As I Walked Along the Supposed Golden Path

Eve Of Destruction

Started by Enjoyed, Apr 27, 2019, 18:54

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Probably time for another topic for a single album track. Right guys & gals?

There's some speculation over whether this will end up as a single. The tease of the video/visuals being the main hint. I think we're all hoping for a remix or two at the very least.

I thought this could be a good place to share any videos of the 'original' version that was played out in the DJ sets too. I actually never heard that version so I'm keen to listen to the progression.

I also wanted to express my love for the track, my expectation to see it opening the new live shows, and the following story:

My wife doesn't like it when I go over the top and sing lyrics constantly at her. Nor does she enjoy it when I respond to a question with lyrics instead of a real answer. So "Eve of Destruction" has become a bit of a jokey point of contention between us. I've also been scorned a couple of times for starting the album when we're trying to get ready to leave the house (because she knows I'll end up getting distracted and bopping instead of getting my shit together).
We own a community ceramics studio here in Portland and I have a 10day long playlist of nice vibe music that plays pretty solidly during our open hours. There's some treats in there, a few mellower Chems tracks, Groove Armada, Lemon Jelly, FKJ, lots of instrumental hip hop - it's honestly a great playlist.
So, fast forward to yesterday evening. The sun is out. People are in the space working on their stuff. I head to the office to make some music changes. I queue up Eve of Destruction. Just the first 4 lines play, then I skip to the next track in the studio playlist.
Out in the space I hear my wife... "What happened?"
I come out and respond, "I was just kidding, I know you probably didn't want me to play it"
She shoots back, "I didn't think you cared".
"I can go and put it back on if you want?"
Her reply... "I mean... Sacrifice is justified, y'know?"

I high five her, give her a kiss and go play Eve of Destruction loudly in our studio  8)

you're a funny guy, you know that, right!? And you're wife's a real good sport!

The track is fecking dope. At first, I was a little concerned about it after I had listened to some of those clips (and conviently forgot about them when the album dropped) and thought, "meh, sounds a bit flat." But man, when the snare drums started pounding leading right into that funky as hell of a bassline I was jumping in my seat.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I love the track as well. A great way to kick off the music exploration that is No Geography. I think it was stated in a forum review that the track sounds like a DJ set of the Chems. That's a pretty good way to sum it up. There are so many elements. For me, it sounds like the track they would have made prior to Exit Planet Dust if they had the ability to jump into a time machine and head to the year 2019 and then come back and report what they know. What they now know is "Eve of Destruction."

Also, I would be remiss if I didn't say that my 2 and half year old daughter is walking around the house saying "Eve of Destruction".... priceless.

My Fav from the Album it's just great
I love that House Feeling Reminds me of Some Daft Punk and Justice Sounds with more Chemical taste to it ;) Can't wait for the Live Version to drop!
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

I'm gonna make an edit of this in the style of the 2017 DJ version using this
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

OK so here's the lyrics :

ダンダン ダダン スタン ダンダン
ダンダン ダダン スタン ダンダン
ダンダン ダダン スタン ダンダン
ダンダン ダダン スタン ダンダン
God fucking a damn そこさ今
イブはアダムとする ていうのは
Fuck Me いみないことはない
気づく まだそばに
居てくれる人は無し 友達とはいないけど dance

Without Kanji:

Dandan dadan sutan dandan
dandan dadan sutan dandan
dandan dadan sutan dandan
dandan dadan sutan dandan
bukkowashitai nanimokamo
bukkowashitai nanimokamo
bukkowashitai nanimokamo
bukkowashitai nanimokamo
God fucking a damn
soko sa ima
ibu wa Adamu to surute iu no wa
shiroi iro wa mienai
Fuck Me iminai
koto wanai
nani mo shirasu odoritai
kidzuku mada soba ni ite
kureru hito wa nashi
to wa inaikedo dansu
(bukkowashitai nanimokamo)
(bukkowashitai nanimokamo)
(bukkowashitai nanimokamo)

translate using famous translator :

Anything you want to break

God fucking a damn there now
Eve is Adam
I can's see the white color
Fuck Me There's nothing wrong with it
I want to dance to know anything
I still notice there is no one who can be there
(Everything you want to break)
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

Quote from: JRSZ on Jun 04, 2019, 02:00

God fucking a damn そこさ今
Oh she's kinda speaking English here? Maybe the Chems should have told her there's no "a" in front of damn in this situation. I have a visual image of God getting it on with a man made body of water.

Quote from: JRSZ on Jun 04, 2019, 02:00

I can't see the white color
Bit racist, Nene!

