Maybe I Feel Out of Control

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Welcome back! :)

I was wondering when are we going to hear from you.
Have fun this weekend!
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Happy Easter to all who celebrate it!
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 21, 2019, 08:09

Happy Easter to all who celebrate it!

Easter guy here! Same to you Sandelic!

Just wrapped up the family dinner and there's tons of leftover chicken for tomorrow.

Must say my day was egg-cellent!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Am watching Man Utd v Man City (Premier league). And I'm watching via America's NBC-SN on my Firestick.
Which is great. But I'm always hungry after I watch games (almost legally) on American TV.

Long John Silvers
Wendys (biggie bag!)
Marco's Pizza
Outback (Walkabout Wednesday - the $10.99 deal!)
Red Lobster
McDonalds (donut sticks?)
Taco Bell
Home chef
Burger King
And somewhere in the middle, something called Noom wight loss!

Have I missed any?

Nothing for Olive Garden? They have 'Giant Italian Classics' going on at the moment (just google the giant meatball...).

Also, the Biggie Bag freakin' slaps. The 4 for 4 is easily the best value for money fast food out there, and for a dollar extra you get way more than a dollars worth of burger.

Shit. I want Wendy's.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 24, 2019, 22:26

Nothing for Olive Garden? They have 'Giant Italian Classics' going on at the moment (just google the giant meatball)

I had the 'Tour of Italy' tonight. My family took me out on short notice, but otherwise a pleasant night for my stomach.

I didn't see any giant meatball there, but it looks like some end boss from a Contra game!

Speaking of food. I had a yearly physical check-up recently, and even though I have a clean bill of health, the doc advised me that I should start eating much better because I ballooned just a little bit ( I'm not a fatty...yet :)) ) Oh, and he wants me to cut fast food or high sodium or processed food.

Definitely not gonna be easy, but then again, I never truly committed to something that demanded great sacrifice.

I have so much shit in my fridge, I don't know where to start.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Only going to Movement on Saturday, but this a weekend's worth of schedule conflicts.  Fuck.

5:30-6 Art Dept.  6-7 Wajatta.  7-8 Wink.  8-8:30 Soulclap.  8:30-9 Herbert.  9-9:45,10ish Carl Craig.  Then, Duh???


Wow they really have a lot of overlap

Luke Slater at same time as Orbital :\
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

This last Monday (May 20 2019) was the WORST Monday of all time!

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on May 23, 2019, 04:30

This last Monday (May 20 2019) was the WORST Monday of all time!

OMG yes!

I need a vacation from my vacation.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Apple are killing iTunes ? Great we're forced to subscribe to music now and not own it? That explains why they were offering a 3 month free trial to Apple Music then in Australia. Not sure if was the same for you guys up north?

How is everyone consuming music these days? Am in the minority of actually owning my music whether its from online or buying the CD/Vinyl?
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Wow. Just read up on it too. What a big middle finger to all my years of collecting.

I use iTunes everyday. I download music and if I listen to it a lot I buy it on CD. Or CD and Vinyl if I REALLY like it.

I get the subscription thing. But also, I like being able to look at My Collection. And to be able to shuffle through the entirety of My Collection, if I ever want to. Moving imaginary music around to different playlists on Spotify just feels weird. It's like I'm grabbing someone else's files and putting them onto a blog or something.

I wonder if some of the music playing apps for phones will step into the shadow. I use GMMP on my phone and it's great. I'd certainly be interested in a GMMP for my desktop too.

Dang. What a bummer.

We're vacationing in Brighton at the moment and my favourite pub here has a long tradition of writing grout puns in between tiles in the washrooms (i.e. grout expectations). My lovely wife came up with this one for me to add today: brother's gonna work it grout!

Quote from: actionjackson780 on Jun 02, 2019, 12:07
brother's gonna work it grout!
Hee hee  ,  that's  ace  ::)
" Everybody  jumpin out of their mind  "

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 01, 2019, 23:13
How is everyone consuming music these days?

