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General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Pleased to announce Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson stars in my new Biopic.

cloverfield paradox....

not bad but not great! i liked the time/space jump story. good to see this expansion (or stand-alones) of these different films in the cloververse.  Hopefully when all these monster/robot movies go away (pacific rim, upcoming godzilla, transformers) we'll get cloverfield 2!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I was disappointed by the Cloverfield Paradox.

Admittedly, I was half asleep when I watched the first half, but nothing that I saw in my half-conscious state made me all that excited to re-watch and make sure I had gotten everything I needed to.

It was interesting as an idea... but unfortunately poorly executed all around.

I hadn't hoped for a lot, but clearly I was hoping for more.

I also hoped for a little more, didn't expect that many plot holes...
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I found the cloverfield movie a breath of fresh air in a way after forcing myself to watch Altered Carbon thinking it will get better. I'm like 2 episodes away from finishing but I just don't care at this point how it finishes. I was sleeping in and out on the couch for the last 2 episodes cause I knew I wouldn't miss much. Too much dialogue and plot hole filling. That series is proof that the less is more approach works comparing to Blade Runner 2049 where they tease you on storyline and give just enough wanting more and how its executed. (Among other things and probably not comparable).

I hope they do more on cloverfield. I noticed there was a little slusho figure in the spaceship which is carrying on that tradition in the other movies.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

IQ of entire planet just dropped drastically
RIP, Professor, mind how you go 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Today in America my 15 year old is participating in school protests (as covered by national media). Children here are trying to teach adults that their safety and lives are more important than the ability to easily purchase high yield killing weapons. Many adults incorrectly interpret our Constitution as granting impunity to regulation or safety, and some of that group have treated the younger generation with vile contempt for trying to make the change.

I am proud to live in a district when the school officials have agreed to support the children's right to protest without the threat of punishment, but I can tell you that is not a sentiment shared across the nation. This is where we are.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I'm proud of your 15 year-old.

And I'm proud of the youths of this country finding their voice, and using it to espouse something they believe in.

I hope my son finds the same voice.

Do you remember this? 8 years ago...

Hey my Chemical Family! I just thought I'd use the bullshit chat as a check in to let you know I'm a.) alive, and b.) here.

But mainly, the past couple of weeks I was thinking of something that someone here said to me once, a long time ago, in response to my venting about trying to mend the strained relationship I've had with my father as he was progressing with illness - kidney failure. The posts were most likely buried in the old BS thread. Forgive me, I cannot remember who it was that said this, but they advised me something along the effect of being the better person because time was short and you just never know what's going to happen. Anyway, here we are years later. So whoever it was here that gave me that sage advice, thank you!! My thanks to you is long overdue. My relationship with my dad isn't all hugs and love and all tha mushy nonsense, nor will it ever be - but we are on better terms now than we ever have been. I generally refrain from going into my life details on social media, or the forum these days. But sometimes life gets to be too much, and writing as an outlet as well as means of expression is something I feel I need to take advantage of again. Even if it's just in passing, or in a general bullshit check-in post.

A couple months ago, shortly after the new year my dad was hospitalized with pneumonia and the flu, and was in ICU for a few days as he'd gone septic. He was placed in rehab but because he's still the same stubborn asshole he's always been, he checked himself out after a week and decided he'd be better off recovering from home. It's been difficult and he hasn't really gotten much better. The burden of care has been left squarely on my mother who really isn't (nor should she be) in the position to care for him full time. Before his hospital stay, his health was a laundry list of maladies, a couple of which are: his one functioning kidney which was transplanted, is failing, regular blood sugar crashes, the anti-rejection meds have given him recurring skin cancer. I mean, he's just a walking train wreck and it's extremely frustrating and difficult emotionally to watch the slow downward spiral he's on. He's an angry old man who knows what's comin. An it's  equally frustrating and difficult seeing how this all affects my mom, and knowing that I'm still the child in the relationship even at 40+ years of age - so any advice or suggestions I have for their living situation are disregarded as something I'm not qualified to give an opinion on. Again, very frustrating as it makes me feel useless, making it hard to help either of them.

Ugh. So with that little ray of sunshine I just puked out, I'll stop there's with the Debbie Downer and won't  go into the other little things that seem to be orbiting around me that are also emotionally taxing, and beyond my control!

Other than that, life in my immediate circle is good!! Now that my son is off to college, it's been quite fun with the ol hubby. The whole "empty nest" thing was something I was so stupidly fearful of, but it's been pretty awesome (sorry, my son, hahaha we love you, but we love having the house and everything else to ourselves) And I've started to pick back up on my art and have been composing a lot more drawings than I have in the past decade.

Fuck, sorry for the long ass post. Maybe I'm just waiting for some sweet new tunes to set everything right in my world, like they always manage to do. The Chems have impeccable cosmic timing with that sort of thing... thanks for reading. Love you guys. <3
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I'm sorry to hear what you and your parents are going through, I can only imagine how tough that is, especially for your mother. 
I also sympathize with your frustration of being 'forever-child' despite the fact you're adult with your own family. It seems that no matter where you live, parents are always looking at you as their child and tend to ignore your advice, no matter how good and sensible. I'm turning 40 years this year and still have to remind my father from time to time that I have 4 decades under my belt and that maybe he should listen to me. It rarely works. It's very frustrating, especially since I live with him and any consequence that arises from him being unreasonable, to put it mildly, will turn into my problem, as well as his. He's also plagued by number of illnesses, from type 1 diabetes he has for last 35 years, failing cardiovascular system and other problems that comes with unregulated diabetes like failing eyesight, to name just one.
I find that only thing I can do for him (and my peace of mind) is to be patient and supportive as much as I can be. But it's very taxing at times. Many times I feel like I'm shouting in a hurricane.

