I'm Dancing In the Shadow of Love

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Quote from: MIKL on Nov 02, 2016, 09:23

Don't know if this was worthy of a new thread so I thought I'd test the waters here and see if anyone had any opinions on this request for the chems to not perform in Tel Aviv:


I probably don't know enough to make a proper/valid opinion yet about it but if everyone boycotts any cultural contribution there how is this fair to the people that live or have to live there there that want to enjoy themselves?
Interesting one this. Whenever I used to get involved in "Northern Ireland" conversations whilst growing up, there was always someone who had a fact or story at their fingertips which I didn't know, and this would somehow "invalidate" my opinion. I suspect the same may happen here.

I'm not an expert on the situation in Israel/Palastine; I suspect there are atrocities that can be pointed to on both sides. But I do tend to sympathise with the underdog, which in this case is Palastine. I think someone needs to stand up for the little guy, otherwise they will continue to be bullied by the big guy (with American backing).

South Africa was boycotted by many artists in the 80's in an attempt to end apartheid. I think it helped to make a difference tbh. I also remember Queen defying the boycot and feeling kinda let down by them (yes I used to buy Queen records!).

I understand that the residents of any country are rarely fully responsible for all of it's politics, so I understand that Israel's Chems fans (who might be as nice as us!) would suffer if this were to be cancelled now.
Having said that, I wonder if the position were reversed and the Chems were signing a petition for Pink Floyd not to play Israel, how many of us would diasagree with T&E?

I recall when the Chems announced their Israel show on Facebook, it upset a few people.

I am fully in support of the Chemical Brothers decision to play Israel or anywhere they well please. Roger Waters is welcome to his opinion and is welcome to encourage those who have influence within the musical sphere, which includes the Chemical Brothers. Historically I appreciate musicians who are vocal in politics (I am a U2 lifer after all, and we all know Bono is a politically minded windbag :P ) in an effort to influence hearts and minds so the argument against mixing music with politics doesn't wash with me. But as far as Tom and Ed go, I don't think this is about politics. It is just about the music.

As an American and a Jew, I am seriously torn on this entire issue. I may catch some flak for this, but I support Israel's right to exist. However - and that's a huge however - from a humanitarian standpoint that does not mean I am willingly turning a blind eye or justifying in any way the atrocities committed against the Palestinians. I dislike the hardline conservative Israel leadership and I dislike the religious fundamentalism of Hamas. This far in, both sides are to blame as there is zero compromise which I dislike the most. And in the end the little guys, who I believe are absolutely as nice as we all are, are made to suffer.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I'm not sure why The Chemical Brothers are under the scope here. Just doing a quick search for "Tel Aviv concert" on YouTube pulls up fellow British artists like Elton John and Brian May (Queen), who have performed in Israel earlier this year. But in the pitchfork article, there is no mention in the article of petitioning against those shows.


pressure was not applied to us. We will go to any place where young people want to see us playing. We are not really involved in all the rest

The quote comes off a bit ignorant, but I think the message is basically "music is for the people", which I think we all agree with.

Furthermore, what if their performance inspires local attendee(s), causing a social uprising to seek peace and unity?

I'm not against the activist, but I fail to see how withholding music concerts, would make the difference.

Oh, god, not agaiiiiin..
Does anybody was at Tel Aviv to start making opinions?
Hi Kevin!

I was DJing last night at my neighbours 50th birthday/fireworks night party.

I had an excellent time. 5 hours worth of, if I do say so myself, gold.
I managed to sneak in some Chemicals toward the end too and people went mad for it.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 06, 2016, 21:35

I managed to sneak in some Chemicals toward the end too and people went mad for it.
Don't you dare to tell us you sneaked in some chemicals and than not telling what chemicals!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners


It wasn't quiiiiiiiite the right crowd for EBW6.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Nov 02, 2016, 12:23

Interesting one this. Whenever I used to get involved in "Northern Ireland" conversations whilst growing up, there was always someone who had a fact or story at their fingertips which I didn't know, and this would somehow "invalidate" my opinion. I suspect the same may happen here.

