Who's Hungry?

Things you've learned in life

Started by Mob1, Jul 31, 2015, 03:41

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The changeover wasn't smooth for me at all. Had to restart my system a few times to get it out of being stuck at the log on screen and spinning wheel. And my specs are well over the sys requirements. I'll give it a few more tries before I change back to 7.

My issue with Windows is I have a laptop that has this shit malware IDT/Beats sound card driver. The fucking piece of shit drivers uninstall any new ones I install (usually Realtek what what) and reinstalls itself. In all of my years of using computers, I have never failed at anything UNTIL NOW. Fuck you Dre, you woman beating sell out. Because of you, my audio output is compressed and has awful equalization.

Oh, a life lesson from this. Stay away from IDT and don't buy laptops with Beats audio, just because the laptop is super cheap. I still have to use my 5 year old macbook which cannot hold a charge, using crossover, just to make music. It takes like 10 seconds for me to turn a knob.

Lesson number 2: get rid of gnats and other invasive summer time bugs that like stinky garbage by putting out a canister of white vinegar + dish soap (or just red apple cider vinegar). They are super attracted to it and the soap causes them to be unable to escape.

Vinegar, in general, is so versatile. Need to marinate meat? VINEGAR. Need to clean up pee from a cat/drunken buddy (sometimes the same thing WAIT THAT IS ANIMAL ABUSE)? VINEGAR. Yes, the room will smell like vinegar for 8 hours, but the smell dissipates and leaves you with clean sheets. Want to make indian paneer cheese with spoiled whole milk? HEAT THAT SHIT UP YO AND ADD VINEGAR WHEN IT IS BOILING. You are left with whey and cheese. Use the whey in many things, my personal favorite of which includes boiling pasta in it. The pasta gets a slight vinegar tang, adding a new dimension. I LOVE VINEGAR. You can do this with not spoiled milk, but the lactobacillus adds another dimension to the cheese.

FERMENTATION and PICKLING. Learn about them! There are so many things that we consume that would not be possible without fermentation (and pickling). Most people think of alcohol, but soy, kombucha (which I guess is technically alcohol), tempeh, and kimchi (if you like it. I am not a fan) are fermented treats that keep your intestinal tract full of good bacteria. I hated science in school, because they did not focus on cool stuff like fermentation.

Final tip for this post: Meet Chemical Brothers forum members. Now, I know what you are thinking. Why hang out with nerds  from the internet? They might talk about things like taxes, or how in high school they were sooooooo cool. And it is true, that is all you will talk about. But, you will also have the opportunity to meet some of the kindest, most welcoming people. Also, you will be introduced to the best way of living... via shrimp life.
Last Edit: Aug 08, 2015, 03:22 by androidgeoff
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually use vinegar as fabric softener! Feel the difference, Heinz vinegar > snuggle as Velvet fluff  > steel wool.

edit: i got windows 10 running. apparently some functions were unavailable and took time for them to start working, cortana for example, was grayed out until this morning. She loves me now.
Last Edit: Aug 08, 2015, 20:30 by KNE

Quote from: KNE on Aug 08, 2015, 00:49

Decline the free offer for windows 10. It will render your useful PC useless.
It did no such thing to my computer, and is running smoothly with win 10, even better than win 8.1
although i did make a clean install, after upgrading, maybe it helped
directx12 is main reason I even considered switching to win 10, too bad current software still doesn't support dx12 (I'm looking at you, CD Project RED!)
Last Edit: Aug 10, 2015, 09:13 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Cmd (/cntrl) + S

Quote from: sandelic on Aug 10, 2015, 09:10

It did no such thing to my computer, and is running smoothly with win 10, even better than win 8.1
although i did make a clean install, after upgrading, maybe it helped
directx12 is main reason I even considered switching to win 10, too bad current software still doesn't support dx12 (I'm looking at you, CD Project RED!)
I'm super scared to upgrade now!
Everyone seems to be having a different experience, ranging from "It's amazing as tits" to "It broke my computer". I have no qualms with the changes they made. It seems like an improvement on both 7 and 8, but I CANNOT afford to have no working computer right now.
The devil is in the details

Quote from: Bendy1001 on Aug 13, 2015, 14:34

I'm super scared to upgrade now!
Everyone seems to be having a different experience, ranging from "It's amazing as tits" to "It broke my computer". I have no qualms with the changes they made. It seems like an improvement on both 7 and 8, but I CANNOT afford to have no working computer right now.
Well, it's alright but it doesn't come with revolutionary new features. And it's an opt-out system, means, you have to turn off all the personal data features by hand - and there are quite a lot of them. Some of them you can't even switch off entirely.

I installed Win 10 Pro on an old Win 7 Pro laptop two weeks ago just to enjoy the free giveaway copy. Everything went smoothly and after the install, I noticed that WIn 10 generated a new key which I read with a product key viewer. At first I thought the key of my old win 7 copy was overwritten and I had gotten a new key. But guess what, it's not. Today I tried to install the OS on another laptop with an Win 8.1 OEM key and it turns out It's the exact same key. It's  a generic key, even though my system says it's been activated. Weird. How do I know now that both computers are seperately and independently activated and entitled to run at the same time? And what if I wanted to carry that WIn 10 over to another machine (running exclusively on that very machine) without a genuine product key?
Last Edit: Aug 13, 2015, 15:35 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I wonder that myself.
It seems that during upgrade, activation profile connected with your machine id (probably based on your hardware) is uploaded to microsoft (but, as I understood it, not connected to your account with microsoft), since during clean install of win10 you can skip key part and, once connected to internet, it automatically activates itself.
So, if I change motherboard or processor, my installation od win10 on new computer would not be considered activated, since new machine Id would be made?
And, as usual, microsoft is pretty vague on this issue, as far as I can tell.
Last Edit: Aug 13, 2015, 19:29 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: androidgeoff on Aug 07, 2015, 23:31

When walking around in a shady environment...
lol i love how you start life lessons with that phrase. still ROFLing

Quote from: androidgeoff on Aug 08, 2015, 03:21

Also, you will be introduced to the best way of living... via shrimp life.

The true reason I'm going to America.

Look at each others' elbows as you high five and you will have the perfect high five every time.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 23, 2015, 05:40

Look at each others' elbows as you high five and you will have the perfect high five every time.
Works like a charm. What a lifehack man!!

Never post your real name on any site that doesn't have an option to hide it from search engines.

Don't fap too much or you'll go deaf.

What? I'm not sure I heard you.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

And I was told you'd get blind which is why  I couldn't read your post.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I'm so drunk today my friends and i'm feeling so lonely, listening different sad tracks..
Like "The Pills Wont Help" or "The state we're in" or the greatest "Snow/STA" mix from live. And not only the Chems in my playlist today.

Why.. why it's so complicated... I've been working so much to have a happy relationships..
Hi Kevin!

                                             For  Explud  :  Wait  &  have  hope  ,  things  will get  better  . . .   
Last Edit: Nov 20, 2015, 22:42 by Fine Time
" Everybody  jumpin out of their mind  "

Drinking when you're lonely makes things worse, go easy on yourself, Explud. I hope today is a better day for you. :)
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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