So We Rollin' With the Chemicals and We Got the New Sound

2015 - Apple Music Festival - Roundhouse - London - September 24th

Started by Bosco, Sep 02, 2015, 19:44

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Quote from: Shotglass75 on Sep 26, 2015, 16:31

Speaking of which and sorry to get off topic, but does anyone have a version of Swoon that might be a bit more family friendly for a wedding?  Or maybe even a cool acoustic version of some sort to maybe play during ceremony? Love the Chem Community. Keep up the great work.  Really appreciate it.

The edit version is radio(family)friendly. More vocals so it sounds a bit like a song.

Back on Topic. I made a double album out of Csar mp3 divided in seperate tracks. In some cases the volume differs a bit per track. But this could be an error from windows mediaplayer. The quality is great.

Also tonight at a big screen in my house the Toxic video of the concert. Had some previews this afternoon but too much sunlight coming in. It look good, more later.

So, does somebody uploaded it? Because i can find only an small introduction/interview in the iTunes.
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Ben_j on Sep 26, 2015, 01:14

Surface To Air/Escape Velocity/Under The Influence

Quote from: NiCk.Dj on Sep 26, 2015, 11:42

14.Snow/surface to air/Hold Tight London noise (Yes, I hear it)

Your not alone. 7:28 mark I hear the beeping from HTL. Would love to see that on tour again. Mind you I'd fight to one day see Snooprah live. Dreams can happen. I did call Nude Night years before they played it on the late part of the WATN tour.
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: Explud on Sep 26, 2015, 17:21

So, does somebody uploaded it? Because i can find only an small introduction/interview in the iTunes.

should look like this. Yellow circle is to indicate where the show stream recording play button is.

Great work by the cameramen. You can see The in crowd camera sway to EML Ritual  :music

Quote from: rynostar on Sep 26, 2015, 18:10

Your not alone. 7:28 mark I hear the beeping from HTL. Would love to see that on tour again. Mind you I'd fight to one day see Snooprah live. Dreams can happen. I did call Nude Night years before they played it on the late part of the WATN tour.
It's just one of the samples on the drum pads that Adam triggers. There are plenty of noises like that played throughout the show ;)

I tried uploading SIFSD/Chemical Beats/EBW7/OOC/Setting Sun but like I feared, tracks from BITE are still blocked.

Quote from: TJEFFS2000 on Sep 26, 2015, 17:19

Does anyone else hear Direct Buki?

Yep, the "Goodbye, thanks to all of you" sample is played at the beginning of Song to the Siren/Music: Response

I did another run with Benjis audio file and increased the volume by 1.5 db.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I must say, I watched this 13 times now, continuous, non stop. It is one of the most gorgeous stream/recording I have ever seen, it's just magical and well crafted. The HD Quality, the sound, the editing, everything is a piece of marvel. Very thanks to Toxic, Csar, and Ben J for their uploads of this show, this should be kept as a treasure for years to come, only to remind us how immersive and truly beautiful is The Chemical Brothers in their live acts, unmatched.

We need more of this, every now and then.

Quote from: Explud on Sep 26, 2015, 21:27

Apple blocked youtube videos. Ok. (((
Yes :/ Gonna try and upload the whole live in 4 parts on Dailymotion.

Believe it or not, just when I posted this, there was an ad for Apple Music on TV. Where they were bragging about how good it was to finaly have a place bringing together artists and fans... The irony :)
Last Edit: Sep 26, 2015, 21:53 by Ben_j

Quote from: Nekcore on Sep 26, 2015, 20:14

I must say, I watched this 13 times now, continuous, non stop. It is one of the most gorgeous stream/recording I have ever seen, it's just magical and well crafted.

I agree it's very good footage, but not quite as good as Don't think or some of the BBC Glasto footage.

It was really nice watching it at home having been at the event. It was a good show but I think there were some slightly off bits during the transitions. Having said that there were a lot of tracks mashed together which I thought was awesome. Also really thought it was a nice touch with the tribute made to Stuart James.

Quote from: ACIDCHILDREN on Sep 26, 2015, 21:55

I agree it's very good footage, but not quite as good as Don't think or some of the BBC Glasto footage.
The Glasto footage is ruined by the flags tbh... I prefer the Roundhouse footage a lot more, because no flags, and a much smaller venue, so no shots from far away from the stage :)

Quote from: ACIDCHILDREN on Sep 26, 2015, 21:55

I agree it's very good footage, but not quite as good as Don't think or some of the BBC Glasto footage.

Agreed, Don't Think is on a different league. But of many footage's I have seen, to me this one, it's one the "cleanest" in a matter of speaking, it's like more intimate and feels like you're part of it, which it's awesome  ;D.
Last Edit: Sep 27, 2015, 17:20 by Nekcore
Apple made a audio only track but has tomorrow never knows cut out.

Also, has anyone ripped the little interview before the show? I want to add it to my  blu ray project.  ;D
Last Edit: Sep 26, 2015, 22:22 by KNE

 I prefer the apple music festival slightly over dont think movie. It just seems more a personal experience and better vid quality. Plus goood shots of t and a, and the lighting, lasers,etc.

But that snow/sta made a big difference.

Quote from: The Bloke on Sep 26, 2015, 19:03

Yep, the "Goodbye, thanks to all of you" sample is played at the beginning of Song to the Siren/Music: Response

Good ear! I missed that!
Last Edit: Sep 26, 2015, 22:36 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Watched the video on my 48" and hifi set. The video is clean as a whistle. It mat not be the best but I have seen many blurays with worse video. And the audio is sharp too. You can really hear the play with stereo and volume.
And I know it's a stereo recording but adding the woofer gives it so much more intensety and the rear speakers really add to the viewing experience.

I love the Apple music setlist, the video and audio is great. But I like Don't Think better as a viewing experience. Allthough the shots at the Apple festival are well done, the overview of the stage, the "on the controls" view, the visuals over the shot (those running men during SS/OOC aren't even on the big screen display, and even the shots some of the faces in the audience make it a very well shot show. But there are just too much people making signs in the camera or making selfies in the audience.
So Don't Think is the better video. Audio only Apple festival wins by far. And that all because of TPPR and the new Snow/Surface to air which I absolutely adore and is my favortite Chemical Brothers production of all time.

Yes Ben_j I agree about the flags! Some of the phones and cameras are irritating in the Apple footage, but all in all very good.

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