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General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Quote from: WhiteNoise on Nov 22, 2015, 06:18

Hey guys. I've been forum-AWOL for... it feels like months now! How is everything here? New singles being released? Just remixes? Have they played any shows in South America yet, and is it a Adam/Tom/Ed Triple Chemical Super Slam?

Everything happens so much, especially now. I've recently discovered my university actually has an active Sound Design program (it's well hidden by design it seems), and after a lot of talking-to-the-right people and various enterprising I've managed to start work on a Sound Design minor, which I'm hugely looking forward to.

Relatedly, I'm working on sound design for an sci-fi Oculus Rift game being developed by the Virtual Reality club, with a team of three other guys. One's new to electronic music and listens to downright everything, another is deep into the rabbit hole of IDM, and the last is a guitarist who listens to rock mostly. So, great variety. The game is looking like we'll need mostly SFX and little music, so we're pretty much just noodling around on synthesizers making ridiculous noises at this point. A band might form. We'll see.

I've also got a job working at Elliot Hall of Music, which is massive on campus music hall developed as a slightly larger sister to Radio City Music Hall in New York, and it's awesome. I pretty much just fix seats, replace lightbulbs, and move things around, but I have the opportunity to work on any shows that come in. Most recently I did a full load-in load-out for Hunter Hayes. Was up close and personal with all their gear, lighting, instruments and all, and got to speak with the sound team in great detail (they were very gracious about answering questions). Additionally saw the band playing FIFA on the PS3 in the green room, and saw the last 20 minutes of the show from just offstage. If I were a fan I'd die. I'm starting to think - the girl who got to go literally everywhere backstage for The Chems show at one of the festivals this year and posted the video to Youtube, I now doubt she was some very rich guy's daughter - she was probably the daughter of one of the "roadies" who worked the festival, and got invited along. Everything in that video is what you'd see working a show like that. Soooooo next step is to rigorously petition both Chems management and Purdue management to get Tom and Ed down to Elliot Hall for a show next year... Or heck, with this experience, just go on tour with them.

On top of all that I'm taking about 4 classes where every assignment is project based, so this has been a very time consuming semester.

This Thanksgiving I'll be travelling up to Minnesota to meet my fiancee's extended family. From what I've heard, they're eccentric and of very German decent, so this should be fun. Signed for an apartment last month too... whew.

Great to meet Enjoyed, cool guy to hang out with. Thanks for all the music!

New series of Doctor Who has been ridiculously good, I can't believe it. And I'm pumped for The Expanse to come out this winter, which looks like the best sci-fi show since Battlestar Galactica.

Life is finally starting to quiet down here, a tiny bit, so I'm going to start on a few of those site improvement things I've been loosely talking about... but mostly just catch up with what's been going on here! A lot of orange NEW tags to click on
Oh yeah. And those gig reviews.  ;D

Tom and Ed and Adam: WN...where's are monitors at?
WN: there coming right now!
TEA: where in the hell is that screen?
WN: I'm hoisting it up right now.
TEA:  I hope I don't fall in a fucking hole on stage. I can't see where I'm going!
WN: sorry guys, I'll put the lights on now!
TEA: where's the pedal to the juno? I guess no chemical beats tonight right?

WN ! Good for you on the VR music project plus the Elliott hall gig. Good forward steps into the realm of all behind- the -scenes rockstar sound and light crew! I think the chemical trio can make an exception at your campus. #ChembrosComeToIndiana

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I've been quietly busy here in camp whirly, but am continuing with my day job and trying to get any photographry gigs I can. The real estate photo work is good if the work is there  it's notoriously slow this time of year so I'm looking forward to improving my craft and landing more work in the new year.

Oh my god, how many days left until it's 2016?

Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. forum friends, and Happy Day to the rest of ya!!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Had a great, restful Thanksgiving.

But no rest for the wicked. I have new clients coming in this week. ohboi.

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, or simply just a great weekend.

Looking forward to spending Christmas in southern california. :)

WHIRLS! We're going to hang out soonish. Yes. Indeed.

How come every single thread in The Social shows as "New" today?

Quote from: Skyscraper on Dec 03, 2015, 09:43

How come every single thread in The Social shows as "New" today?
Cause everything is new to someone!

Actually have no idea. It is not doing that to me. Can you screenshot that?
Never for money, always for love.

I can do , but now it acknowledges a couple of threads I have been in today. Which doesn't strengthen my case.
I suppose it's possible that I read all the 'new' threads whilst not logged in. But I think it unlikely.

But I must have been in General Bullshit Chat in order to post my earlier comment today, and read your reply WN.  ...Unless i read your reply and then logged back in and took the screen shot. Can't remember now. Hmm, maybe I should shut up.  :-X
Last Edit: Dec 03, 2015, 16:32 by Skyscraper

So America has been a funkin' treat. I'll do a slightly lengthier post about it later if people are interested but the big news is that I'm pretty sure I met my future wife here in Portland.

I'm at hers now and am in the process of figuring out the best way to be back here for the foreseeable future.

