Feels Like I'm Dreaming

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Oh manchester is wonderful. Oh manchester is wonderful..

in other news, i;ve been drinking.

In other news, the piano has been drining

In other news:
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jan 15, 2017, 15:41

wow, that was a lot of downtime
WTF people? What's the story??

Jamiroquai  is  back  for  2017  with  new  album  ,  new  live  dates  ,  and  new  LED  Head-Lights  .  .  .  cool ! !

" Everybody  jumpin out of their mind  "

Quote from: Fine Time on Jan 18, 2017, 18:10

Jamiroquai  is  back  for  2017  with  new  album  ,  new  live  dates  ,  and  new  LED  Head-Lights  .  .  .  cool ! !

Sweet! I'm definitely down for some new JK.
It sounded a little Daft Punk-y in the teaser. And good Tron Legacy style Daft Punk, not bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
bad bad bad really very very bad
RAM style Daft Punk.

I was really trying not to double post but I just can't wait any longer to share this news...

I got engaged on Saturday!
To the girl of my dreams that I honestly could never have dreamed up.
We took a trip down to Portland and while walking around the city I stopped us at the Keller Fountain (where we ended our first date) and tried to say romantic things without pooping myself. She called me stupid and said yes through a blur of rain and tears. It was wonderful.

Then later in the day we went to Wendy's and the manager was able to make us up some Sriracha Fries despite them not being on the menu any more. And after my fiancée told me that the fries were the best thing to happen to her all day (!) we had this incredible picture taken...

I'm an extremely lucky boy.

Aaawww, it's so sweet! Congratulations, my friend.
Hi Kevin!

Congratz :D
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Congratulation, Enjoyed!! I'm so happy for ya!

Can I assume that's the world's tiniest Wendy's burger you gave your fiancée in that picture?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Many congrats. So that was the pic because you didn't take one at the fountain?
What are Sriracha Fries?
Why did Wendys sell out to McDonalds years ago in the UK? Can you bring them back?
Are you growing a mullet?
Will Trump let you live in the USA?
So many questions!

well done! congrats to both of you! burgers for everyone!

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Sriracha Fries?

Can I get some Frosty Nuggets to go with that?

Congratulations Enjoyed

Thanks you guys! It means a lot  :'(

Quote from: Csar on Jan 25, 2017, 12:44

Can I assume that's the world's tiniest Wendy's burger you gave your fiancée in that picture?
She wishes! Instead I just bought her a stoopid rose gold ring with some sort of shiny stone on top.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jan 25, 2017, 13:20

So that was the pic because you didn't take one at the fountain?
Kind of. More as a joke to see if we could convince her family that I loved Wendy's so much that I would actually propose there.

(The answer is yes, yes they did think I would actually propose there)

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jan 25, 2017, 13:20

What are Sriracha Fries?
Only the tastiest limited-time delicacy consisting of fries, melted cheese, bacon, grated cheese and a delicious creamy Sriracha sauce (side note, I snuck some in with me when I went to see Rogue One for the first time - it really made for an all-round excellent experience)

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jan 25, 2017, 13:20

Why did Wendys sell out to McDonalds years ago in the UK? Can you bring them back?
I wish! They were in the UK as recently as 2000 but pulled out due to sales. I'm sure there'd be more of a market for them now - what with our fascination of America, and the already existing Five Guys and Shake Shack.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jan 25, 2017, 13:20

Are you growing a mullet?
Not intentionally.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jan 25, 2017, 13:20

Will Trump let you live in the USA?
As long I don't say anything true about the environment.

Quote from: Bosco on Jan 26, 2017, 03:16

Sriracha Fries?

Quote from: Bosco on Jan 26, 2017, 03:16

Can I get some Frosty Nuggets to go with that?
Frosty nuggets are actually the bomb. I have a Wendy's tag so I get a free Jr Frosty every time I go in. So my 4 for 4s are now SUUUUUPER good.
Also, I highly, highly recommend asking for the creamy Sriracha sauce with your nugs. HEAVEN.


IMDB message boards are closing.

Although I'm not a member, I do like to have a look at the discussions after I've seen a film. There are often things in the film or observations about the film that I hadn't noticed/considered. There also seems to be quite a lot of personal abuse (name calling) on IMDB, but that's down to bad moderating.
The Guardian newspaper manages to weed out name calling in their "below the line" discussions; I'm sure IMDB could too if they tried.

I'm not sure if this is just part of the continuing decline of bespoke message boards/forums or if money has something to do with it. But I don't think twitter/facebook/insta will be able to replicate discussion about a particular film that suits you to read once you've seen it (which could be years after release). Is reddit going to be up to the task?

Yeah, that's too bad.

I too, use(d) the IMDB message board to look into conversations about movies or programs that I most recently watch. Came across a lot of good recommendations and priceless banter.

I suppose Reddit might be the new form of keeping the conversation open, but it was more convenient attached to IMDB. 

Awwww, I didn't post on the message boards at IMDB but I did actually think it provided a useful outlet for people to discuss plotlines/critiques/theories of film.


In other news, settlements take a LONG TIME.

Not sure if this should fall under 'Now Playing', but I just watched an interesting documentary on Delia Derbyshire. She's most commonly known for building the Doctor Who theme from a written composition: the haunting piece was extrmemly complex and unusual for 1963. She was truly a pioneer of electronic music in a man's industry and was brilliantly ahead of her time. Bonus: Song to the Siren fans will get a kick at 9:30.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

This is the best thing I've read today:

I couldn't help but engage in schadenfreude watching the GOP fail in trying to reform health care.

Why? Because they were the party that always, apparently, got shit done. They were the party that had their base streamlined and when it came down to it, they moved their agenda along somehow. It was like a scary, irrational, inhuman machine chomping down human misery for fuel.

But you had to admire them. Somehow their base just gave them the thumbs up and they were able to move shit down the legislative path because "American values" or some bullshit.

And now, that aforementioned machine is broken. Mostly because of the Freedom Caucus. Which should be called Palpable Irony. Why? Because its members are among the most conservative of the House of Representatives, and a caucus of conservative congressional members seek freedom only for themselves and their friends, which of course isn't freedom at all.

So thank you, Freedom Caucus, for creating a bizarre platform to block progress from within your own party. Thank you, Mr. Trump, for pounding your tiny fists on the desk of the oval office when you didn't get your way, threatening all those pretty members of Congress.

And most of all--thank you American people for standing up and fighting for a fucking guarantee that we should be able to live healthy and free. Although, to be fair, lots of the newly-active voices also complacently cast their votes for Cheeto. But apparently even Cheeto can't get evil passed through with the ease to which he had been accustomed.

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