forever to register on this forum but I finally got myself to do so after the initial board went under. Kept the same username to be on the safe side

Quote from: Electrotek on May 20, 2018, 17:07

Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking forever to register on this forum but I finally got myself to do so after the initial board went under. Kept the same username to be on the safe side
It's good to see you again, mate!
Please, welcome
Hi Kevin!

Welcome back to our little Chems refuge!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Hi there,
I am start64. Not really new, since I also visited the old forum many years ago.
I was lurking here for the past weeks and decided to register again after returning from the great gig in Luxembourg...

Welcome back! Always good to see 'old' faces. If you've got the time and motivation, maybe you wanna share your Rockhal experience? Anyways, have fun around here like in the good ol' days!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Well. It's been a while since i've been here, and i'm maybe late with this post, but why not. So here is my story. It was 2011, i  was a pupil, played FIFA all day long and listened to Radio Sport. My music preferences weren't special. I just had Kasabian, ABBA and some tracks of Fort Minor in my player. There're some stories why i started to listen to this bands, but the post is not about it :) So i was not an adherent of a certain genre and was looking for songs on the radio to complete my 'radio playlist'. It was a hodgepodge of different genres and i was ok to enjoy it.

And then it happened. I heard a song with an Indian motif and just felt in love. I always visited moreradio.ru which had playlists of radio stations to search some needed songs. Unfortunately i didn't do this the first time and didn't find out the name of the song. Radio Sport played some tracks thousand of times but not that track. More sadness was added by the fact that it was in jingle which was played several times a day. But. Not. The. Whole. Fucking. Song. And after about 6 month they played it again. YES. I even wrote down the date, it was 24.02.12 :) So now i knew it was Galvanize (yeah, yeah, not the best way to touch the bros). I started to lurk for some other songs, originally listening to some popular ones. And and most of the time i discovered that i had already heard these songs, but now i knew who did it. Then i started to listen to the whole chems list from the beginning. Exit Planet Dust seemed monotonous to me for the first time. HAHAHA. Day by day, song by song the bros' music took possession of me (is it correct to say like that in english?). I looked for gigs, rare tracks and other stuff and found this forum (the old one). I was read-only there. But i decided to register when i found a video of a DJ set where the bros played Go (that version with better bits in the chorus). It was the first ever footage of this new track, and i could be the first who brought it on the forum (LOL, what a stupid reason to register). For some reasons i didn't receive a confirmation email about registration, so i continued to be a read-only member. I finally registered after moving to the new site. So i'm here.

Back to my music preferences. After 6 years with the bros it now looks like Solar system where the bros are the Sun and there're some planets around it - bands that i explored by the connections with the bros - New Order, Prodigy, Crystal Method, FatBoy Slim, Leftfield and some others. I do not listen to Radio Sport anymore. Now it is called Sport FM and it's been shit since some cool journalists left it. But i have to thank it for the fucking Chemical Brothers. I listen to them now and there is no doubt - i will do the same for ages.
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

Hey there!
Just registered (again)... I was over here around 2010 then some s--t happened and I just didn't bother to follow any more but I'm back at it. A lot has changed!
Is this the same forum working in 2010? Damn!

So yep... My story goes way way back because I was fortunate enough to have some older amazing friends introducing me to good music from a very young age. I remember missing some classes and getting caught because I bailed to check the store for Come With Us - worth it!
IRC and chatrooms over on mIRC dedicated to The Bros were where I spent most of my time as a young teen and my best friends to this day were the ones I met over there :) Just went to Rock in Rio for TCB only (well, better than having to deal with screaming 12 year olds over Jared Leto a couple years ago...) and it blew my mind. As always. I need my yearly fix of a show to keep going.
Just read the thread on Rock in Rio 2018 and you are so right - I couldn't stop jumping around but everyone else was too still!  As usual, met loads of people after the show who told me they had no idea about TCB and they were about to leave when suddenly everyone just rushed back because they were in awe of the sound and the visuals, pretty funny to see people blown away by the show only, without even knowing any songs, happens every single time haha

I have a TCB song for every meaningful moment of my life and it's been like that for about 20 years now and I guess it will never change. As my life starts to glue back together after a hard time I gotta admit my favorite thing to reset my mind is to go rollerskating while a live set blows my ears up. And while many things were pushed aside for a long while, I made an effort to travel and see them live because it was the only thing I knew would put a smile on my face.

Damn, 2010 was a long time ago... Hope to remember some people from that time and meet loads of new people :)

Much love, H

Hey everyone! Been a fan of the Chemical Brothers for a while here but I'm actually doing research on the EBWs now, analyzing them for my music theory PhD dissertation. I'm focusing on EBW4 and EBW6 but I'd love to hear your guys's opinions on them and what you think makes them so special and unique. Looking forward to participating here.

Hey there Musictheoryguy! Welcome :)

What a fascinating research paper. How exactly are you analyzing the tracks?

For me, The Chemical Brothers have always amazed me with their synthesis. They seem to be able to create sounds I have never heard anything like before and, more to the point, have no idea how to recreate. Freak of the Week/EBW 4 is actually the first time I really focused on those textures and tried to wrap my head around them. The synth sweeps in the section from 3:11 to 3:38 are still so mesmerising to me. I can speculate about some of the filter sweeping and pitch bending, but I think it's the combination of so many effects/techniques that results in a sound that I could only ever describe as otherworldly. The whole track does feel slightly lo-fi as well, maybe just fractionally limited in terms of it's full frequency range? Might just be a feeling more than fact but EBW4 for me is definitely a very 'underground' feeling track.

I think that is something that is provoked by the EBW label actually. The idea of limited release tracks that are circulated (mainly) among DJs and not really for general sale. It screams 'underground' just from the concept, and perhaps that spills into our appreciation of the tracks?

EBW6 is much more digital sounding and wider, frequency wise, but there's something LOW about how it sounds. The droning bassline that rumbles along with the kick drum... Both of them, and in fact a lot of the EBWs in general, I think could be described as hypnotic. Again, perhaps stemming from their DJ weapon heritage, they evolve slowly, set a deep groove (focus on bassline and simple repeated kick drum patterns) and essentially ride it to the end.
EBW6 also has a lot of interesting synth textures. A little less out of this world but equally unique I think. The filter sweeping and fluctuation of pitch with a lot of the sweeps/delay feedbacks is something that I think definitely adds to the hypnotic feel. You sort of zone out and let the textures wash over you as a listener.

Both examples have great breaks too that smash back into the groove with added textures. I think the contrast of those breaks, the feeling of coming out of the trance and then diving back in, makes them feel even deeper.

I don't know really. Maybe I'm talking complete tosh but both of the EBWs you've chosen do have a lot of similarities. Just listening through some of the rest of the battle weapons, there are definitely different vibes in each one, but I think that 'deep' and hypnotic feel is pretty evident throughout them all. Be it simple repetition that drives it or that focus on the low end combined with the meandering synths at the top end. There is a sort of space in the middle for the listener to sit and experience the madness above and below them.

Definitely would be super interested to read your results when you're finished!

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