And the Darkness That You Fear Will Disappear

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Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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Concerning massive fleet that Palpatine had, I thought that it was part of Palpatine's contingency plan that was established in previous lore - he did have plans to resurrect himself and had massive factories in galactic core that produced many ships, more powerful than Death Star; story is called "Dark Empire" and was written in early 90's and is amazingly similar to Episode 9.
Watching the movie I thought "yeah, that sounds familiar" and thought little more of it. As I said, I just shut my brain down and looked at pretty pictures.
But that itself is my main problem with new Disney 'canon' (I use that term sarcastically here). 

Do we really know what is canon anymore?
All this clusterfuck stems directly from Disney's decision to do away with previous SW lore, convoluted as it was.
We now have this absurd situation in which Disney cherry-picks parts of old lore and incorporates it in new canon while pretending it did not happen and it makes little sense anymore.
Least of all
thought of Palpatine having sex with anyone.
Ew, indeed.
Also, I would like to say that WhiteNoise has a pretty good point. It could have happened that way and would made more sense than what we got now.

Now, did any one of you watched Witcher on Netflix?
Did anyone like it?
Also, any thought on BBC's Dracula?
Last Edit: Jan 05, 2020, 17:43 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Not trying to defend the dumb move (and esp. how it had been done, DNA cloning wtf) to bring back the man in the cowl, but why do you guys believe he necessarily needed to have intercourse? Never heard of in vitro fertilization? I think this is the least issue that movie had to be honest.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Jan 05, 2020, 21:17

Not trying to defend the dumb move (and esp. how it had been done, DNA cloning wtf) to bring back the man in the cowl, but why do you guys believe he necessarily needed to have intercourse? Never heard of in vitro fertilization? I think this is the least issue that movie had to be honest.

I just want to ruin everyone's dreams and general thoughts because I'm an awful human being.

"Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. Fire at will."

He's totally talking about the Imperial Penis. 

I laughed at that probably more than I should have  ;D
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

maybe star guitar is palpatines erection song
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Jan 05, 2020, 22:52

"Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. Fire at will."

He's totally talking about the Imperial Penis.
Well, who could argue this. And it might be a good rationale for why he never can let it "go" once "fired at will" :)
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

It started with a bang, can't wait to see more!
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

The Good Place had it's final episode yesterday and no I'm not crying you're crying  :'(

Quote from: sandelic on Jan 24, 2020, 11:15

It started with a bang, can't wait to see more!

Really? I was about to crash my TV while watching episode 2. Why is it so darn necessary these days to have nasty language (dropping f-bombs like candy) and stupid "modern" day dialogs, especially in Star Trek? I wanna see the future not just a todays show dressed up like Trek. Let alone all those mistakes or inaccuracies concerning canon. CBS sucks at understanding and capturing the character of Trek. So far, the best thing that has come out of them is the Bluray restoration of TNG. Instead of these stupid shows, they should have spent the money on restoring DS9 film stock which is slowly rotting away. I'll reserve my final judgement for Picard until the last episode but it is not looking very promising.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I'm surprised you react so strongly to, what I remember, was two utterance of word 'fuck' in 2nd episode. I would never pegged you down for such a prude ;D
One was said by amazed Romulan (cheeky fuckers) and another by Star Fleet admiral (pure fucking hubris, if I'm not mistaken) that was, granted, pretty unbecoming of such officer and Picard reacted with visible shock. Was there more? I seriously don't remember any more, and I'm too lazy to watch 2nd episode again. But I don't mind more 'relaxed' language and it could very well be that it flew right past me without me even noticing.

I'm not sure what the problem is with canon, this is direct continuation of story after Star Trek: Nemesis and so far I didn't find any glaring canon problems, could you expand on this?
If you're referring to Borg cube, I still need to see how did Romulans get their hands on it before I cry canon problems.

As for DS9, I'm afraid you would not like my honest opinion about it. Let's just say I don't mind it rotting away  ;)
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Csar on Dec 22, 2019, 09:38

For the folks who've already seen Ep. IX and want to chuckle away their dark side feelings because of it.

It's so hilarious how he that guy's playing the Hollywood exec. rubber stamping all ideas.
I didn't see the film until mid-January so I avoided all the Star Wars discussion in December.
I managed to switch off my critical faculties and just went with it. But this gave me a good chuckle. I'll be surprised if the Honest Trailer guys manage to outdo this, besides perhaps visual jokes.
Fave bits
They go to Burning Man...
then Rey heals a giant snake and they get out of there.
She heals a snake? What're you talkin about?
Spoiler meet a Power Ranger that Poe used to date
the cutest little merchandising opportunity
he shouts "woo" a lot when he kills them.
she has to study
couldn't he have just stopped shooting the lightning?

