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Can we believe it? The Avalanches...

Started by pnx, May 23, 2016, 21:36

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Here's a trustworthy link to the The Was video that shouldn't disappear as its direct from the creators:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

BBC Radio 1s Essential Mix that just aired: (if anyone has a copy of it for keeps that would be rad)


...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Are you still looking for this, MIKL?


Thanks! I wanted to give it some time and have another listen while working or something. Its funny how someone like BBC Radio 1 allowed them to play another mix like that. They're not exactly bangers anywhere in this one and its quite slow moving and pretty chill. The hype of them coming back must've outweighed whatever they played that was popular radio friendly.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Reminds me of Radio or A Different Feeling, in fact I think it samples Rose Royce at 2:00 https://soundcloud.com/newzealandeditors/someone-who-does-it-better

Favorite track off the album and the video is the most wonderful video ever...

So this is one of the tracks that didn't make Wildflower but will hopefully make an appearance in other release they do with all the other tracks that didn't fit in with Wildflower (according to them):

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Nov 27, 2016, 07:49

Favorite track off the album and the video is the most wonderful video ever...

I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Some more insight into the creators of the Was and how they worked on visuals for many other songs that didn't make the album like one called Blueberry Sky...


Can you tell us about making it? It must have taken so long!

It was an on-and-off labour of love over about five years, gradually building the narrative and visuals as The Avalanches dropped us new tracks. We're based in New York and Robbie, Tony and Chris are in Melbourne, so most of the collaboration took the form of an unwieldy online correspondence. It was a really loose process, with things being reworked whenever tracks were remixed or cut from the album. So there's this whole parallel universe of material that never made it in, like a stoner scene from the film Friday that accompanied this dreamy psychedelic track Blueberry Sky. Throughout the project we also did a couple of insane postproduction boot-camps in Berlin with our great mate Sam Smith, where the three of us would spend months living together inside a deep rotoscoping k-hole.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Nov 27, 2016, 07:49

the video is the most wonderful video ever...
I always thought that was the Tommy Lee & Pamela video
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners



(Ps. can't remember where I posted the remix of out of control but maybe it should be in this thread that I dug up?)
Last Edit: Feb 13, 2020, 10:58 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I'm a fan of Blood Orange so this made it even better. I can imagine hearing the album it would fit nicely in the soundscape. Love the concept and all of us have said even on this forum how music has saved us and been there in the right times in when you need it most.

Concerned they got eclipsed by Tame Impala being released recently not sure was good timing. But I can't complain. More new music I've been eagerly waiting for. When it rains it pours etc.
Last Edit: Feb 20, 2020, 10:43 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Yeah I'm digging this! A little more smooth r&b than I was expecting, but I like it!

Here's the source of the "we will always love you" sample:

Did you guys notice at 1:51 that celestial explosion type sound? last place I heard that was The Sunshine Underground.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

That definitely sounds like the SSU/Studio K sound. Is it a chems sound or is it from older material?

Good jam by the way! Hope this means a new album!

Not sure. But I do remember on The Avalanches instagram/facebook story they shared a while back they were playing The Sunshine Underground as one of their favourite tracks.

A new album is on the way!
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

2nd cut.

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Been listening to the Jamie XX essential mix a bit and turns out his collaboration with the avalanches was in the mix now thats its released:

and another song released at same time, another moody slow burner (I've heard these vocals somewhere else too):

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2020, 09:31 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

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