I always support venting in any way on these boards - we should treat our little corner of the internet like Tommy Wiseau does 'The Room' - "It's a safe place to laugh, to cry, to be anything. Just don't hurt yourself.", so don't apologize, Whirly! You have our support!

And, cheesy as it may sound, after little over 8 years of being here on the forum, I've grown to quite like you guys and girls and feel like I have extended little family on this digital side of my life.
So vent away and always speak your mind - you have a little chemical family to support you!
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 05, 2018, 11:56

I'm sorry to hear what you and your parents are going through, I can only imagine how tough that is, especially for your mother. 
I also sympathize with your frustration of being 'forever-child' despite the fact you're adult with your own family. It seems that no matter where you live, parents are always looking at you as their child and tend to ignore your advice, no matter how good and sensible. I'm turning 40 years this year and still have to remind my father from time to time that I have 4 decades under my belt and that maybe he should listen to me. It rarely works. It's very frustrating, especially since I live with him and any consequence that arises from him being unreasonable, to put it mildly, will turn into my problem, as well as his. He's also plagued by number of illnesses, from type 1 diabetes he has for last 35 years, failing cardiovascular system and other problems that comes with unregulated diabetes like failing eyesight, to name just one.
I find that only thing I can do for him (and my peace of mind) is to be patient and supportive as much as I can be. But it's very taxing at times. Many times I feel like I'm shouting in a hurricane.

I always support venting in any way on these boards - we should treat our little corner of the internet like Tommy Wiseau does 'The Room' - "It's a safe place to laugh, to cry, to be anything. Just don't hurt yourself.", so don't apologize, Whirly! You have our support!

And, cheesy as it may sound, after little over 8 years of being here on the forum, I've grown to quite like you guys and girls and feel like I have extended little family on this digital side of my life.
So vent away and always speak your mind - you have a little chemical family to support you!

<3 thank you <3
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 05, 2018, 01:40

Fuck, sorry for the long ass post. Maybe I'm just waiting for some sweet new tunes to set everything right in my world, like they always manage to do. The Chems have impeccable cosmic timing with that sort of thing... thanks for reading. Love you guys. <3

I 100% agree on the cosmic timing thing. It always came on the right time too when you feel you've hit rock bottom. Just remember to look after yourself first Whirly then dealing with the other BS that life throws at you makes it a little easier. I feel I"m still not in a good situation at the moment but I have been worse and one thing is for sure you have to look after number 1 first so you can keep on.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I added 30 dollars (USD) to my debit card 3 days ago so I can buy a gold subscription for XBOX yet Microsoft still wont accept my payment >:( (Yes I used the card in the past so they have my info & everything).
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Coachella gonna be streaming some good performances this weekend.

Starting tonight Jean-Michel Jarre and Jamiroquai, David Byrne tomorrow, and Soulwax on Sunday night.

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 14, 2018, 01:40

Coachella gonna be streaming some good performances this weekend.

Starting tonight Jean-Michel Jarre and Jamiroquai, David Byrne tomorrow, and Soulwax on Sunday night.

Looks like Soulwax will be broadcast (I'm illiterate, sorry Bosco) tomorrow at 10:10 pm or tonight? The schedule in the info box is a bit confusing as the stream shown doesn't match the time slots/ dates. I'm currently watching St. Vincent on Channel 1 which is scheduled for Friday which was yesterday...
Last Edit: Apr 14, 2018, 21:03 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

10:10PM Pacific Daylight Time on Sunday.

Yeah, some of their stream is not live. I think it's because not all artists gave permission to record their shows, so they program it to fit when there is an open slot in the stream.

But either way, the Coachella stream is really high quality, makes me super nostalgic when they pan over the festival and see those iconic mountains and palm trees. Underworld, Hans Zimmer, New Order, Richie Hawtin, and Lady Gaga (Yeah, I said it) were all fantastic streams last year.

Had a shallow moment. But I had to laugh.

It's been 8 years since I've seen my last ex girlfriend, and I ran into her and her husband at a wedding this past weekend.

My first thought was, well... that she maybe kinda let herself go a little bit more than I expected her to at this stage in life. I mean, it happens to us all--we all get a little bigger. I know I have.

I guess it was a little surprising.

The thing is, though, that doesn't matter because honestly if she flirted with me she'd shamefully get my attention. Not that she did. Thankfully. That would have been awkward. For like twenty different reasons.

So I did the polite, mature thing. I greeted them both with a smile; I was friendly, and I carried on conversation in a mutually agreeable manner, even going so far as to successfully make a joke.

Then as everyone parted in opposite directions after the conversation came to a close, I smiled to myself as I realized I had one recurring thought. One terribly stereotypical, primitive idea kept bounding back and forth in my mind, which was that I could totally kick the shit out of her husband.

What was up with the long downtime? Or was i the only one who couldn't reach the forums for days?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

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