I Know What to Do: I'm Going to Lose My Mind

Show me what you've got (Chems releases collections)

Started by Explud, Aug 13, 2015, 14:26

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I presume no one here has the Wipeout 2097 version of Dust Up Beats on vinyl. So instead here's something I haven't seen in any of your pics so far:  The game itself.  Box is cracked and I'm not sure where to get a replacement. I don't even play games. Just got this because it plays in my CD player. My PC wouldn't actually rip the audio from it, so I ended up ripping it from YT for MP3 purposes.

I can't be bothered to cobble together my collection for a big pic, but here are some other Chemical related items that don't seem to feature too much in other pics.

The CD on the bottom right is a promo of Tom's RAR mix of I Break Horses, Hearts.  The record in the middle is Klaxons' Love Frequency (Tom remix). The main label on the Klaxons 12" sleeve is white writing on silver which doesn't photograph too well. I guess you'll know the others.
Last Edit: Aug 27, 2015, 18:47 by Skyscraper

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 20, 2015, 05:35

I'm actually jealous of your "Rowlands&Simons&Smith." shirt. Where did you get that?

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 27, 2015, 18:45

I presume no one here has the Wipeout 2097 version of Dust Up Beats on vinyl.
I've got the soundtrack of wipeout on vinyl, but there's only loops of fury and Leave Home (underworld remix) on it. Is there another version? Nice ps1 game btw, I like "the Designers Republic" design style..
Last Edit: Aug 27, 2015, 19:12 by toxic

Quote from: toxic on Aug 27, 2015, 18:55

I've got the soundtrack of wipeout on vinyl, but there's only loops of fury and Leave Home (underworld remix) on it. Is there another version?
Well I just meant, I presume no one here has one of the 50(?) copies of My Mercury Mouth that had the "Wipeout version" of Dust Up Beats on it - as discussed today by WN and Pumisher on the B-sides poll thread.

ok got it, I didn't read that yet... What was it again with that version. Different beginning, ending, length? I got three of them laying around here but never took the time to listen and find the difference...

Go to WN's thread on this in the FAQ section now!! You have three copies of the My Mercury Mouth vinyl? Give 'em a spin. If any of them have a different version of Dust Up Beats, you have a true rarity.

Quote from: toxic on Aug 27, 2015, 07:09

The Strictly Limited Edition I got on eBay in 2000 for waaaaaaay to much money, and the star shaped promo I found it on a record fare in the Netherlands in Utrecht. This is a HUGE record fair twice a year, and I just always go there. I always take my Chemical Brothers record bag (a promo bag with the release of Surrender I think) with me to put my new vinyl in. Jeez, i'm a real chemical nerd  :-\

Haha you sound just like me!!! Except for the strictly limited edition and the star shaped star guitar. But the Chemical Brothers record bag and de Mega Platen en CD beurs I regonize all too well :)

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 27, 2015, 19:14

Well I just meant, I presume no one here has one of the 50(?) copies of My Mercury Mouth that had the "Wipeout version" of Dust Up Beats on it - as discussed today by WN and Pumisher on the B-sides poll thread.

I have both versions on vinyl but I never knew it only has 50 copies??!! And I discussed it on the old forum that I find it strange thta the "wipe out" version (which was also played live) is the discarded one. I like that obe much better.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 27, 2015, 19:30

Go to WN's thread on this in the FAQ section now!! You have three copies of the My Mercury Mouth vinyl? Give 'em a spin. If any of them have a different version of Dust Up Beats, you have a true rarity.

Played them both (I thought I had three) and both are the non wipeout version. At least I just saw my two different black and white versions of Fourteenth Century Sky, still made me smile :)

Quote from: toxic on Aug 27, 2015, 20:20

At least I just saw my two different black and white versions of Fourteenth Century Sky, still made me smile :)

Haha that's the last thing I'm hunting for. I have a weird 14th century sky. The label says JBO Collect 003 which is 'Mmm Skyscraper I love you´ by Underworld but the record actually is JBo Collect 004, the Dust Brothers 14th century sky

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 27, 2015, 19:14

Well I just meant, I presume no one here has one of the 50(?) copies of My Mercury Mouth that had the "Wipeout version" of Dust Up Beats on it - as discussed today by WN and Pumisher on the B-sides poll thread.

Those 50 could be anywhere on this earth. Maybe if Tom or Ed has a spare.

I wonder what the reason was for only 50 copies? Change of heart? Or maybe the rest were caught in a fire (I also heard a similar story related to the strictly limited edition CD)

Quote from: toxic on Aug 27, 2015, 18:47

I'm actually jealous of your "Rowlands&Simons&Smith." shirt. Where did you get that?

I actually custom made it! I made it the same day when I went to my show earlier this month.
Extra points: I got a compliment from Tom about it.  :)
Last Edit: Aug 27, 2015, 21:08 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 27, 2015, 20:59

I actually custom made it! I made it the same day when I went to my show earlier this month.
Extra points: I got a compliment from Tom about it.  :)
Freaking awesome!!