I'm not an expert on the situation in Israel/Palastine; I suspect there are atrocities that can be pointed to on both sides. But I do tend to sympathise with the underdog, which in this case is Palastine. I think someone needs to stand up for the little guy, otherwise they will continue to be bullied by the big guy (with American backing).

South Africa was boycotted by many artists in the 80's in an attempt to end apartheid. I think it helped to make a difference tbh. I also remember Queen defying the boycot and feeling kinda let down by them (yes I used to buy Queen records!).

I understand that the residents of any country are rarely fully responsible for all of it's politics, so I understand that Israel's Chems fans (who might be as nice as us!) would suffer if this were to be cancelled now.
Having said that, I wonder if the position were reversed and the Chems were signing a petition for Pink Floyd not to play Israel, how many of us would diasagree with T&E?
Quote from: whirlygirl on Nov 02, 2016, 14:47

I recall when the Chems announced their Israel show on Facebook, it upset a few people.

I am fully in support of the Chemical Brothers decision to play Israel or anywhere they well please. Roger Waters is welcome to his opinion and is welcome to encourage those who have influence within the musical sphere, which includes the Chemical Brothers. Historically I appreciate musicians who are vocal in politics (I am a U2 lifer after all, and we all know Bono is a politically minded windbag :P ) in an effort to influence hearts and minds so the argument against mixing music with politics doesn't wash with me. But as far as Tom and Ed go, I don't think this is about politics. It is just about the music.

As an American and a Jew, I am seriously torn on this entire issue. I may catch some flak for this, but I support Israel's right to exist. However - and that's a huge however - from a humanitarian standpoint that does not mean I am willingly turning a blind eye or justifying in any way the atrocities committed against the Palestinians. I dislike the hardline conservative Israel leadership and I dislike the religious fundamentalism of Hamas. This far in, both sides are to blame as there is zero compromise which I dislike the most. And in the end the little guys, who I believe are absolutely as nice as we all are, are made to suffer.

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 05, 2016, 21:04

I'm not sure why The Chemical Brothers are under the scope here. Just doing a quick search for "Tel Aviv concert" on YouTube pulls up fellow British artists like Elton John and Brian May (Queen), who have performed in Israel earlier this year. But in the pitchfork article, there is no mention in the article of petitioning against those shows.


The quote comes off a bit ignorant, but I think the message is basically "music is for the people", which I think we all agree with.

Furthermore, what if their performance inspires local attendee(s), causing a social uprising to seek peace and unity?

I'm not against the activist, but I fail to see how withholding music concerts, would make the difference.

Admittedly, this whole thing about their Isreal gig caught me a little off-guard and I am surprised about how much of a fuzz it stirs up. I am aware of some of the things that are going on in this country and I do not condone any of the horrific acts that people of each side do to each other. But I'm no expert either. I had no idea that Isreal is under a cultural boycott and apparently shunned by lots of musicans and artists. Like Bosco, I was kind of baffled that out of all bands the Chems would get blamed for playing in a controversal country. It must be weird for an artist, who only wants to make people happy, to get dragged into politics all of sudden. And frankly, I'm not sure how I would handle a situation like this.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I have no issues with musicians being involved in politics, of their own will. This feels like passive-aggressive way to make someone choose sides.
I really don't like this, whatever the cause may be.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Are they selling Electronic Battle Weapons to Israel? 

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Nov 07, 2016, 16:49

Are they selling Electronic Battle Weapons to Israel? 
Well, they sell records that Just Bang.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Not  sure  if  this  has  been  mentioned  before  on  this  forum  but  i  stumbled  across  the  Touched Two  electronic  artist  compilation  online  the  other  day  , . .  255  tracks  available  to  listen  to  and  download  (individually)  if  you  wish  ,  in mp3 or flac / wav  etc.  All  for  a  good  cause  too  ,  Macmillan  Cancer  Support.

Stand  out  tracks  for  me :  Ceephax Acid Crew - Ginelli  Z-Arc - Gathering Energy  ,  Christ - Unfolded  ,  and  an  outstanding  live  version  of  Orbital's - Never.



" Everybody  jumpin out of their mind  "

Just saw Three Trapped Tigers play in Guildford.


Seriously impressive. I highly recommend checking out their latest album, and them in person if they swing by your neighbourhood.

New acquisition for my desk at work. Thinking of you, Stefan...