My music (format) purchases have changed over the years ,  from vinyl and cassette tapes  (i'm in my late 40's , same age as Tom & Ed) ,  to CD and now digital mp3's or flac / wav files. I've always liked to support the artist by buying their music , and even though it's easy to download tracks for free , or stream , off youtube etc ,  if i like the song that much i will buy it mp3 or flac/wav file. My desktop pc holds my digital music collection and i listen to it via Audioquest headphones fed through various audio enhancing devices - dac / amp / audio filters etc.
" Everybody  jumpin out of their mind  "

Quote from: MIKL on Jun 01, 2019, 23:13

Apple are killing iTunes ? Great we're forced to subscribe to music now and not own it? That explains why they were offering a 3 month free trial to Apple Music then in Australia. Not sure if was the same for you guys up north?

How is everyone consuming music these days? Am in the minority of actually owning my music whether its from online or buying the CD/Vinyl?

WTF? thats like Machinima Deleting every single video on their channel...

Oh wait.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Fine Time on Jun 03, 2019, 04:18
How is everyone consuming music these days?

My music (format) purchases have changed over the years ,  from vinyl and cassette tapes  (i'm in my late 40's , same age as Tom & Ed) ,  to CD and now digital mp3's or flac / wav files. I've always liked to support the artist by buying their music , and even though it's easy to download tracks for free , or stream , off youtube etc ,  if i like the song that much i will buy it mp3 or flac/wav file. My desktop pc holds my digital music collection and i listen to it via Audioquest headphones fed through various audio enhancing devices - dac / amp / audio filters etc.

This is pretty much me as well except my audio output is a bit more basic. I go directly from my PC to Sennheiser HD 8 Headphones: reasonably priced but efficient and functional with sound quality that keeps me happy. I travel light with an older pair of Bose buds that still sound better than most, but serious listening is at my desk when enjoying something green and tasty.

I still purchase CDs from my favorite 5 artists or so, including remastered re-releases, and would buy any CD or CD single the Brothers release. All my digital music is backed up but still surprisingly unorganized, yet my CDs are organized by genre, artist, then year, then compilations. It's the record store geek in me, and I know Whirly understands.

The weirdest thing I do is still burn mp3s to CDs for my car, but I fill that shit up. Yes, there are better ways, but I make a lot of my own mixes for myself and my family and it's quicker than importing 'temporary' mixes to my phone. The best solution would be to upload it all to a cloud based side, but there are always personal logisital roadblocks there, too.

My wife streams a lot of stuff and we utilize Alexa, Pandora, iTunes (for now), etc. But I like to more directly control my "me-time" music as described above.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

A few years ago, I unloaded all my old CD's to an old friend a who I never see anymore, and who currently lives a somewhat reclusive life out of state. I don't much mind as a lot of that music was backed up or purchased digitally (organization of those files is a downright disaster, but whatev) though in some ways it is strangely melancholy that very tangible part of my life seems to be unloaded as well. I kept some key catalogues (including all my Chems) in physical CD format. That said, I've now been buying vinyl here and there, and pick up the odd Spacemen 3 or "oh shit I haven't seen that album in years let's get it" CD or vinyl I spot if I find myself at a record store. Mostly though, I listen when I'm driving and though I work from home, I am on the road a lot especially on weekends - so whatever is portable is best right now for me. Driving and listening to music has always been one of my life's pleasures and always will be.

If I had my choice most days, I would listen to my music all the time on my home theater system. Last year I helped my parents move and in the process they unloaded their 'extra' Sonos sound bar and subwoofer on me (I really lucked out). That shit seriously rocks my socks. Just pop a CD in, and the music fills the room and sounds so warm and earthy. The Chems sound amazing, and there are low rumbling frequencies that make the floor of the wonkly old house I live in vibrate.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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