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 27, 2015, 20:59

Extra points: I got a compliment from Tom about it.  :)
Ha! When/where was that?
Never for money, always for love.

Ok, just extracted the mpg and exe from the Surrender Australian bonus disc. Unfortunately I think this is just the normal OOC video that is now well known since the 93-03 Singles DVD was released, but I'm sure in 1999 it was quite a treat!

.exe link (late 90s graphics warning!) - https://mega.nz/#!aQIAHbqT!ucIR0k13W30CwidVXr9fEF0O-INA5qIfP1MgDgQXOz0

mpg link (as uploaded to YouTube) - https://mega.nz/#!HZwEkASa!I1qzCebgMyPcOyLE2gSCZMI89IIRrTXKmVO8unL89Ls

Quote from: Csar on Aug 26, 2015, 12:37

Whirls, do you still have this huge selfmade Star Guitar collage hanging you made for Tower Records?

No... Sadly I do not. The piece was so large and cumbersome, with many individually cut, layered and delicate pieces - it barely survived the move I did in 2009. It got dropped removing it from my wall so one corner was pretty much destroyed. In an effort to protect it, I triple shrink wrapped the entire thing so as to keep all the pieces intact. It was far too large for any walls in my last apartment, so I held onto it and placed it in storage with all the other things I didn't have room for. Finally when we moved into our house nearly two years ago I pulled it out of storage hoping to hang it in my new garage/office/studio. But it was a lost cause. The entire thing was warped from the shrink wrap and having been in storage settled amongst my other crap for too long. It was sad seeing it go, but it had an awesome run and it was one of my most favorite things I've ever created. When I retire and or when I have marathon amounts of time to make something like that again, I'd like to make another piece just like it.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Aug 28, 2015, 03:18

No... Sadly I do not. The piece was so large and cumbersome, with many individually cut, layered and delicate pieces - it barely survived the move I did in 2009. It got dropped removing it from my wall so one corner was pretty much destroyed. In an effort to protect it, I triple shrink wrapped the entire thing so as to keep all the pieces intact. It was far too large for any walls in my last apartment, so I held onto it and placed it in storage with all the other things I didn't have room for. Finally when we moved into our house nearly two years ago I pulled it out of storage hoping to hang it in my new garage/office/studio. But it was a lost cause. The entire thing was warped from the shrink wrap and having been in storage settled amongst my other crap for too long. It was sad seeing it go, but it had an awesome run and it was one of my most favorite things I've ever created. When I retire and or when I have marathon amounts of time to make something like that again, I'd like to make another piece just like it.


But .....but....it was majestic and huge. It was too big to die.
Do you have a pic of it still? I'm pretty sure Whirls you can do it again, and even better.
Sorry for your cherished lost. I would be distraught if anything happened to something I made with my own hands.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 28, 2015, 04:01


But .....but....it was majestic and huge. It was too big to die.
Do you have a pic of it still? I'm pretty sure Whirls you can do it again, and even better.
Sorry for your cherished lost. I would be distraught if anything happened to something I made with my own hands.

Yeah I was pretty sad, but it wasn't something that could easily be repaired. I mean, it was banged up when it went into storage, and thrashed when I pulled it out of storage.  I do have pics of it thankfully (one in one of my photo albums on my Facebook) and a couple buried somewhere in my photobucket account.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Aug 28, 2015, 03:18

No... Sadly I do not. The piece was so large and cumbersome, with many individually cut, layered and delicate pieces - it barely survived the move I did in 2009. It got dropped removing it from my wall so one corner was pretty much destroyed. In an effort to protect it, I triple shrink wrapped the entire thing so as to keep all the pieces intact. It was far too large for any walls in my last apartment, so I held onto it and placed it in storage with all the other things I didn't have room for. Finally when we moved into our house nearly two years ago I pulled it out of storage hoping to hang it in my new garage/office/studio. But it was a lost cause. The entire thing was warped from the shrink wrap and having been in storage settled amongst my other crap for too long. It was sad seeing it go, but it had an awesome run and it was one of my most favorite things I've ever created. When I retire and or when I have marathon amounts of time to make something like that again, I'd like to make another piece just like it.

Sniffle. It was a great piece of art! But yeah, sometimes you have to let go of things, especially when they're beyond repair.
Quote from: whirlygirl on Aug 28, 2015, 05:19

I do have pics of it thankfully (one in one of my photo albums on my Facebook) and a couple buried somewhere in my photobucket account.
I know, the rules forbid stalking and that sort of thing but I liked it so much, I've kept a pic of it for all these years.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I was one of the lucky few to have paid homage to that fantastic piece of artwork. It truly was awesome. Damn shame it's no longer around.

Aww...so sweet!I am really touched, you guys... :)
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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