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I was a native Google user, used Nexus 4 for 3 years and then Nexus 5X for almost 1 year. But i lost my Nexus 5X last week in a taxi  :(
And guess what i bought for replace?


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Hi Kevin!

Very sad to read about the shit that happens at the MCA memorial playground in Brooklyn. That's not what he deserves, he was a fine guy with a good mind.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Nov 21, 2016, 09:23
Very sad to read about the shit that happens at the MCA memorial playground in Brooklyn. That's not what he deserves, he was a fine guy with a good mind.

Seriously messed up.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I hope all my American brothers and sisters had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I mean, I hope everyone else had a great random November Thursday too, but as Americans it is supposed to mean something to give thanks.

I feel particularly grateful that my friends and I were able to gather and help host a fantastic meal. I did none of the cooking, so I feel a little disingenuous trying to take any sort of credit. But I liked nonetheless being able to be with people who weren't my family, and somehow it *felt* like family. It felt good. It felt wholesome.

As we move toward the end of the year, there is a certain amount of optimism I carry with me, despite the shitty year this has been overall. This has been a tough year for a lot of us, it seems, and I do hope for more from 2017.

I wish everyone out there the best, and hopefully we all move safely and soundly through the upcoming holidays.


Quote from: Explud on Nov 20, 2016, 22:54

I was a native Google user, used Nexus 4 for 3 years and then Nexus 5X for almost 1 year. But i lost my Nexus 5X last week in a taxi  :(
And guess what i bought for replace?


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Traitor! Off with this head! if i may ask, why did you hop over to Apple?

As an android user, im still feeling some fatigue and kind of want to make the change as well. I might have to bump the Tech thread becasue you know... Christmas is coming!

Quote from: MadPooter on Nov 26, 2016, 02:54

I hope all my American brothers and sisters had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I mean, I hope everyone else had a great random November Thursday too, but as Americans it is supposed to mean something to give thanks.

I feel particularly grateful that my friends and I were able to gather and help host a fantastic meal. I did none of the cooking, so I feel a little disingenuous trying to take any sort of credit. But I liked nonetheless being able to be with people who weren't my family, and somehow it *felt* like family. It felt good. It felt wholesome.

As we move toward the end of the year, there is a certain amount of optimism I carry with me, despite the shitty year this has been overall. This has been a tough year for a lot of us, it seems, and I do hope for more from 2017.

I wish everyone out there the best, and hopefully we all move safely and soundly through the upcoming holidays.


Whenever I feel like I can't contribute to what everyone else is doing, I just find ways to improvise around it and help. im a decent cook but if I cant do squat in the kitchen, ill set up the table, dishes,etc,put music on, clean up, washes dishes. Im sure Pooter your thankgivng was awesome just having your friends around you and im sure that they enjoyed your company even if you couldn't make bread rolls! I mean bread rolls cmon! Just buy a bag of the kings hawaiian bread rolls, open it, put the rolls in a basket. Geez! 😉

Had my bird day with my family, near the ocean. Beautiful weather, nicely brined turkey, and homemade pumkin pie. And...

..and its over!

2016 was just lame! And I hope its never mentioned in history books in 20-100 years.

Hope everyone is doing fine on the forum. Happy upcoming holidays to you all.

Now if you would excuse me I have to study my ass off for a test that's next week, and will decide my fate in either glorious triumph in the job sector or an extra six months of more retail biz!

____ is ___!

Last Edit: Nov 26, 2016, 21:29 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Nov 26, 2016, 21:21
Traitor! Off with this head! if i may ask, why did you hop over to Apple?
I didn't found the Nexus devices at my city, Google Pixel not available in Russia and even if grab it from EU it costs like iPhone 7. Meh. I really wanted a stock Android phone without 3rd party launchers and apps and of course didn't wanted chinese brands like Xiaomi or Meizu or something like that.
I found only one good device with stock Android and it was Moto X Force, but in Moscow it costs like iPhone 6s!
So i decided to change something in my tech life and bought an iPhone 6s 32gb to try something new.
And i really like it! It's some kind of smartphone for people, more simple, smooth and at this time i don't need to tweak a lot of settings like on Android device.
Hi Kevin!

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