If anyone has any knowledge or experience of immigration to the US, I'd love to pick your brains. It's big and scary and complicated but I know it's going to happen.

Super super happy.

Love is all.

Quote from: MadPooter on Nov 30, 2015, 20:43

WHIRLS! We're going to hang out soonish. Yes. Indeed.

Yessireeeeee! It's always  rad hangin with you! Can't wait :))
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

During my week off supposed to be doing other things like still working on my artwork, I decided to dust off my drummachine/synth and start playing around again. lo and behold its funny how everything old is new again even with synth sounds which in in itself has encouraged to keep jamming around on it and hopefully have something of a finished product. It was during the week I bumped into the lead singer of Cut copy chatting about the chems. and that in itself must've ignited something again. He asked me if I wrote music, I said no I just fool around on synth and stuff at home.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I'm pretty excited about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I've been an hardcore fan since saw it as a 6 year-old in 1977. I had most of the Kenner action figures and playsets as a child, I remained a fan even when it was un-cool as a teen, I went through my 20s reading any expanded universe novels that came along, I suffered through the prequels in my 30s, I was treated to The Close Wars and Rebels cartoons in my 40s, and now I am ready for a movie that I truly believe will be awesome. It's never hampered or controlled my social life, but it has always been a big part of who I am and I've always owned it. I know at least one or two of you are with me on this.

Now I will see it with my 7 year old in less than two weeks and I'm as excited as I can remember over an entertainment event.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 08, 2015, 16:11

I'm pretty excited about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I've been an hardcore fan since saw it as a 6 year-old in 1977. I had most of the Kenner action figures and playsets as a child, I remained a fan even when it was un-cool as a teen, I went through my 20s reading any expanded universe novels that came along, I suffered through the prequels in my 30s, I was treated to The Close Wars and Rebels cartoons in my 40s, and now I am ready for a movie that I truly believe will be awesome. It's never hampered or controlled my social life, but it has always been a big part of who I am and I've always owned it. I know at least one or two of you are with me on this.

Now I will see it with my 7 year old in less than two weeks and I'm as excited as I can remember over an entertainment event.
Haha, I hear you! Even though I'm not as big of a fan of SW as I am of ST, I am excited too. It seems the SW fanbase is going to get a real good treat (as opposed to the ST franchise in my opinion).
Do you think the new movie will be suitable for 7 year olds? Because I was thinking  to go see it with my nephew, too, but wasn't sure if he's still too young for it (however he appears to know everything about SW already, even though he hasn't seen any of the movies yet - you know - school is a great place to "learn" ;D).
Last Edit: Dec 09, 2015, 10:08 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Yes, I'm also a fan of ST. Sometimes fans will ask me to choose and I say, "Maybe I can just take the two of them home together."  8)

For the age thing, the movie is PG-13 and is probably a little scary or non-gory violent. We waited until my boy was almost 6 to watch the other two trilogies because of all the dismemberments, etc. The only thing the really upset him was Anakin burning alive (and honestly, I'm glad he is not de-sensitized to violence like some children). We talked it out and he was fine. I'm guessing if your nephew has seen Avengers 2 or Guardians of the Galaxy, he's probably prepared for this type of sci-fi action violence.  If he hasn't seen stuff like that, then maybe just tell him what to expect.

Last Edit: Dec 08, 2015, 17:55 by satur8
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 08, 2015, 16:11

Now I will see it with my 7 year old in less than two weeks and I'm as excited as I can remember over an entertainment event.
NO SPOILERS PLEASE  ;) me has tickets for december 20
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Agreed, no spoilers.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 08, 2015, 17:53

Yes, I'm also a fan of ST. Sometimes fans will ask me to choose and I say, "Maybe I can just take the two of them home together."  8)

For the age thing, the movie is PG-13 and is probably a little scary or non-gory violent. We waited until my boy was almost 6 to watch the other two trilogies because of all the dismemberments, etc. The only thing the really upset him was Anakin burning alive (and honestly, I'm glad he is not de-sensitized to violence like some children). We talked it out and he was fine. I'm guessing if your nephew has seen Avengers 2 or Guardians of the Galaxy, he's probably prepared for this type of sci-fi action violence.  If he hasn't seen stuff like that, then maybe just tell him what to expect.
I can enjoy them seperately too.
Well, my nephew has never really watched movies like these, only animations and movies that aren't packed with violence or story arcs of that magnitude. But he talks his head off about Star Wars in general and knows so many things about it, it's uncanny. My only fear is that this could fuel his newly discovered "love" for all things "boom, bang and whoomph", you know :D. Maybe I'll be waiting for your spoiler free review and 7 year olds approval  ;)
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

You know what?

Good for him.
Never for money, always for love.

Anyone knows whats up with Ed and talking that much about him doing a nap? He now and then twitter "nap mouth" and recently this:

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

He is an old man now
If anyone ever meets Ed, they should point out if it is pre/post nap Ed.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because movie theaters are open on Christmas, my husband and I are going to see  Star Wars: The Force Awakens again.

It was that good. It makes me forget about those prequels... Prequels? What prequels?

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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