Looking forward to this:

THU, MAR 5TH, 2020 TO THU, MAR 19TH, 2020
The Music Box is very pleased to present the 6th iteration of our 70MM FILM FESTIVAL. After 7 years of 70mm festivals and a flurry of new 70mm releases including DUNKIRK, PHANTOM THREAD, and ROMA, we no longer have to say things like "70mm was once a popular format." Instead, the images — rich in color, contrast, and detail — can speak for themselves.

Opening with a special 35mm presentation of THE BIG TRAIL (1930) — the only surviving feature film shot in Fox's 70mm Fox Grandeur system and John Wayne's first starring role —  this festival reaches back to the very early days of widescreen projection. Writing on Museum of Modern Art's restoration of THE BIG TRAIL in 1988, then Chicago Tribune Critic Dave Kehr called the film "a milestone, a film at least 25 years ahead of its time in its visual strategies and one that can still astonish with the depth and sweep of its imagery."

Returning to the festival after a brief period of hibernation is our beautiful 70mm print of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, made specifically for the Music Box Theatre. Also on the schedule are LAST ACTION HERO, LIFEFORCE, and THE UNTOUCHABLES, screening in gorgeous, vintage Blowup prints from the year of their original release; big budget studio musicals WEST SIDE STORY and HELLO, DOLLY!; the rarely screened Ultra-Panavision specticle KHARTOUM; modern classics INTERSTELLAR, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (playing for the first time in 70mm in Chicago!), ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD, and ROMA; and Disney's original TRON.

Despite renewed interest in 70mm, the format still requires great care in handling and presentation. Many of the prints screened in this festival are one of a kind and cannot be replaced, and a great many films we'd like to show are simply unavailable (though that doesn't mean we'll stop trying!). There is only one lab left in the world which can process and print 70mm film, and the success and continuation of the format depends on the interest of the public, and the talents of the filmmakers, technicians, lab workers, and projectionists who bring these films to the screen.

So 35mm print is not cropped version of 70mm version, like I assumed.
Thanks for this, Bosco.
God, what I would not give to see 2001 in that format, on that wide screen and so rich in colour and details...
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

yup. But in reverse effect, you can blow up 35mm to 70mm which was a commonality from about 1970-now.

So for instance, 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood', 'Untouchables', 'Tron'*, 'Last Action Hero', etc. will be a 35mm blow up. Not that they do this blow up at the theatre, but the actual film print made by the studios is a 35mm shot film that is formatted for a 70mm reel. They would then send these copies on a touring roadshow to be showcased with 70mm projectors. Ultimately, a fake-out, and cost cutting measure by Hollywood.

That being said directors are making demands nowadays. Quentin Tarantino demands all his films be shot on film, and although his latest film wasn't shot on 70mm he did in 'The Hateful Eight'. Christoper Nolan is doing his best to shoot his films in Wide format ('Dunkirk', 'Interstellar'). Rumor has it his upcoming feature 'Tenet' was entirely shot in 70mm.

But yeah, it's a fun fest and seems to be a format that is making a considerable comeback. 2001 is definitely the star of the show, but I'm looking forward to 'The Untouchables', 'Tron', and 'Interstellar'. All which I have seen before (not in 70mm), but should be delightful with such an invested crowd.

*turns out 'Tron' is actually considered a widescreen shot film, or at least majority of the film is.
Last Edit: Mar 05, 2020, 21:25 by Bosco

It goes without saying - I'm sure you'll have a good time, Bosco.
Have fun, 

I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

'Last Action Hero' is a special film. What a perfect movie for this 70mm festival and the theatre it's being screened at. Somehow I managed to avoided it for 27 years of my life, and it warmed the cockles of my heart in a way only 90's movie magic could deliver. Thank you Ah-nold.

Before I say this don't watch the trailer, because it will spoil the movie (stepdad saw the trailer and he was annoyed that key plotpoints were spoiled) I didn't see it so I went in knowing nothing

I just watched the new Invisible Man movie, and its mega different from the original story so don't go in expecting a faithful remake (TBH if I were to change anything about this movie is the title, because just "Invisible" would've been a better name). more dark and suspenseful,
the plotline really mirrors the aftershocks of domestic abuse and the Weinstein Scandals.
The jumpscares are truly jarring and dont feel cheep, and I'm not an easily scared guy (thats a total lie I still sleep with a lamp on), and there were really creative ways to scare the audience.
There were alot of scenes that will make you guess the man's whereabouts or if he's really there.

If you guys are able to, I highly suggest go seeing it on the bigscreen.
Last Edit: Mar 15, 2020, 03:37 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Devs and Westworld are my ones currently. Nothing like some more future dystopian society shows for these current times.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

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