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Music gear talk

Started by Ben_j, Sep 18, 2015, 22:12

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Just rewatched almost all of the videos from Jexus/WC Olo Garb on YouTube, and they're just all fucking excellent. It's amazing what he gets out of all of these synths...
Here's an example with the Juno 106

That funky sound at 8:24. Just perfect <3

This one is pretty phenomenal too :
Last Edit: Sep 18, 2015, 22:23 by Ben_j

Quote from: Ben_j on Sep 18, 2015, 22:12

That funky sound at 8:24. Just perfect <3

Funkadelic, and that Mono Evolver it's killer.

There's something so special about the Macbeth, makes me crave for it so much that I could sell my house  ;D. Big and sexy synth, and creates a beautiful chaos of modular sounds

Last Edit: Sep 19, 2015, 19:01 by Nekcore

I want this one, so charismatic sound:

I'm spending a lot of time with the vst version of it.
Last Edit: Sep 19, 2015, 20:49 by Explud
Hi Kevin!

Roland are releasing 3 recreaction of classic 80s synths (Jupiter 8, JX3P and Juno 106)

They look a bit cheap, and they're probably virtual analog, but I'd love to get a kinda Jupiter 8 for 399$

Ah, JX-3p was my first synth. Got it for $99 in the original box. That sure has changed....

The JX-3P is basically a Juno with more controls right ?

No, it's actually very different. It'd be daring enough to say it sounds more like a Jupiter 6 than a Juno-106. The chorus isn't similar at all, it has 2 oscs and is not quite bass-heavy, not that that's a bad thing always. The Jupiter 6 too is more bright, while the Juno-6/60/106 feel more heavy. The JX-3P it is well known for strings. Really good synth and actually more complements a 106 for poly duty.

Quote from: Biff on Sep 24, 2015, 20:04

No, it's actually very different. It'd be daring enough to say it sounds more like a Jupiter 6 than a Juno-106. The chorus isn't similar at all, it has 2 oscs and is not quite bass-heavy, not that that's a bad thing always. The Jupiter 6 too is more bright, while the Juno-6/60/106 feel more heavy. The JX-3P it is well known for strings. Really good synth and actually more complements a 106 for poly duty.
I read that the JX3P had the same filter, and I've seen comparison videos with similar presets and they sounded exactly the same :D

Same filter as the Jupiter 6? They did come out around the same time, first with midi, albeit very limited midi. I think it would've made more sense for Roland to do the Jupiter 6, but they probably assumed it'd overlap with the Jupiter 8 remake and people wouldn't but both. The presets on the JX-3P are mostly pure cheese.

Quote from: Biff on Sep 25, 2015, 16:18

Same filter as the Jupiter 6? They did come out around the same time, first with midi, albeit very limited midi. I think it would've made more sense for Roland to do the Jupiter 6, but they probably assumed it'd overlap with the Jupiter 8 remake and people wouldn't but both. The presets on the JX-3P are mostly pure cheese.

No, same filter on the Juno and JX3P. And also on the Jupiter 8 if I'm not mistaken (and probably on the 6 too then). It makes sense to remake those three if they have the same filter. I'm assuming it's the most complex part to reproduce
Last Edit: Sep 25, 2015, 19:28 by Ben_j

The 106 has a unique chip for the filter, I've replaced them plenty of times. The resonance on the 106 is very recognizable. I own a 60, but I think they change the filter (along with the DCO) for the 106. Also, if Roland is going for accuracy, they need to misspell "Chorus" on the JX-3P as the originals had.

Sounds pretty close. But on comparison videos, the original Juno clearly sonds brighter and warmer. Also, the filter sounds too clean compared to my Juno.

For example, I'm pretty sure there's no way you could reproduce the Daft Punk Burnin' sweeping sound like it sounds at the beginning of Burnin'

At the very start, the kind of beeps is actually the sound that the Juno makes with a distortion, full resonance, minimal cutoff and very low enveloppe modulation. During the song, they tweak the env mod to get that increasing "sweeping" sound, but when it's down, you get those kind of bleeps. I'm pretty sure it's the result of time altering the circuitery of the Juno, and that the JU-06 won't have these subtleties...

The demos for those choking-hazard synths sound good. All of those original synths have many variables that are calibrated, so there'll always be difference , even if you do a side-by-side comparison of a Juno-106 and a Juno-106. As someone who's run out of space, I'm glad they're not huge as hell.

All of this motivated me to go get some gear to unsolder defective faders and knobs on my Juno and replace them with the ones I bought years ago but so far failed to install, since my soldering iron is crappy

So i think i'll buy JP-08.
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Explud on Oct 03, 2015, 19:55

So i think i'll buy JP-08.
I might also.

In the wake of seeing all those JU-06 videos, I finally went ahead to fix my Juno. I had switches and faders to replace all the defective ones in my Juno, all I needed was a good soldering iron and some time and motivation.
Everything went well until the very end. I was testing the synth after replacing everything, and it was doing just fine. Then I moved something, and it suddenly went silent. I haven't been able to get a sound out of it ever since :'( The panel still works, but no sound comes out. I probably short circuited a component on the panel board while moving it... FML

I think the next step is taking it to someone more competent than me to fix it :(

I just gave in and bought a Juno-60 and added a nice midi retrofit. The 106s seem so prone to issues (listen to some WATN-era recording where the Juno gets stuck on a note). I spend so much time soldering and replacing stuff... Well I did break the env/gate switch on my 60, but that was my fault and an easy fix.

Quote from: Biff on Oct 04, 2015, 04:15

I just gave in and bought a Juno-60 and added a nice midi retrofit. The 106s seem so prone to issues (listen to some WATN-era recording where the Juno gets stuck on a note). I spend so much time soldering and replacing stuff... Well I did break the env/gate switch on my 60, but that was my fault and an easy fix.
Doesn't the 60 use the same voice chips ? Anyway, taking out all voice chips and dripping them in acetone to remove the plastic cover should fix and prevent any future problems.

Someone on a forum thinks it's just a dead fuse I have to replace. It's plausible, I have to try
Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 11:21 by Ben_j

Hurray, it worked ! New fuses and the Juno is back to life  ;D

Quote from: Biff on Oct 04, 2015, 04:15

The 106s seem so prone to issues (listen to some WATN-era recording where the Juno gets stuck on a note).
In which track? And what kind of recording you talking about?
Hi Kevin!

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