Quote from: JRSZ on Jun 04, 2019, 02:00

Fuck Me いみないことはない
Really Nene, your language is pure potty mouth!

Quote from: JRSZ on Jun 04, 2019, 02:00

Anything you want to break

God fucking a damn there now
Eve is Adam
I can's see the white color
Fuck Me There's nothing wrong with it
I want to dance to know anything
I still notice there is no one who can be there
(Everything you want to break)
All seems rather non sequitur-ish in English. I wonder if it makes more sense in Japanese?

Dandan dadan sutan dandan
dandan dadan sutan dandan
dandan dadan sutan dandan
dandan dadan sutan dandan

This bit doesn't translate? Well, there was already a little tribute to Alan Partridge in the middle of the Free Yourself video. So  maybe ths is another one.

Last Edit: Jun 06, 2019, 17:58 by Wolkenkrabber

To be honest I just took the already written lyrics and tried to find missing lyrics
we can't be 100% sure but it seems legit to me I wonder if someone here knows japanese and can help us because I was putting the missing lyrics from what I hear and what makes sense
It sounds even weirdier if you translate it to the polish (my native language)
It isn't 100% correct for sure but I had a fun writing this
Dan dan dan part is just singing like la la la or something :D
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

I speak some Japanese (it's a work in progress) and here's my go at the translation from the No Geography Lyrics post:

ダンダン ダダン スタン ダンダン (4x)
Dan-dan da-dance ta-dan-dan
ぶっ壊したい何もかも (4x)
(I/you) can destroy anything (I/you) want.
God fucking a damn そこさ今
God fucking damn, now there.*
イブはアダムとする ていうのは
Eve is a Adam
I can't see white.
(?) 止めないことはない
(I/We/it) cannot be stopped.
気づく まだそばに
I want to dance without knowing
居てくれる人は無し 友達とはいないけど
But I still know there are no people that'll remain/stay close, no friends.
(ぶっ壊したい何もかも) (3x)
You can break down anything you want. (x3)

*The Japanese phonetic version of saying god fucking damn would be "godu fukunga damu" so I don't think it should be "a damn"

They've released visuals as video!

Hi Kevin!


電子王 (denshi ō) - Electric King
水性ゴリラ (suisei gorira)- Aquatic Gorilla
ホセ博士 (hose hakase) - Dr. Hose*
緑色液球体 (midoriiro eki kyūtai) - The Green Liquid Orb

*Funny side-note: "ホセ" (hose) is also how "Jose" is written in Japanese. So one could make the argument that it's name is Dr. Jose too.
Last Edit: Jun 10, 2019, 13:54 by Biff

I think the Green Liquid Orb should be called Lord Cheeseball, but nobody asked me.

Yay, we finally have the rad visuals as a music video!

Quote from: Biff on Jun 10, 2019, 13:16


電子王 (denshi ō) - Electric King
水性ゴリラ (suisei gorira)- Aquatic Gorilla
ホセ博士 (hose hakase) - Dr. Hose*
緑色液球体 (midoriiro eki kyūtai) - The Green Liquid Orb

*Funny side-note: "ホセ" (hose) is also how "Jose" is written in Japanese. So one could make the argument that it's name is Dr. Jose too.

FINALLY! I Was wondering what all that meant.
thank you sir Biff!

I'm still looking around for the making of this visual. Who are the actors/actresses in them.

I think the same people who did C-H-E-M-I-C-A-L also did this because Dr Hose is in both.

EDIT: flatnose found some influence on

Last Edit: Jun 10, 2019, 14:10 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I'm wondering if it's the same group used in the DYOH visuals. In fact, I think there a subtle reference to those visuals when the aquatic gorilla picks up and throws the hero in the exact same (same guy?) as someone does during DYOH.

Last Edit: Jun 10, 2019, 15:30 by hstn
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Welp, there is bound to be cosplay of this. I imagine some sort of fan fiction on the horizon too.

Get someone to immortalize these characters in a short series of comic books while the iron is hot.

Quote from: Stefan on Jun 10, 2019, 13:56

I think the Green Liquid Orb should be called Lord Cheeseball, but nobody asked me.

Yay, we finally have the rad visuals as a music video!
I thought it looked like a giant golf ball, but cheese works great too! So, it's the Pringles Sisters and Lord Cheeseball, I love it. Kinda yummy.

What a great decision to release this brilliant, not-taking-itself-too-seriously "story" visual for us. I'm glad Marcus and Adam are getting more exposure through this and people can appreciate their immense talent, as well as Kate Tabor's genius costumes.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

@enjoyed We can better lip read this now!
Never for money, always for love.

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